
Tell me more about the human

Damien rubbed his chin. He had seen Samara before a few times because she had been striving to attain the title of the sixth shadow general, even going as far as searching for a way to meet Azazeal. So, he knew she was also on this planet for the fruit of fate to increase her strength.

"You have got potential... you know I can see you can reach the Celestial rank if you work hard. So, don't let this small setback hinder you because I hope to see another Celestial rank by my side soon."

His voice grew more intense, and those who paid attention could detect the subtle threat in his words.

"Forget about the fruit because I need it."

Samara nodded and Damien gave her an approving look.

"Alright, now tell me more about that human. I believe he has not consumed the fruit yet since the branch from which it was taken still lacks any leaves."
