
Healing Wounds

Lev was confused by the air that had went suddenly tense. He didn't know what to say as he could see Ilyana was mad but if he were to say something, wouldn't she hate his presence and shoo him off? Certainly being kicked out by her wasn't something he want after hours of praying he could see her again.

His green eyes felt blessed seeing her beautiful face. Lev was certain that angels must have wept the moment Ilyana was born. He noted that her beauty was something anyone would die for and put them to envy even including those angels from Heaven who god had made personally.

"You won't speak?" Ilyana's voice brought him back from his daze. His gaze stared at her and he blinked, seemingly startled that she had spoken. Seeing it she crooked one side of her eyebrows, "Your face..."

As his face condition was mentioned, Lev was immediately alerted by the fact that his cheeks had been bruised. Mr Chuang had made it seemed as if his bruised face would kill someone but recalled how much Ilyana loved his face. Seeing how his skin was discolored and how he doesn't look as handsome as before, wouldn't she dislike seeing his face now?

Ilyana cupped his cheeks in a speed that he didn't expect. She lifted his face and moved them from right to left as if she was trying to get a good look into it. After a while, her eyebrows tightened even further, "Who did this?"

Her question came curtly like a sharp blade. She didn't seem to be liking the new color on his face.

She picked out how he had dazed off and yanked his head gently, "I asked a question, love. I think you know how to reply me, don't you?"

Lev gulped. He didn't know how to explain the situation to her. That he was beaten? That he now shouldered a debt that was never his? All of the option didn't sit well to him. He didn't want Ilyana, out of everyone, to pity him. He knew that others would be crying on her laps asking for her help, but he didn't want to use her the ways others would. He only wanted to see her face, to hear her voice, and to feel his heart fluttering again every time she demanded him a request.

"I know," Lev responded. His deep voice was a mistake that contrast to his pretty face but to Ilyana that was a beautiful mistake God could ever make. "I just saw some people quarrel and when I tried to stop them, this happened."

"Silly you," she whispered with a faint smile on her lips. "You shouldn't do anything like that. Not only it's reckless but it's also stupid."

Ilyana let go of his face, her finger grabbed the glass that was nearest to her, letting the red liquid to slowly dripped from her mouth to her throat. Lev watched her without knowing how his gaze had turned too intense.

"Why is it stupid?" He asked, trying to pull his gaze away from her only to fail miserably. "Is helping people a stupid thing to do for you?"

"Helping people is good but participating a fight where you definitely lose is dumb," Ilyana settled her head in a plop over to her wrist and stared at his face. "I didn't know you would be the type of person to help people willingly."

"I love helping people," Lev replied to her. He noticed how he sounded as if he was trying too hard to impress her and he turned his face away, rubbing his cheeks in an embarrassment. "When I see someone in need, I can't help but to lend my hands. But you are right, I shouldn't have stick my nose too deeply into another person's business."

"Good that you understand that," Ilyana praised him. She sighed after looking at his face again that Lev couldn't miss.

His hand squeezed over the other and his eyebrows began to slope, "As expected, you don't like to see me bruised like this right?" When he turned his eyes, he found Ilyana who had pushed herself from leaning on her hands. He continued, "I became ugly now so it's not a question you hate how I look—"

"No way who said that to you?" Ilyana reached out her hand and settled it on his cheeks, "There hadn't been a time since I ever seen you that I thought you are ugly. I just thought it's a shame that you got hit on your cheeks because that seems to be very painful."

As though he was swept off his feet, Lev's face turned stiff. He was in disbelief in what he heard. "You... are worried about me?"

"I am," she frowned, wondering why that wasn't clear enough. "You are my treasure so of course I will be worried if you get hurt. Especially to the point where your skin become blue. Do you remember the faces of the people who had attacked you?"

"Why?" Lev asked, thinking it wasn't important.

In return to his question, Ilyana only smiled. If she had answered his innocent question, she was sure it would only scare him off. While Lev seemed to be hiding a strong body under his clothing, he didn't seem to be similar to her and rather enjoy walking on flowers. She veered the conversation at once, "Do you have any medicine to heal that wound on you?"

"Actually, I don't," Lev replied with hesitation. He didn't pay attention to how she had changed their conversation's topic and replied to her honestly, "I had some medicine that I packed before coming to Shanghai but I used them all already. The medicine here is also written in Chinese so I don't know whether they are made to be eaten or rubbed over the wounds."

"Even though you understand Chinese?" Ilyana responded half heartedly. She had went on to pour a drink for herself while Lev's face had turned stiff with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"You knew?" He asked, confused and bewildered. He was certain he kept this skill of his a silent!

"It's obvious, we spent a night together so I do remember there are instances when you knew what my cries in Chinese meant," her eyes stared at his expression and narrowed seductively. Placing her fingers on his big thighs, her smile turned devilish, "Isn't it lewd for you to know that I cried for more yet you can't read your own medicines?"

Lev's cheeks burned red as if he was pushed into fire and burned on stake like a witch. He seemed to have no words to protect himself as he had unknowingly responded to her while risking the fact someone will know his hidden talent that he had always been so careful in hiding.

"I..." his pink lips whispered, "I only did what you asked."

"And you enjoyed it, so I'm not the only one who is naughty here," Ilyana inclined her face, feeling satisfied to see his handsome face colored in surprise. "So tell me Lev, why did you hide it?"

Lev noticed her pulling a purse beside her. His green eyes tried to scan what object she had pulled out but his attention was robbed by her question. "I just knew some locals here wouldn't like knowing I can speak their language. Not only have I stepped in their country, I have also spoke their language, in their eyes I might appear like a frightening figure. It's natural for other people to fight against the people who threatened them and I don't want more problem."

"I see," Ilyana thought about his words and agreed with his take. She also knew how some westerners who speak Chinese are condemned more horribly when they show their knowledge. "Come here," she curled her finger and Lev pushed his face forward as she demanded.

His gaze didn't leave Ilyana as she opened the medicine tin by squeezing the lid open. Her long finger hooked out the ointment inside before placing it gently over his cheeks. Lev flinched as she had touched his fresh cut but he didn't move nor ran away, thinking that the pain wasn't all too bad as he could see Ilyana's beautiful face even closer. Her red lips appeared to be juicier in a closer look and although she always paint them red, he could see that her real lip color was as crimson as her lipstick. She also love using a winged eyeliner that gave her eyes a siren look, making him wonder if it was taken off, would she look kinder? Or would she look more intimidating?

Either way, she still appeared so beautiful that he would find himself lost in her face as if he had just climbed a mountain without a compass.

His thoughts were broken the moment her pinky finger settled on his lips. Seeing her smile, he whispered, "I wasn't cut there."

"I know you didn't but I just want to touch you. Can I not?" Her tone was of an authority that cannot be challenged. She seemed to believe that he would obediently follow her orders and she was right.

Lev didn't offer any resistance and instead nodded his head, allowing her to touch him however she wants.

Darn, it was only two days since they first met and Lev felt as if he had seen both Heaven and Hell from Ilyana. He felt as if he had fallen into a rabbit hole where escaping would cost him his life but even if it doesn't cost his life, he wouldn't ever escape from her hands.

"Good boy," whispered Ilyana. Tugging his face she planted a kiss on his cheeks, causing his eyes that stare at her to widened.
