

Elise and I visited the cornfield very often and from what Markus told me he'd been going there with Olive as well. I'm not sure if he knows about Elise and I but I try my best to hide it anyways. I even pretend to hate Shorty when we are all together. For some odd reason Maria has resurfaced as a member of our friend group and all she ever talks about is performing our duties properly, more so for Elise who has evidently become lenient in her punisher duty. As always Elise and I planned to meet in the cornfield and it was good because it's a Sunday. I had never been the first to reach the cornfield so I was pleasantly surprised when I was first. I sat down on the ground where my butt imprint was slowly but surely hardening the ground and I waited.

I sat for over ten minutes and I started to worry that Elise wouldn't come. The bugs around the area didn't help me feel better and I can say in that ten minutes I had definitely killed over a hundred insects. A rustling sound behind me brought me back to reality and I turned to start complaining to Elise.

"Where.....?" I started and immediately stopped when I saw Maria staring at me wide eyed,"Ah..... Maria? Surprise to see you here, hehe...."

"What are you doing here?" she asked walking closer to me.

I didn't answer and just smiled at her. I was praying for her to leave but she took a seat in the spot Elise usually sat.

"It seems you usually have company." she said,"Are you gonna tell me what you are doing here?"

"Me? I'm carrying out punishment. Shorty made me sit here to see who comes here because she'd found this clearing and she obviously deduced that someone comes here." I explained, lie after lie rolling off my tongue.

"Then what were you going to say when I got here? Before you realized it was me."

She's on to me. Think fast Oliver.

"I can't remember. What did I say?"

"You said where and then stopped."

"Oh! 'Where do you think you're going?!' That's what I was going to say."

She smiled; a fake smile. I smiled back childishly and then looked ahead of me at nothing in particular. Maria was quiet as she sat with that smile still in her face, oddly visible even from the corner of my eye.

"So why are you here?" I asked to break the silence.

"Just passing by. I needed to clear my mind." she answered.

"What have you been thinking about? You can tell me."

"Really?" she asked.


She chuckled dryly and then stopped abruptly with a certain mysterious look in her eyes. I gulped down my saliva and waited for her to answer.

"These past few days, after Sr Patronelle's accident, I've been seeing things." she stopped and then looked at me with doubt in her eyes,"You think I'm crazy don't you?"

"No." I answered and I was surprised at how weak I sounded so I said it again,"No. No I don't."

"I've been seeing Elise."

The way she said those words sent a shiver down my spine. I gulped down my saliva, waiting for her to continue and as I looked in her eyes, the doubt, shyness and uncertainty that had been there were quickly replaced by something else that made her look void of any emotion.

"What about Elise?" I asked almost in a whisper.

"Elise killing people. She might look normal but.....I don't think.....I mean, I know she isn't. Oliver Rogers, stay away from Elise Davison."

I nodded slowly as questions started to fill my head and I started to wonder if Olive was seeing the same things about Elise and that's why she didn't want to see me with Elise. I don't even know when Maria left because when I was finally conscious of my surroundings, Elise was squatting in front of me. Her eyes were expressionless and blacker than black without the little sparkle created by light in one's eyes. Her hair was freely flowing in the wind and she was wearing a little blue dress and leggings that made her look like she was a preschool student. Despite all my fears and doubts towards her.....she looks beautifully dangerous.

"Are you still alive Rogers?" she asked seriously snapping her fingers at me.

"Do I look dead?" I asked back trying to smile but I failed.

"Mental death. That's what I mean." she answered then stood up straight.

She looked like a girl straight from an anime movie and needless to say I like two dimensional girls.

"I've been in front of you for over ten minutes and you didn't move so I thought I just lost my boyfriend."

"You won't lose me." I said finally able to smile.

"You doubt and fear me Rogers, I've already lost you." she said sounding sad then she started to walk away.

"Wait, Shorty!"

I rushed after her and grabbed her hand to stop her from going anywhere but her counter attack was more powerful; she bit me and it hurt. Once my hand was off her she run away. I hissed in pain looking at the bite mark that was bleeding slightly. Is she a wolf or something? I took out my school tie from my pocket, I carry it with me everywhere now, and I tied it on the wound. I run after Elise but I couldn't approach her anymore because she was with Sr Patronelle who was giving out orders from the comfort of her wheelchair. After being told what to do, Elise spared me a glance and then walked away. I hid my hand behind my back and only then did I realize it was my left hand she had bitten, which means Olive will definitely notice when I eat with my right hand instead. I manouvered past Sr Patronelle and went back to my room, rather mine and Markus' room.

Just as I was bandaging my wound with my handkerchief, Markus run into the room excitedly. He frowned when he saw me hide my hand behind my back. He either wasn't interested or he was over excited about what he wanted to say because he didn't ask me to show him my hand.

"Guess what?" he asked with a smile.

"What?" I asked back.

"I know Elise bit you." he said, the smile falling from his face.

I didn't know what to say and just stared at him. Was he in the cornfield too?

"And Liv found this little key for a trap door in her room. Wanna see it?" he continued,"I won't tell her but I sure hope you can hide it well."

"Why don't we check it out another time? Preferably when this stops bleeding or isn't swollen and red." I suggested.

"Liv will be suspicious if you put this off while Elise is busy dealing with Ms Stevenson."

"She's back?"


"The end of freedom and breakfast." I said sighing.

"So will you come?" he asked looking out the door.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Guarding the stair case. She's really excited but scared too. She told me she saw someone hiding the key in a dream and she actually found it."

"She didn't tell me." I said feeling hurt because Vee was hiding so much from me.

Not that I'm any better but still. I looked down at my lap and then at my tie that was lying on the floor next to me. I picked it up and toss it onto the bed and got up. I looked out the window and just stared at the dancing trees for a moment, thinking about how much Vee and I had grown apart. I knew the day was coming but I didn't think it would be this soon.

"And you didn't tell me you're dating Elise." I heard her say.

I turned around and saw her standing in front of Markus looking at me with teary eyes. She had the said key in her hands and it honestly looked more like some friendship necklace than a key. Her eyes lowered to my hand and her eyes widened in shock. She run to me quickly and took my hand.

"What....what happened to you?" she asked shivering as she looked into my eyes,"Don't dare tell me another lie."

"I had a fight with Elise and she bit me." I said truthfully.

Was it a fight though? Vee unwrapped the handkerchief and run her hands over the sore, red wound and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Why are you crying, Vee? It doesn't hurt."

"I've failed to protect you. Who does she think she is?"

"It's not her fault entirely. I tried to force her to stay with me so her instincts kicked in." I said smiling and when I saw her cry more I hugged her.

I love Olive and I love Elise. The last thing I want is to see them fight because of me. It will break my heart to see that happen though at this point in time I don't think I can stop it.
