
spending time with the sullys

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(4000 new words with new scenes ps. First chapter to have tuk stuff removed and changed )

It was a chilly day on Pandora. Snow was falling in some parts of the planet.

Y/n had been working for the last few weeks on gifts for the others. He took a quick step outside instantly feeling the much colder air against his skin

He rubbed his shoulder as he looked around noticing that the tree roots above him were decorated to be more festive.

For the celebration of ewya on her day of celebration.

It appeared to look like some of the Navi stayed up late the night before to work on those decorations. As they weren't set up yesterday.

He scratched the back of his head hoping that no one heard him and Kiri last night.

He let out a sigh and noticed that he could see his breath which told him how cold it was.

He could tell that it took some planning for this to happen. There were a few people he knew who had the authority to do such a thing.

He looked off into the ocean seeing the sun slowly rising as the water reflected the light making it look mystical.

He knew Kiri would love to see such a view of the place.

He took a glance back inside his home to see Kiri was still fast asleep on his bed. He smiled a bit before walking back inside.

He got on his knees and removed part of the ground revealing a secret compartment that he had set up before he left to head back to his old home.

He quickly looked at Kiri making sure not to be too loud to wake her up especially because she was exhausted from the fucking he gave her.

He grabbed an item that was surrounded by small leaves making it hard to figure out what the item was.

After grabbing it he closed the compartment and stood up quickly leaving the hut with the leaf thing in his hand.

He looked at Kiri one last time before closing the door blinds thing whatever they called it here.

He started walking across to a different side of the clan. He looked back over at the ocean and noticed that overnight some of the water had frozen over.

That was when an idea hit him of something he and the others could do for some winter fun.

Eventually, he made it to another hut. He raised his hand and knocked it a few times. He didn't hear anything, no movement, nothing. 

He decided to try the door and to his surprise it was open. He looked around to see if she was somewhere else perhaps but no there was barely anyone around.

He sighed a bit before heading inside. As he did he took a moment to look around the hut. It had been a while since he had been in there.

As he looked around his eyes stopped on a familiar-looking Navi. That was sleeping at a wood desk of some kind.

He walked over and got a better look at the person. It was not every day he got to see this side of Tsireya.

He chuckled a bit knowing that if she was awake she would be blushing at this side of her being seen by him.

He noticed a wood plank on the desk next to her face. It was what they used as their version of paper.

He grabbed it and looked through the wood plank seeing what was written down on it.

It seemed like she had written down plans on the plank. Each line had different steps or things needing to be done.

One of the different things that needed to be done was placing flowers along the tree branch for the all-mother celebration. Make sure the IIu is set for the next few days.

There was a third one but it seemed like in a panic she tried scratching it off all he could make out was.

Set up w-

And that is where it stops. He didn't question it, whatever it was; she didn't want others to see it.

He placed the plank back down beside her before placing his hand on her head and gently rubbing her head.

Y/n: great work out there Tsireya you deserve a break.

He smiled gently at her knowing that she was the one who put the flowers up. It must have taken all night

He grabbed her and lifted her like a princess.

She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and curled up a bit into his body.

He felt her breathing against his chest as he walked over to her bed.

As placed her down on the bed he took a step back to look her over and noticed that one of her nipples was showing.

He was not sure how that happened, however. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her. She seemed so at peace in that very moment 

The blanket covering her chest lifts up and down steadily.

He placed the present close by to her so she would easily find it but there was something else he wanted to do.

He walked back over to her bed and crouched down beside it.

He watched her for a moment before placing his hand on her resting face.

She seemed to react a bit to his hand feeling the warmth radiating off of it helping warm her body up.

There appeared to be a small blush on her face. Y/n lowered his head down just enough to softly kiss her head.

He went to stand up and was about to walk away but he felt something grab his hand.

Taking a look back he saw Tsireya's hand grabbing at his wrist. She was still looking down at the bed of her before she looked up at him for a moment, the two simply looking at each other.

Y/n: oh sorry about that I didn't mean to wake you up,

She shook her head at him.

Tsireya: N-No it's fine I wasn't asleep at all.

Y/n: and why were you pretending to be asleep hmm?

Tsireya: haha I just want to see what you would do if I was sleeping right now.

Y/n: did I pass?

Tsireya: Of course, you did even after I tried… showing a part of myself to you.

Y/n: well I could leave if you want.

Tsireya: No please stay…. Do you think you can lay next to me….just so I can get a bit of shut-eye?

Y/n: of course if that's what you want.

Tsireya: it is.

Y/n: then of course I would love to.

He crawled into her bed and laid down right next to her on his side looking at her. She had a small tint of red on her face as she had a sweet smile.

Tsireya: thanks for joining me.

Y/n: where else would I be at this time of day especially because you asked me to be here?

Her eyes look away from his like she is embarrassed by asking him to come.

Tsireya: I know it's unlike me but I forgot I asked you to come here yesterday. There was just so much going on after I last saw you.

Y/n: hey it's alright you have nothing to worry about sometime we can be forgetful when there so much going on,

Tsireya exhaled a sigh of relief as her eyes looked back into his.

Tsireya: haha I guess I was overthinking about nothing.

She then looked away again embarrassed by something perhaps she was thinking about why he was here maybe about something sexual related.

Y/n: so why did you think I was here then hmm?

Her eyes go wide as he asks the embarrassing question she was hoping he wouldn't ask her about.

Tsireya: nothing

y/n couldn't help but chuckle a little as she was pouting a bit. She then scooted slightly closer to him as she rested her head on his arm using it as a pillow for her head.

She then closed her eyes.

Tsireya: I promise to tell you later about how I feel about you I'm… just …

She suddenly went quiet all y/n could hear was her soft breathing that escaped her lips. Her tail curled up and rested on his leg.

He chose not to move a single inch to give her a chance to rest as much as she could. As he just waited around he felt her shuffling a little then he felt a soft but warm sensation wrapped around his arm.

He looked over at Tsireya seeing that his arm went from being a pillow for her head to her hugging his arm with it resting in between her chest. He smiled a little as he brought his other hand up to her face.

He moved a strand of her hair away from her face to see her in a better light. He found her sleeping face pretty cute. 

He looked up at the top of the hut for a bit before deciding he should head out. He carefully removed his arm from being squeed by her chest.

He quietly left her home as he had other places he wanted to also go to for later.

*sometime later*

Tsireya finally opened her eyes after some time she looked around for a moment as she realized that y/n had left.

She raises one of her hands to her left breast as she feels her heart beating. She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and making a small happy fist in the sky victory.

After calming down a bit she noticed something on her desk. She got out of her bed and headed over to see what it was. It looked like a gift that y/n had left for her while she was sleeping.

She took the leaves off the gift till she got to the very center. She slowly raised the item. As she got a better look at it her eyes glowed with excitement. 

It was head beads like Lo'ak but with small changes, there was a light blue color to them that made the small beads stand out more than others.

She brought it close to her body like she was hugging it. Y/n must have seen her looking at loak beads which is why he chose them as her gift.

She brought it up to her head and worked on it for a couple of minutes till they were secure to a strand of hair that she always had problems with as it would sometimes cover her eye in the most random moments.

She just couldn't believe that y/n even made her a gift in the first place. She had a small smile and a blush on her face as she looked off at something

Now she just needed to get y/n to stand in the right place to receive his gift and tell him her feelings.




Y/n had already gotten the other stuff as he packed them into his backpack the only thing that he didn't grab yet was the photo album as it wasn't fully complete yet. 

He would just have to make do with the backup gift.

He looked over at his bed seeing that Kiri was nowhere to be seen. She must have left while he was gone.

He stood up and left his hut. He was walking in a certain direction that had become over-familiar to him.

While walking he heard small footsteps right behind him....wait small footsteps. That when the fear took over his body  

(Image here)


That when he heard holy music from….. His mind again.

God: you are fucked, my son

The loud thumping nose became louder as what he had feared came closer to him. He knew only one small gremlin could do such a thing, especially at the speed that the footsteps were going at.

(image here)


His pleas for help came on deaf ears, however. He quickly tried to turn and block the attack on his spine but all he could do was feel the force of god smashing into his spine as it was shattered into small pieces.

Along with the force of god, he fell face-first into the ground

Only one thing was going through his brain at that moment

(his brian)

Everything was in fact not fine as his spine kept telling him that he wanted to die at that very moment.

It took him a moment for his eyes to get adjusted to the sun that was in the sky with a person whose shadow was being cast down onto him.

He tried to sit up but the person on him pushed down on his shoulders and brought their face close to his. Their tail behind them was swimming back and forth like a dog excited to see their owner.

???: Y/N! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Y/n raised his arm trying to block the sunlight that was burning his eyes.

Y/n: Tuk?

Tuk: who else would it be?

Y/n: good question but why are you calling it Christmas?

Tuk: well because that's what the other humans called it.

Y/n: yeah that's true hey do you think you could get off me my back is kind of dying at the moment.

Tuk: Nope!

Y/n: Huh?

Tuk: I said nope!

Y/n: why not 

Tuk had a cheeky smile on her face as she narrowed her eyes.

Tuk: I won't get off till you give me my present.

Y/n: is that so

Tuk: yep

y/n smirks a little as he places his hands under her legs and suddenly lifts her as he stands back up.

Tuk: Hey no fair that's cheating.

Y/n: that's how life is Tuk. If you want something you have to take action.

She questionably tilted her head like she was thinking about the last part of what he said. He shifted her onto his left arm but as he did he felt a sharp pain go through his body suddenly dropping tuk down on the ground.

He falls on one knee with his hand grabbing his shoulder. He took a couple of deep breaths before looking at tuk.

Y/n: I am so sorry about dropping you so suddenly I didn't mean to do that.

She stared at his shoulder before looking at her ankle which was still covered by the leaves he gave her to help heal her ankle.

Tuk: Is it my fault your shoulder is like that?

Y/n: what no of course not tuk it's not your fault.

Tuk: why haven't you had my mother check it out or Kiri? She always has healing stuff in her pouch.

Y/n: It's fine really just leave it be tuk and don't tell the other or else I won't give you your present.

Tuk: my mouth is shut.

She did a little locking-her-mouth motion. y/n smiled as he stood back up while she did the same but y/n patted her head making her blush a little.

Y/n: thanks tuk really everything is fine.

Tuk: you better or else.

Y/n: haha Now then how about we go looking for the others

Tuk: oh that's why I'm here they want me to come get you.

Y/n: well then lead the way tuk.

Tuk: Okay!

Tuk starts walking in a direction as he follows her.

Y/n lets out a sigh as he thinks about his plans for today invoicing sex with Ronal and Kiri or well that's what Kiri is hinting at anyway.

He was pretty interested in what kind of stuff he was going to do with Ronal he had no idea what she liked in bed. Would her personality be just like Neytiri and Kiri or would it be different?

Neytiri and Kiri have a pretty interesting personality when it comes to anything sexually related. To start Kiri was on a completely different level; she was pretty open to anything. He couldn't help but think about Kiri and how she was during their younger days.

Like back in the cave when they both jumped into the water and she straddled onto him as he was laying in the water. 

 Then you would have spider trying to stop him and Kiri from doing anything with each other but it didn't do anything as they are together now.

And you can't forget Neytiri. She is kinda like a rose. She has sharp thorns but in the middle of all those thorns, she is a loving person who has been neglected by her husband and mate.

While his and Neytiri's relationship was not great at the start he is happy to be where they are now. She took a bit to open up but when she did she was something else.

Especially when he had a threesome with her and Kiri. That was something he never expected to happen on its own.

Then there was Tsireya. While he hadn't had many moments with her he liked her because she reminded him of the normal way of doing such a thing where you would take it slow but she has her moments where she is feisty.

Finally, there was Ronal while he hadn't spent much time with her or had any moments with her. she had fun without him doing anything. Like how she secretly watched him fucking Kiri and Neytiri at the same time.

His mind drifted to somewhere else as he thought about Tonowari. He just couldn't believe that he was gone. He was such a great guy he even helped him become a better fighter

While he was thinking of people another person appeared in his thought but this person could die for all he cared. He was thinking about spider and whether or not he was still alive after their last interaction. 

*Somewhere on Pandora in a RDA base*

Quaritch footsteps echo through the halls with each step. He was making his way to a prisoner cell. After how the last mission went they threw him in a downgraded cell. Quaritch glanced down at his hand that contacted a small present box.

He couldn't just leave the kid all by himself on Christmas and it was not like he was going to need this photo anymore. That old life of his has no meaning.

He could already hear General Ardmore bitching to him about how Spider was not his kid. 

He already knows that he is not his father but Spider still has the feeling of family that lives on in his name. At the very least you could say they had a connection.

Anyway, He didn't want to fuck with the General especially because they have to leave in a few hours to take a go-along on a sea dragon. He could tell that the General needed to get laid,

He for one was not going to be that guy. He couldn't deal with all that bitchy personality of hers. 

He stood in front of a cell door. He opened it and went inside but made sure to close the door behind himself.

A person was lying on the bed as he was looking at the ceiling of his cell. At least he was able to help get the kid a somewhat better cell than the other prisoners.

He took a few more steps into the room before turning and staring at the kid.

Quaritch: make some room for me son.

Spider didn't respond after all his "father" did save his life during the crash.

He followed along with the command. He sat up and put his back against the wall while looking at Quaritch

Quaritch: thanks now then happy holidays to you.

He sat beside spider.

Spider: Is it Christmas already? Kinda hard to tell because there is no window.

Quaritch: yeah... anyway hey look I got you something it not much but it was what I could get.

He handed the spider the small box from before. He looks at it for a couple of minutes before removing the top part.

Inside was a small pendant he lifted it with his hand dangling in front of him. It seemed to be able to open up.

He looked at Quaritch who was looking at him with a smile and pointing at the pendant.

Spider took the latch off and opened the pendant. A tear ran down his face. There was a picture inside of his mother. He looked back at Quaritch.

Spider: how did you...

Quaritch: get that photo? Well, I knew that I was not the best father so I thought hey why not get him a photo of his mother? Especially after reading the reports of what happened to her….. I thought you would like something of her.

Spider: thanks....dad

Quaritch looked at him with a big smile on his face and he felt like a proud father.

Quaritch: if there is anything that you would like with it, especially since it's Christmas time, just let me know and I'll see what I can do. If it's for a reason anyway.

Spider: There was something I wanted to ask. Can you teach me how to fight just like you do?

Quaritch: Now why do you want to learn how to fight though I'm not opposed to such an idea?

Spider: There is someone that I need to fight and kill... He was the one that knock your ass out. Anyway, He has made things worse with me and a girl.

Quaritch: ah that fucker and a good old fighting for a girl. Of course, I can teach you I'll make sure you win. But remember that has to wait after I deal with Jake then you can be on your way

Quaritch: Now then we can do some practice before we leave for the sea dragon alright? Now come on do what I do. 

He got up and walked into the middle of the room and got into a fighting position. Spider was surprised about this suddenly but he got up and did what he said.

Spider: like this?

Quaritch: no spread your leg more like this it would give you better balance 

You could say they had a good father-and-son bonding time.

*back with tuk and y/n*

Y/n had been walking for a little bit now as he followed closely behind tuk. They made their way to the beach side of the clan.

The sand was surprisingly covered with snow. Y/n wasn't sure how in hell that was possible but well it was happening before his very eyes.

He notices Loak and Kiri in the distance the pair are crouching down and messing with the snow. Neteyam was standing behind the two looking at the snow like it was something exotic.

Kiri's ears flinched as she heard Y/n and Tuks footsteps approaching. She stood up and jogged over to the pair.

Kiri: Y/n do you see this white stuff?

He looked at her confused by why she was calling it white stuff till it clicked in his head.

Y/n: Are you talking about the snow?

Kiri: So this is what you would call snow. It is so beautiful.

Y/n: ah I forgot you guys lived in a jungle so it didn't snow at all.

Kiri: the only thing that happens is the air getting slightly colder than normal.

Loak and Neteyam walked over joining the group.

Loak: so what can we do with this?

Y/n: well one instance is this.

He crouched down and grabbed a handful of snow. He pushed his hands together tightly to form a ball. As he finished working on it he stood up and quickly threw it in Loak's direction.

Loak: Woah!

Loak quickly ducks down as the ball passes by him barely missing him and instead hits Neteyam on his face as he is still looking down at the ground.

The snowball slowly slides down his face. Neteyam didn't move at all as it fell to the floor.

He simply sighs and looks away before quickly grabbing a handful of the snow and throwing it at y/n.

Y/n; AW! Dude that is fucking cold!

It didn't help that the Navi lifestyle had them barely wearing anything to start with so it was freezing.

Suddenly he felt another cold sensation on his back that made him jump.

He quickly turned to see tuk standing there with another snowball ready to throw. She had a smug look on her face as she threw the snowball at him.

He quickly ducked the ball as it flew past him hitting an unexpecting Loak on the face, his tail bolt straight up.

Tuk was hit with a snowball. Not from Loak however it came from Kiri. She was trying to get revenge for almost hitting y/n again.

Y/n: Hold it!

He put his hands out trying to stop them from throwing anymore. The others look at him confused.

Y/n: if we are going to be throwing snowballs at each other then we should have a proper snowball fight.

Tuk: oo ooo oo let's do it come on guys I want to play a proper snowball fight.

Loak: hold on a minute tuk we don't even know how to play this snowball fight?

Y/n: it's simple first off we have about five minutes to make a snow fort to protect ourselves. Afterward, then we fight to the death with snowballs

Loak: oh that is pretty simple.

Kiri: I say we do it. It could be fun.

Tuk: yeah!

Everyone seems to agree with having a snowball fight.

Y/n: well then everyone prepares your forts and then we can begin.

Y/n walked a few feet away from the others, started piling snow in his area, and tried shaping a wall of some kind.

He took glances at everyone else. It seemed that each of them was copying him since they had never done something like this before.

After a few minutes of working on his fort, y/n noticed Neteyam walking over. He noticed that Neteyam had dark wrinkles under his eyes.

Y/n: woah you alright there?

Neteyam: Yeah, why do you ask?

Y/n: well it's just you've been pretty quiet and you have some dark circles under your eyes.

Neteyam: just a bit tired.

Y/n: oh that reminds me where did you go last night?

Neteyam: Kiri told me not to come back to your place that night because she wanted some you time.

He chuckled a little.

Neteyam: what kind of brother would I be if I couldn't give my sister some alone time with her mate?

He winked at y/n which he responded with an eye roll before smiling at him.

Y/n: ah so that explains that but where do you go?

Neteyam: I spent some time trying to sleep in the forest but that didn't go so well so I helped with the decoration.

Y/n: oh you helped with that?

Neteyam: yep me and some others.

Y/n: Well, nice job on the decoration.

Neteyam: haha thanks but that's not why I'm here

Y/n: oh really now so why are you here?

Neteyam: I come with a deal

Y/n: I'm listening.

While they were talking with each other back at the clan on the very edge stood two Navi watching them.

Jake watched his kids just having fun for the first time in a while. His face lightened a bit with a small smile.

Next to him stood Neytiri her eyes however weren't on her kids but more on y/n. She bit down on her lip a little.

Her eyes were full of lust for the young male. She let out a small sigh not believing she was actually going through with the plan for later.

Jake finally spoke up which made her jump a little.

Jake: You know it's so nice just seeing them being themselves again. It feels like so much has been happening lately.

Neytiri: It really is isn't it? It is good for them to be having fun.

Her eyes go from her kids back onto y/n. She tightened her fist a little as she had to talk to her "husband" about later.

Neytiri: "Cough" mi Jake I know that we are supposed to spend time together later tonight but I have to leave tonight.

Jake: hmm how come my love?

Neytiri: Ronal would need my help to deal with being by herself for this day.

Jake: It has already been a few weeks since he passed Neytiri. Are you sure she still needs help to get through this time?

Neytiri: Jake how could you say something like that? It took me a while for my father.

Jake: Sorry, you're right I shouldn't have said that. You can go my love.

She didn't say anything but kept her eyes on the young male next to her son.

Y/n walked into the middle of the five forts that were made and everyone was standing looking at each other. The air around them felt tense.

Y/n: alright then good luck to everyone. Now then on three...one!.....two....THREE!!!!

Loak tried throwing a snowball at y/n who was still in the open.

He quickly dodged to the left before running back to his fort. Snowball was hitting the ground as he ran for his life

Y/n jumped over his fort wall and out his back against the ice-cold wall.

Kiri was looking from the corner of her wall looking for anyone open

Tuk was peak over her smaller fort wall. 

Loak stood up and didn't look to see where everyone was at. So as soon as he was open Kiri and tuk took the opening to throw their snowball hitting him on his stomach and the other landed in his face knocking him over

The two looked at each other before chuckling about what just happened with Loak.

While that was happening y/n had been making a lot of snowballs. He was locked and ready for them.

Y/n bolted from his cover running toward tuk who was not expecting him to run at her so she started to panic

It didn't help that Neteyam jumped out of his cover and started throwing snowballs at Kiri Fort.

Each ball missed but he kept it up so Kiri couldn't do anything.

Kiri tried throwing the snowballs at y/n but he was much faster than she could throw while trying not to get hit by Neteyam.

He moved his leg in a way that let him slide past tuks snow wall. 

Before she could do anything, y/n threw a few balls at her face(context people!)

She stumbled a few feet back before looking back up at y/n. She grabbed her shoulder before falling down face-first into the snow.

He found it funny how she was doing a pretended death.

Loak was standing off to the side. He just shrugged his shoulders before falling into the ground again.

Y/n turned his gaze away from tuk and toward Kiri 

Y/n jumped out from cover as Neteyam stood beside him. The two were looking in the direction of Kiri who looked afraid of the two standing against her and winning.

Y/n had a snowball in hand ready to throw it at her. He went to throw it but instead of Kiri, it hit Neteyam.

Y/n felt a tug of regret as he threw the snowball it hit him at home as it reminded I'm of another thing 

(How y/n felt)

It caught Neteyam off guard by the sudden betrayal.

He took a few steps back before falling backward but y/n caught him before he hit the ground.

Neteyam weakly raised his hand as he planted it on y/n shoulders.

Neteyam: "coughing"  Y/n…. Why how could "coughing " do this to me?

Neteyam grabbed the snow beside him and used it as his blood that would drip from his face.

Y/n: I'm sorry really I am you were the only one who could take me down

Neteyam: Bu...t I trusted you

(Image here)

 Y/n: I know I wish I could say I'm sorry but I'm not.

Neteyam: I ... just... want to be...a.....te...a...m.....

Y/n: I know Neteyam I know 

A single tear slowly descended from his face as y/n watched his friends.

Kiri watched the whole thing that happened. She wasn't sure what to make of the whole thing. So she just threw a snowball hitting y/n in the back

Y/n fell on top of Neteyam's body

Kiri: you guys are so incredibly dumb

Y/n raised his head and propped it against his hand.

Y/n: maybe so but you love this dummy.

Kiri chuckled a little as she crouched down in front of him.

Kiri: and that dummy won my heart 

He had a smirk on his face while Kiri just had a soft and sweet smile.

After y/n got off of Neteyam he helped him up as the other came over to the three.

Loak: can't believe you guys team up at the end there.

Y/n: all is fair in war.

Neteyam: yeah Loak you could handle the heat of the A team.

Neteyam smacked the back of Loak's head as he got closer. 

Loak: don't do that bro.

Neteyam: I'm just messing with you, little brother.

While that was happening y/n was looking off into the distance at the frozen water.

He had an idea that he wanted to try for a bit now. While they didn't have any shoes for it he decided why not try doing it with his new body to just see if it works

Y/n dropped his backpack and started walking over to the frozen water as the others watched him.

Neteyam: What are you doing?

Kiri: be careful 

Y/n: why do you say that?

Kiri: tuk tried walking on it and she slipped.

Tuk rubbed the back of her head innocently.

He looked at the frozen water for a moment before taking a step and planting his feet.

While it was cold to the touch it was bearable.

He tried taking another step on the ice so that both of his feet were on it but he nearly slipped.

He didn't want to accidentally do a split and crush his jewels.

He didn't need to worry much about falling through as he would most likely be alright. Especially because of all the training they did to hold their breath long under the water.

He takes a few more steps doing his best to be balanced enough. After getting some confidence he tried pushing himself a few feet forward with his foot.

To his surprise, he was actually able to slide against the ice. It was not as hard as he thought it would be.

He tried it a few more times even doing a spin like a ballerina.

The others watch him intensely, finding it to be interesting. Loak ran past the others heading towards the frozen water.

Neteyam: Loak wait!

Loak: what's wrong bro if y/n can do it so can I!

Loak kept running, not slowing down a single bit. As soon as his foot touched the ice he slipped and did a split.

He grabbed at his loincloth to which y/n could already figure out what happened.

He felt the pain that Loak was going through as Neteyam looked away and bitten down on his finger from the scene before him

Y/n noticed that Loak was still sliding and from the way he was going he would fall into the water.

Y/n tried sliding over and grabbed onto his shoulder but the momentum was just too much as he also got pulled along with him.

He was going too fast as he ran onto the ice slipping and falling to his back he kept sliding till y/n grabbed him by his arm but his momentum kept him going.

Y/n had two choices to make: he looked at Loak and then back at the water.

Y/n let Loak go as he fell into the water while y/n was able to side away.

Loak bolted straight up from being submerged in water.

Loak: S-s-sh-shit th-this is c-cold as fuck!

Y/n: what did you expect? Even Neteyam tried to warn you. That is ice-cold water.

While y/n stood on the edge of the ice he felt something bump into him.

Y/n: woah!

He almost fell into the water but whoever was behind him grabbed his tail and pulled him back.

Y/n: dam that was close.

He felt someone clinging to his back. He looked over his shoulder seeing Kiri with a blush on her face from how close their bodies were.

Y/n turned around and pulled Kiri in close, hugging her. He placed his hand on her waist as her face turned even redder.

She had a smug look on her face.

Kiri: I hope the snow isn't the only white thing on my face later today.

Y/n: don't worry I will make sure it is not the only thing to cover your own body because remember.

He grabbed the tip of her chin and lifted her face to look her in her eyes.

Before bringing his face closer to her neck and whispering close to her ear.

Y/n: you are mine and only mine~

He felt Kiri's breathing hitch as she seemed to tremble a bit from hearing his words. He could tell she was flustered by the words

Kiri: Y-Yes of course I'm yours and I hope you like my gift later and you better not be out of stamina~💙

Y/n: for you never~


Kiri: good now then come on let's slide around on the ice!

He chuckled at how fast she could switch her personality from flirtatious to normal

Y/n moved his hands from her waist to her hands grabbing them and guiding her as she tried following him and doing the same thing as him.

Kiri's eyes were glued to him, not even leaving for a second. She knew she found the right person for her and she knew that no matter what he would always be there for her no matter what.

Y/n spun her in a circle as she was giggling.

While they were doing that Loak was off to the side trying to warm himself up. Neteyam stood by him trying to help him but he also kept his eyes on the two out there sliding around.

He smiled at how happy Kiri was when with y/n.

He noticed that tuk was being especially quiet for some reason he looked over and saw her pouting.

Neteyam: What's wrong tuk?

Tuk: I also want to go slide on the ice with y/n.

Neteyam: maybe try asking him later.

While she is still a bit too young she definitely had a small crush on him. He could tell after all what kind of brother couldn't tell if his sister was interested in someone?

She probably only looks up to him and later on in her life, she will find her mate like Kiri did.

Neteyam watched as tuk walked over, sneaked over to y/n backpack, and opened it. He just sighed before looking back at the two.

Neteyam: Y/n your backpack!

Y/n looked over at them and saw tuk who already was in his backpack looking for stuff.

He facepalm knowing he shouldn't have left it out in the open for her.

Y/n: Hey tuk!

Her ears and tail poked up like a cat that got caught.

Y/n: come on Kiri.

Kiri: right behind you.

Y/n slid back over to the group before he had to walk the rest of the way as he reached the sand.

Y/n: what are you doing there tuk?

Tuk:…..uh nothing…..

Y/n: so you aren't trying to find something or maybe a gift in my backpack?

She started sweating a bit.


He just shakes his head before walking over and crouching down next to his backpack grabbing some stuff from it.

Y/n: alright fine we can do this now then.

Tuk stepped back like a kid who got caught trying to open a present early.

He grabbed the first one. It was on a smaller scale than the other gifts. He gave it to tuk and as soon as it was in her hands she opened it.

She grabbed the small object inside showing it to the others it was a sea-themed necklace 

Y/n: what do you think? Ronal taught me how to make it when I was visiting over for tea. She said that this necklace represents bravery

He crouched down near her and pointed a finger at her chest as she put it around her neck.

Tuk: thanks Y/n!

He simply nodded at her as she hugged him around his neck. He patted her on the back.

She let go of him as he turned his attention to Loak.

Y/n: here Loak for you.

He opened it seeing a small accessory inside for his IIu.

Loak: hey thanks y/n I mean it.

Y/n: of course. Now then Neteyam here you go.

He looked at it for a moment before taking the leaves off the object revealing a knife. He examined the knife seeing his initials at the base with a small bellsprig on it. 

There was even a small wave texture along the wood part that felt like a representation of his current life.

Y/n: your knife broke so I thought I could make you a new one and I thought why not go learn how to make one from your grandmother 

Neteyam: Grand help you make this.

Y/n: yeah she taught me step by step how to make it and the bell spring was her suggestion.

Neteyam: thanks a lot y/n for the knife it looks phenomenal and in a way a gift from our grandma as well.

Y/n nodded, then turned his attention to Kiri.

Neteyam: wait hold on y/n let me go get my gift for you.

Y/n: oh you got me something 

Neteyam: Of course I did after all as you said we are homies.

He quickly ran away from the group leaving y/n laugh a little he just found it funny especially how he said homies

While he could wait for it he decided not to because well the gift wasn't ready yet.

Y/n: my actual gift isn't ready yet because someone wanted to stay over yesterday.

She looked away blushing a little at his remark.

Y/n: but here it is nothing much. I promise the actual gift is much better.

He handed her a small wood placard. On the small card, it read one anything you want card

She wasn't disappointed as she already knew that this was going to happen as he told her yesterday.

She couldn't lie she did find the action kinda cute as it was a gesture that mattered that he made something to hold her off till the actual guest was ready.

Kiri: don't worry too much over it y/n and I'm sure you would already do anything for me. But just in case I'll keep it around.

Kiri: And I'm sure you have another gift for me later today. Meet me back at your place for your gift~

Kiri: You're going to love your gift, I just know it.

She was definitely piquing his interest in this gift. She kept talking about it but knowing her it was probably something sexual related.

Tuk and lol who had been standing there the whole time seemed entirely confused about what they were talking about.

(Tuk and loak face)

Neteyam finally returned to the group. He was panting a bit before looking at y/n and handing him a small gift.

It was a new armband for his arm. The design was sleek as it had flames designed along the whole thing.

Y/n: woah this is pretty awesome Neteyam thanks, man.

Neteyam: It was no problem, I remember you mentioning before about how you like them.

Y/n: yeah this is pretty cool.

He slipped the armband onto his upper arm. It fit like a glove and it helped with all the blue which was also nice.

Y/n: well since we finished exchanging presents how about we go cause a ruckus?

The others look at him confused about what he means by that.

Y/n: come on huddle up and here is what we are going to do.

*sometime later*

Tsireya was walking around with excitement about her plan. She just needed to set up the bellspring 

She opened her hands revealing a small bellspring that had a glowing effect. She smiled at the flowers.

She heard footsteps approaching from her right so she looked over to see her brother with obnoxious Rotxo.

Aonung: sister what is this I hear about you confessing to having a mate

Tsireya looked away embarrassed by this sudden confrontation. She wasn't sure how he found out but she couldn't let him stop her.

Tsireya: What about it Aonung?

Aonung: I just feel you should have told me.

Tsireya: why? It is none of your business who I find a mate to.

Aonung: because Tsireya I just want to know who it is so I could have my input about this person. Please don't say it that, Loak kid.

Tsireya: no ew of course not he more a brother than anything 

Aonung: So you're saying Loak is just like me?!

Tsireya: hm yeah you're both hot heads don't think things through.

Aonung: Besides that, I just want the best for you.

She grabbed her brother's hand.

Tsireya: thank you Aonung for looking out for me but don't you trust me I can make my own decisions.

Aonung: "Sigh" Nothing I say will change your mind will it?

Tsireya: Nope!

She had a smile radiating off her.

Aonung: Alright, well I trust you and I hope you choose the right person.

Tsireya: I believe so.

Before they could talk about anything else. Rotxo, who had been quiet, got a face full of snowballs knocking him to the ground.

Aonung: huh?

Aonung looked at where the snowball came from seeing y/n with a smug look on his face. 

Y/n raised his arm and quickly pointed forward while the other sully kids popped out and threw some snowballs.

Tsireya: AH!

She ducked to the side as Aonung got hit with the snowballs hitting him a couple of times.

Aonung sat up and whipped the snow away from his eyes. He was staring at the sullys.

Y/n: come on guys let's get out of here quickly.

Y/n leads the run with the others following him

Aonung: agh! Come on Rotxo let's get them!

Aonung stood up and chased after them with Rotxo behind him.

Tsireya watches the whole thing go down, she laughs a little before quickly walking over and setting up the bellspring. 

Afterward, she decided to go see what was happening.

She walked in the direction that they ran in with her tail moving low to the ground.

It took her a bit but the scene before her was something else…







*day??? Year????*

It was December ?? Y/n ducks to the snow cover wall.

Kiri was pulling along a tuk that had been hit with a snowball.

Kiri: Y/n! She isn't going to make it.

Y/n: not on my watch Neteyam cover me!

Neteyam: don't worry I got you y/n.

He threw some snowballs at the two Navi opposite their group.

Y/n helped pull tuk further behind the wall and placed his hand on her stomach where the snowballs hit her.

Y/n: you aren't going to die on me today tuk clear!

He rubbed his hands together and pushed down on her stomach.

Tuk let out a small laugh maybe because he was tickling her a little when he did that.

Y/n: clear!

He repeated it again 

Kiri: Y/n we are losing her!

Y/n: breath I tell you breath!

He pushed a bit harder making her out right and burst out laughing.

Tuk: stop, stop it please it tickles

Y/n: tuk what happened out there?

Tuk: they are coming from the left.

Y/n simply stared at her with a dead-ass look.

He turned to see Aonung walking up on the left side with an unexpected Neteyam who was about to get hit with a snowball.

Y/n ran towards Neteyam, his hand stretched out.

This felt familiar….incredibly familiar.

Aonung threw the snowball at Neteyam and as it was about to hit y/n pulled him down.

The two hit the ground rolling a bit. Y/n sat up and looked at Neteyam.

Y/n: Neteyam are you alright?

Neteyam: Yeah, I think so nice save back there.

That is when Neteyam notices that they didn't escape the snowball.

Neteyam: y/n you have snow covering your abdomen

Y/n: don't worry about me as long as you're safe.

Suddenly y/n "died" right there on the spot. Sadly afterwards the group was defeated by Aonung and his friend.

Y/n stood up and walked over with the group down and were covered with snow and others not so much.

Tsireya walked over confused about what she just witnessed.

Tsireya: What were you guys doing?

Y/n: we were having a battle to the death 

Tuk: yeah and it was fun!

Loak: that reminded me of my father's old tapes.

Neteyam: which one is the battle or the makeup...wait no! You stay down bad memories.

The others were starting to become concerned about Neteyam's well-being as he seemed to have some kind of mental breakdown.

The only person who knew what was going through Neteyam's mind was y/n especially because he also saw the image in his mind of….that thing but he promised himself that he wouldn't think about it

???: Y/n?!

Y/n: hm?

He looked over at the source of the voice; it came from a Navi female who he had seen before when Ronal wanted him.

Y/n: ah yes that's me what can I help you with?

Navi woman: the tsahìk requests your presence.

Y/n: oh alright thank you for letting me know.

The woman nodded as she left.

Tsireya: Strange, I wonder what my mother could want with you right now.

He just shrugged his shoulders. He took a few steps forward.

Kiri: y/n wait!

He turned back to see Kiri running over to him.

She comes incredibly close to him, her body pushed against his. It was the only warmth he felt all day.

Kiri: better be ready for some rounds after.

Y/n places his hand on her thighs and lifts her leg. She was surprised by the bold movie especially because everyone was close by.

Y/n: I'll keep going until you're full

She looked at him lustfully however he pulled away leaving her by herself. She turned to look at the others while he left.

She glared at Tsireya with a smug look like she was saying that y/n was hers.

Tsireya stared at Kiri and gave a feeling of not backing down no matter what.

The other could feel the tension in the air between the two.

Original Word count 3923. New word count 8789

Hey everyone so I went ahead and decided to just remake the chapter instead of fixing the words and stuff and somehow it turned into four days of work.

Very different then what I had plan but anyway next chapter is Ronal then the rework Kiri and neytiri chapter which I plan to add more to as well so look forward to that

See you all later
