
Not another fucking cave again

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The two got thrown all over the place till they fell through an opening in the passage. y/n got sent a few he twisted his body to stop himself from being thrown any farther.

Y/n went to get up before he could get on his two feet. Neteyam smacked right into his body making him fall again. It took him a moment before getting up and walking over to Neteyam who looked like he was passed out.

y/n leaned his head and tried to hear his heart it took a moment before he heard it beating


He leans back and takes a fresh breath of air. He looked down at him and tried to figure out the best way to wake him up.

Y/n: what did he call it? The sully slap?

He raised his hand and swung it down, slapping the shit out of him.

Neteyam quickly sat up and placed his hand on his face where y/n slapped him.

Neteyam: what the heck y/n what was that for?

Y/n: What? I need to wake you up and I remember when you slapped lo'ak so hard that he was knocked out so I did the same in the hope that it would wake you up.

Neteyam: yeah but still you didn't need to do it so hard.

He looked down at his leg for a moment before grabbing his ankle which he quickly let go of.

Y/n: you alright?

Neteyam: No, I think I messed up my ankle when we got pulled into the cave.

y/n pushed his hand out to him.

Y/n: don't worry You can use me as support if you need to because we need to find a way out as soon as possible.

Neteyam looked around, seeing two ways the way they came from which had water falling farther into the cave and another that was lit up by the rocks and plants growing down there.

y/n, noticed him looking around, he looked at his and Neteyam's bodies seeing small dots glowing on their body.

Y/n: woah this is just like when me and kiri went on our date

He looked all over his body.

Neteyam: Did Kiri not say why this happens? I thought she would tell you well anyway from what I know it is because of something we all produce called Bioluminescence

Y/n: yeah she never said anything but that was interesting. But then why when we went into the cave last time it was all dark?

Neteyam: There was no plant life for that reason. remember when we got deeper and were jumping into the water it was lit up well from this.

Y/n: interesting but we should probably get back to trying to leave this place

Neteyam: yeah you're right.

Y/n: well from the looks of it there is only one way to go. Are you ready?

Neteyam: yeah don't worry about me

He grabbed y/n hand and got helped up with y/n putting Neteyam's arm over his shoulder.

Y/n looked at the path forward.

Y/n: alright only one way out I guess.

Neteyam: hey don't worry we will get out of here.

Y/n nodded as they started walking down the path.

A few minutes passed before one of them said anything

Y/n: hey so now that I think about it why are you here?

Neteyam let out a small chuckle.

Neteyam: oh you notice.

Y/n: hard not to when someone shows up out of the blue.

Neteyam: Do you remember our talk from a while ago about a horrible feeling?

Y/n: yeah I remember what you said.

Neteyam: I couldn't let the feeling go so I decided to follow you guys when you started to leave.

Y/n: oh so that's why kiri said she couldn't find you.

Neteyam: She saw me leaving?

Y/n nodded his head.

Y/n: well more exactly she said she didn't see you around when she got up.

Neteyam: yeah I didn't want to get my father in trouble for not listening to tonowari especially because of how things went down with Loak.

Y/n: he knows that Loak lied and covered up for his son.

Neteyam: oh really well I guess it makes sense it was quite obvious.

Y/n: speaking of your father. Jake fucked up when he dropped the grenade.

Neteyam looks down for a moment with a look of sadness, his tail slumps down.

Neteyam: I know my father is just a bit rusty.

Y/n: I hope so but still he causes this whole situation that we're in now

Every time they took a step, Neteyam's foot had to take some time to catch up.

Y/n: I wish I had something for your ankle.

Neteyam: it is not a problem it will heal on its own.

As they walked a small laugh escaped y/n mouth.

Neteyam: What is it?

Y/n: oh it's just I always somehow end up in these kinds of situations. I don't know how but I just do.

Neteyam: I guess that's true huh you always seemed to pull trouble.

Y/n: Man I wish I didn't but still anyway it is a hassle to try to get out of this.

As they were walking they made it to a spot that opened up to a bigger area. There were holes in the wall that seemed to lead to different places. The pants down there were very interesting and looked like something he could stand on.

Some water streams were coming from a higher area that they couldn't get to with just water falling from the roof.

y/n saw a spot where he could place Neteyam down for a bit. They walked over and y/n lowered him down.

Neteyam: Man that's much better my ankle was killing me.

Y/n: yeah you just rest up a bit. I'm going to take a look around.

Neteyam nodded at him as y/n went down a path that went to a lower area.

As he did there were rumbling around him which he stopped and kept his eyes out for any falling debris. After it stopped he looked around before yelling back at Neteyam.

Y/n: You alright up there?!

Neteyam: Yeah how about you.

Y/n: I'm fine

y/n kept heading down feeling the cold floor against his feet. (avatar/na'vi feet pic when?)

As he got to the bottom layer he looked around seeing the place where there was a layer of water covering the floor. Now that he thought about it, do Navi's feet get soggy or wrinkly when in water for a long time his feet were fine but that was just a thought.

With each step, he took the water echo and sent small ripples away from his foot.

But something very big he finally noticed as he looked away from the water there were some very big openings on the layer that he was on.

The holes were big enough for a creature to go; they were all the same size. As much as he would like to explore them he heads back up to rejoin Neteyam

He walked over and sat down next to him. Neteyam looked at him waiting to say something. y/n looked back at him before finally saying something.

Neteyam: Is there a way out down there

Y/n: no but there are a lot of strange openings down there. Maybe there is a way out but it going to take time.

Neteyam: I see well we can start exploring them now.

He tried to get up on his feet but he had to take his time trying to not put his weight on his foot.

But before he could y/n got up and placed his hand on his shoulder stopping him.

Y/n: hold on Neteyam let's just rest for now we have time to explore later. The more rest you have the better for yourself.

He thought for a moment before he nodded and sat back down.

The two just sat there for a while starting off looking around.

Y/n: Hey Neteyam, I have a question I've been meaning to ask someone.

Neteyam: I'll do my best to answer it if I can.

Y/n: alright well I was wondering if you ever heard of something called sarentu?

Neteyam: sarentu? I haven't heard that in a long time.

Y/n: oh so you know what it is?

Neteyam: yeah my mother told me a few stories about them. Also, it is not a clan it is a clan.

Y/n: oh really?

Neteyam: yeah I don't know much but my mother said they were a clan of storytellers they go around learning and passing it on to other clans to tell all the stories and things they have seen.

Y/n: huh interesting

Neteyam: yeah I know they would usually help clans out if they have problems but why do you ask?

Y/n: do you know anything about DNA?

Neteyam: I know a bit but science isn't my strong suit. It's like what your blood is made from right?

Y/n: kinda your DNA has traits from your parents that you get from them. For example, you have some Jake and Neytiri. They combine and make their DNA which is what you have in your blood.

Neteyam: ok I see but what does this have to do with them?

Y/n: well uh you see it because you know how Avatar's body used some mixed DNA. One time back in my small place in the cave I searched for what was in my blood. I couldn't find out much but one name I saw was the sarentu.

Neteyam: Wait, are you saying that you have some sarentu blood running through you?

Y/n: that's what I'm saying.

Neteyam: that… is really interesting.

Y/n: why do you say that?

Neteyam: uh well you need to speak with my mother about that she would know more.

Y/n grabbed his chin as he thought for a moment what he was saying he let out a sigh before getting up.

Y/n: yeah you're right I'll ask her when we get back.

Neteyam: haha you make it sound like we are sure we are getting out of here.

Y/n: hey come on you can't be thinking like that.

Neteyam: I'm not it just you make it sound like a guarantee.

Y/n: well I just have a good feeling of getting out of here.

As he stood there he thought of one thing…..He has the power of plot armor on his side.

Off to the side, the author walks off to get some tape.

*back to the story*

Y/n: Are you ready to head out again?

Neteyam: yeah I feel a lot better let's check out one of the openings you found.

Y/n nodded before he grabbed one of Neteyam and wrapped it over his shoulder.

They made their way down to the floor. Looking at the opening to head through. They were about to walk over to one and the rumble started again.

The two looked around and prepared to move if needed. Y/n noticed something strange about the rumble felt like it was….moving

He didn't like it. It felt strange looking down. He noticed the water shock waves were being sent from his left but then started to be sent from in front of him.

His hand tightened its grip on Neteyam's shoulders which caused him to look at y/n hand. He looked where y/n was staring at.

Neteyam: What is it?

Y/n moved his hand up to his mouth telling him to be quiet.

That's when a scream came out from the opening in front of them. That is when a giant mouth snaps and ends out from the darkness at the two.

Y/n quickly pushed Neteyam away from him. As y/n quickly dodged in the other direction.

Y/n quickly turned around to see it was the same creature it was an akula, the same one from a while ago the one they were fighting them.

He could tell because of its eyes his knife was still stabbing into its eyes.

Y/n: Neteyam get away from here!

He could hear Neteyam yelling back at him.

Neteyam: No, I will not leave you behind!

Y/n: you need to, you will just get in the way!

As much as Neteyam wanted to stay he knew y/n was right he can't do much with his foot with how it is. So he decided to get to higher ground.

With y/n not hearing him respond he hoped that Neteyam was doing what he said.

The creature came out more from the hole that it was in. Its mouth opened in a four-way split as it tried grabbing him.

Y/n ran to its left side and slid under one of its mouthparts. He quickly stepped on one of its scales to lunch himself up and grabbed his knife.

Y/n hoped his body weight would help him pull his knife out but it was stuck in his eye.

It started thrashing around. He quickly put his feet down and pushed with all he could.

He felt it starting to get pulled out but it stopped again like it was tugging on something before he finally pulled his knife out along with its eyes.

It let out a bloodcurdling scream as blood squirted out of its now-exposed eye pocket. The water they were standing in went from clear to bloody water.

The creature quickly turns its body to see y/n with its only eye. y/n quickly ducked under its fin that went towards him.

As y/n started to get back up the creature brought its fin back around and smacked into y/n back sending him flying into a wall.

Y/n breath got knocked out of him he was panting the creature was getting ready to pounce on him but a giant rock pillar fell on it.

It let out a scream as it quickly turned its head to where the rock pillar came from.

Neteyam stood there looking down next to where the pillar used to be, letting a scream out as it started to climb on the path to the second floor where Neteyam was.

Neteyam started to limp away from the creature as far as he could get.

This must have been part of its mutations as it started to come out of the small water pool not caring about it being on land more than before.

However, before it could get any higher y/n heard loud footsteps running from the higher floor that they couldn't get to before.

Someone jumped from the high point. They had a much bigger body. It looked familiar.

They raised their right arm which had a spear and slammed it into the body of the creature. He landed on its back as well pulled the spear out and jumped back next to y/n.

Y/n was surprised but happy to see him.

???: It's good to see you safe and sound young blood.

Y/n: it's great to see you too tonowari I mean that so much right now.

tonowari: same to you my young friend now we have a creature to end.

Y/n: agree

The two nodded at each other as y/n took the left side while tonowari went on the right.

Y/n went for the top mouth jaw using its face as a spot to jump he hung onto its mouth and slammed his knife slicing down.

He got to about halfway of cutting one of its mouth claps. before he had to jump onto its head as it tried to slam him into the wall with its body

While y/n was fighting tonowari stabbed his spear into its side and then jumped over as it tried to hit him with its tail

Y/n looked up and got an idea.

Y/n: Tonowari, let's use the cave to our advantage lookup!

He looked and saw what he was hinting at.

tonowari: good idea young one.

The creature tried to chop at him but he used the other end of the spare to smack it away making it hit the wall.

*first person y/n*

Jumping off I duck under it and stab my knife into it running across it.

Man, I'm getting real fucking tired of these fins.

I jumped onto one of its fins and stabbed my knife multiple times into it.

It flapped its fins so hard that I jumped off and went to stab onto the side of the fin.

My knife hit its fins but I heard a sharp clank sound as I noticed that the knife went too easily through.

Looking back, I saw my knife broken the other pieces hitting the ground.

I felt my body getting hit on from my side. My vision gets slightly blurry as I slowly get up looking up.

Seeing the creature it looked tired and was bleeding from all over.

I need to get out of this spot. I'm useless like this.

The creature started charging at me. I looked around for tonowari he was nowhere before he jumped down in front of me and threw his spear at the ceiling.

Hitting a giant cave spike

" crunch" " liquid dropping."

The cave spike broke and started falling smashing down onto the creature in front of us.

The thing stopped moving; it was lifeless in front of the two of us.

Y/n: we did it Tonowari we fucking did it! Neteyam get down here dead.

Walking over to get a better look at it. I felt a calm airflow into my lungs. But looking closer the front teeth of the creature were stained with fresh blood.

Y/n: Tonowari I think it killed more there some fresh blood on here lo-

Turning around to look at Tonowari I felt my blood run cold.

It took a moment for me to do anything before walking over.

Tonowari was looking down at his own body before blood started to fall from his mouth.

Y/n: No, no, no, no Tonowari you will be fine.

He looked like he was about to fall over. I quickly ran over and grabbed him, laying him down carefully.

Looking at his body he had multiple bite wounds on his stomach.

Y/n: this can't be happening what the fuck happened.

*Flashback third person*

Tonowari jumped down in front of y/n who was still recovering from getting slammed against.

Tonowari grabbed his spear and threw it at the cave spike. As he did the creature's two lower mouths went to chomp down on him.

He quickly put both of his hands out to keep them from closing on him. However, he was too late and they stabbed him.

He let out a grunt as he looked back up. Seeing the spike was about to come loose he used all his strength by grabbing onto the mouths and pulling them out from him and pushing it backwards.

As the spike fell stabbing into its head killing it.

*present still third person*

Neteyam was limping over as he got closer to the two he stopped waking as he watched the scene before him.

Tears were dropping from y/n face as he was looking down at Tonowari

He placed his hand over one of the wounds as his hand was stained with blood.

Neteyam just watches, not sure what to do or what to say. He heard voices and sounds from where Tonowari came from but to y/n everything else zoned out.

Blood kept flowing out from his other wounds as blood puddles formed under the body.

Tonowari slowly places his hand on to y/n wrist.

Y/n teary eyes looked up at Tonowari who even though blood was leaking from his mouth still had a smile on his face.

He coughed out a bit of blood before he spoke to him.

Tonowari: I…it a-alright y/n " coughing" stop do-don't waste y-your time

Y/n: N-No! I won't give up, you shouldn't give up, you can make it.

Tonowari: I know "coughing" a dead person when I see one y/n I'm n-not giving up, I'll so-on be one with eywa.

Y/n: what about your family, your mate, your family, even your unborn kid?

Tonowari didn't say any, he just grinned at y/n. Before he raises his hand slowly much slower than when he grabs y/n wrist.

He placed his hand on y/n shoulder.

Tonowari: I " huffing" trust you "huffing to watch ov...or th-em

Tonowari: yo….u will do.. good I k-know it I a-am proud of Y…..

Tonowari let out his final breath before nothing.

His hand slowly started to slip off sliding down his chest. Leaving a blood trail falling from y/n chest leaving a stain almost like a mark on his soul.

More tears start to fall from his face as he places both his hands on Tonowari's chest and starts to push down on him.

he kept trying to resuscitate his heart to know it would prevail. After a while, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Slowly looking up behind him he saw Jake there with a sad but stern look.

He crouched down next to him and wrapped his arm around y/n shoulder.

Jake: we should have been here sooner I'm sorry y/n but he went there nothing more you can do.

Y/n didn't respond Jake slowly pulled him away from Tonowari's body as he walked away with Jake next to him.

Around the two were other Navi even Aonung was crying he walked off to the side.

Y/n just blurred everything out, everything seemed to almost faze out everything and everyone around him.

Time seemed almost frozen.

"Sometime later*

The group was making their way back, no one talking or saying anything.

In the middle was y/n who was holding Tonowari's body with his arms.

Horns could be heard in the distance as they were almost to the shoreline.

As they got there y/n hopped off his Ilu. It was not being playful as it knew this was not the place for it.

Y/n walked to the shore with the body in his arms.

Many Navi came over to greet them back but were all shocked when they saw the dead body of Tonowari.

Some whispered with each other, others were shocked.

Eventually, the crowd separated to let someone walk to see what was happening Ronal walked over seeing the dead body of her mate.

She was left speechless. Y/n places his body on the ground before slowly walking away. He could hear Ronal crying as he got farther.

For a moment he saw Kiri, Neytiri, and tuk as well as loak few feet away as they watched the whole thing.

Y/n didn't say anything, he just continued to walk. He got closer to his home before opening the door and walking in.

He lets out a scream before smashing his fist on the ground over and over. Crying blood dripping from his fist with each hit on the ground.

He grabbed at his face and smacked himself over and over. He kept repeating words over and over.

Y/n: You worthless bastard you can't save anyone you lose every you touch everything I touch dies.

Y/n: first my father my mother fuck Rick and now Tonowari.

Y/n: you are fucking worthless shit.

Bye went back to smashing his fist over and over his vision blurring. Before he felt something soft wrapping their arms around him.

Y/n: I am fucking worthless no one loves me it all a fucking lie!

???: shsss it alright it alright. Calm down and everything will be fine.

Y/n started to slow down before he just kept crying and hugging the person.

He saw the person who was with him. Kiri kept on shushing him every time he was about to say something hurtful about him

She moved her hand through his hair sliding it back. Y/n just cried himself to sleep.

Kiri wrapped a blanket around him not before applying medicine to his hands and wrapping them up and some healing leaves.

She looked back at him before leaving.

Y/n whispered something as he was sleeping.

Y/n: you could have done more for him.

Word count 4197

Man, not going to lie I shed a tear when writing the last part. Also sorry for the delay I was busy finishing my final for school but here it is
