
echinacea flower

"It is still beautiful as ever " Cattle looked at the purple echinacea garden, one glance makes anyone stop there forever.

"How does it look Zun? " Roben asked and moved closer to Xzson trying to hold his hand, but before he could touch him Kuruna stopped him and stared at him with a threatening gaze.

Roben took a few steps back and became afraid of Kuruna's eerie stare.

"It looks beautiful, " Xzson said and his gentle pure voice was heard by everyone, making them look at him, for a moment everyone felt they heard a very smooth and blissful voice by a god.

Xzson looked behind and saw all of them staring at him "What happened? Did l say something bad?".

"No, it's nothing you, Zun your voice...was so lovely then you said it is beautiful, "Kuruna told Xzson, he noticed that there is an embarrassment and blush in her eyes, not only her but also Uncle Bun, Roben and cattle.

"l see, well we have to gather echinacea flowers and complete the commission as soon as possible "Hearing Xzson's words everyone came out from their daydreaming and glanced at him.

"Yes...yes...! We have to finish our commission, let go everyone " Uncle said and went to gather echinacea flowers, everyone nodded their head with awkward smiles and followed him.

They are slowly attracting me, l guess this is happening because of the charm I received from s...mom, it doesn't matter what gender they have but will follow after my beauty, I'm getting bored now maybe l should go back to the imperial castle, I'm sure mom, Rose and Sandra will go crazy if l stay out longer.

"What was that?... Zun's voice was so lovely despite being a girl I'm having feelings for her, what happened to me" Cattle showed a panicked expression and she put her hand left on her chest to try to calm her down.

She turns her head and notices not only she but all her friends are having the same blush on their faces.

Cattle swallow saliva, a feeling of covetousness raised in her heart "Are they also like Zun? No! I can't let you all have her, she is my friend and l can't let any men or women touch her"Cattle mumble and stare at her group with a vigilant gaze.

"Hay look Kul is sitting under that tree what is he doing " Roben walks towards Kul and looks at him.

"Hey, are you Okay? why are you panting so fast? " Roben asked looking at Kul who is sitting under the tree taking heavy breathing.

"I'm okay, l just need a few minutes of rest and l be fine," he said with a suppressed voice and closed his eyes.

"Okay take a good rest".

Xzson picks up a purple-violet flower from the ground and stares at that closely "This is echinacea? It doesn't have any smell, what is this flower used for?"

"Those flowers are common in this kind of area and they are used in alchemy potions" Uncle Bun explains about the echinacea flower, and he feels very proud to share his knowledge.

"Gather as much as you can, there isn't any mention of the commissioner of how much he wants, we took this opportunity to gain more rewards as an excuse "Uncle Bun shows an evil laugh and starts gathering many echinacea.

Xzson sighs and picks up a few echinacea flowers "System is still updating l can't make any clones soon, what should l do now no wait l have to wait for the system until it's updated is complete, I don't have any idea what kind of new interface and new things will add" Xzson show an excitement looks but soon he notices something unusual his gaze shift towards the hill where four fingers in dark black uniform staring at him.

Soon everyone noticed Xzson's gaze toward Hill they turn their faces and saw four figures.

Uncle bun face turns dark looking at them and he slowly mumbles "The dark order".
