
Chapter 100; She came home but suddenly vanished...

"Yes, he is around... But in the further ends of the hostels.. " the trainee responded honestly.

"All right, tell him to hurry over... It's an emergency.." he urged him before hanging up and the trainee searched for Wei Tang informing him of the message.

Knowing it's as an emergency, Wei Tang drove out in haste back to the Mu mansion as he had been informed that the call had been made from there.

Mu Zhen stood up and paced over to the main mansion and joined Wang Kang, Wang Liang, and Su Xuan who were having juice and some snacks.

"Have you found her?" Su Xuan inquired as he eyed him, he seemed to be restless and worried.

"No I haven't, I don't know where she could be... Only Wei Tang could have a clue.." yes he believed that Wei Tang must have an inkling of where she could be.

"Maybe she went out..." Wang Kang mumbled, he didn't understand why he was getting worked up, she might have gone out to have some fun.
