
Side Chapter: To a Green Crystal infested World....

Weeks Before the Capture of Brain Bug in Plant P....

Alexander Watched his Recruitment Vide for him to to give a Green Light to Process... Kind of Turning him off....

After thinking About the Imperium... The Imperium is Kinda Problematic... especially about the Logistics and the Paperwork that Comes with it...

<Well there is a Universe that could solve your Problem....>

It's been a While System, What is it? Mass Effect? Halo? What?

<Command and Conquer....>

You shitting me right? We Have the Technology Way more Advanced than that universe...

<But they have one thing the rest of the universes don't have... Mobile Construction Vehicle or it's Abbreviation (MCV)... And it could Bypass the Logistical Problems that the bloated Departmento Munitorum, might Imposed You... It might make a Fine gift to Roboute? and You only Got a Partial Version From RimWorld....and Only Got the Infantry Weapons and Aircraft...>

That is Enough for me....

<Since you are so Cocky, You will have a Mission....>


"Borrow" All the MCVs in Tiberium Wars "Alone"

[Tiberium Wars 1]

. NOD: Incomplete (0/1)

. GDI: Incomplete (0/1)

[Tiberium Wars 2]

. NOD: Incomplete (0/1)

. GDI: Incomplete (0/1)

[Tiberium Wars 3]

. NOD: Incomplete (0/3)

. GDI: Incomplete (0/3)

. Optional Scrin (0/2)

Optional Side Quest:

"Borrow" Weapons and Vehicle on both sides

Why not Twilight?

<It doesn't Exist>

And No Base Building, Perks are Disabled, Your Personal Skill and Experience and Inventory Items are only available...


. Get a Warhammer 40k MCV Imperial Guard ver, and Able to produce it from the Mechanized Command

. Resource Tiberium will be added with the Requisition points and Power as a Resource...

. Able to Get a Planet of Tiberium...

. Mines From RimWorld Buildings are Now Able to Generate Tiberium with no adverse effects (RimWorld Mods are insane, Infinite Ores, No Need to raid Empires when You can Make it at home...)

. Vehicles now able to Fit into the RimWorld Mines (3x Max Per Mine)

. All Weapons and Vehicle and Base defenses are Available..

. Guardsmen Can Equip weapons and vehicles...

. (Optional rewards): If you managed to get a Scrin Drone ship, Tiberium Value yields are 50% will be More Valuable, And 100% more if capture both of the Sub Factions, however you are unable to build the Structure and Army of it, since it is a Hive mind...

Great a Covert Ops Mission?

Why Not?

I Tired from Commanding Troops, it kind of Fun... A Vacation perhaps? I will bring My Cogboys and My men, some Early Sanguinala Day Present...

<Are You Ready?>

Ready, Just let me Get My Armor and A Barf Bag...

Few Minutes Later

As Alexander Wore His Camouflage Armor and a Barf Bag In Hand He Stood Ready for the Jump...

Ready When You are....

<Teleporting.... In 5...4...3...2...1.. Bazinga!>

Wait, What do you Mean By Thaaaa.....

Alexander was Whirl around like a person in a Washing Machine.... as his eyes were unable to see anything but the void...

Voices Seem to Spread all around him...

"Behold! The Technology of Peace!"

"One Vision, One Purpose!"

"It's time you saw the future...while you still have human eyes."

"He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past."

"No, I'm not God. But I'm a close second."

"Peace through Power!"


As Alexander Stayed Silent as he Landed on The Soil... Nearly Vomiting his Dinner Contents into the Barf Bag...

Where the Hell am I or When the Hell am I?

<You are near Sarajevo, Bosnia Circa 2000s

Just when the GDI is about to siege at the Temple Of NOD 2 Days from now...The Nearest One is a Nod Base within 1.8 Klicks away from you....> (Bosnians Song...)

Great, now I have to Avoid both Sides....

Oh Found a Target....

As Alexander Waited for a Soldier that bears a Scorpion Tail Symbol, as The Nod soldier Relayed that his Surrounding are Clear, He Strike and Snapped the Soldier Neck and Tossed his Body into the Inventory, and Wore His uniform and Weapon.... and Hurried to the next destination ...

[+Private Jake, Status?+]

[+Private Jake, Sector D is Clear, No signs of GDI Scum.. Permission to Commence more Sweeps, They might Come?+]

[+Denied, Proceed To Base, And Await Further Orders, Wish we had more Men with Enthusiasm Like you Private...+]

As Alexander Headed to the Nod Base he saw the Iconic Obelisk of Light... And the Target Building, It was Huge, but he saw a Trio of Spare MCVs ... But all he needed is the Perfect opportunity....

2 Days later....

GDI arrived in the Sarajevo, And the army was Vast, It Created the Confusion that Alexander needed... He Stole the Spare MCVs and Hidden himself, until an Orca Dropped a Missile Hitting the Temple of NOD and "Supposedly" Killing Kane...

After the GDI troops thought they "killed" Kane, They were About to Leave, But suddenly their MCV was Also Stolen... Baffling the Troops as they Search for the perpetrator To no avail...


Alexander was Eating Eclairs In France, Far Away from them... Munching On the French Pastries... to Make up the Loss of Energy from avoiding the GDI....

Maybe I Will start a Business here....Nah I just See the World... I am Tired of Making Business in one world...

As Alexander Traveling the World, It was said, he was on both Sides of the Conflict... Funding Nod and Providing Information to GDI, Sometimes, Being Hired as a merc For NOD or Just a Scout For GDI, Sometimes Saving People from the Injustices on both sides...

As the World Getting more bleaker, As the Wars Escalated to the 2nd Tiberium Wars and The Firestorm Conflict and Nod Cabal A.I went Rogue, He Stole Cabal Nod MCVs To Deny the Rogue A.I, While Capturing GDI Newest MCV from a corrupt Commander that was tasked to oversee the Resource Logistics... while Informing Nod about this failure of a Commander base Defenses... and Burning the Base down without a Trace... while letting Nod taking the Shipments of Tiberium...

The Tiberium World was Overbearing even To Alexander...

He scoured Old Battlefield and Decommissioned Bases for Vehicles and Base Defenses that survive the Conflict... Earning him the Nickname "Grim Reaper" that scoured the Souls of the dead...

He also Got Almost all the Intact Mammoth Tanks from the First Tiberium Conflict and All the Walkers that were Mothballed in the Scrapyards and the Hover MLRS...

Kane Wrath, He Manages to Get The Mark of Kane and Black Hand MCV at the Rocky Mountains after the Tacitus was Sent to a Nod Carryall Transport....as the Black Hand and Legion Left the MCV Control System...

As the Third Tiberium Wars Started, He Stood in the Sidelines, as Nod Raise once more to the Ashes, As Nod attacking Philadelphia Station Killing all the Generals and Prominent People, only Treasurer Redmond Boyle were Survive...

As the GDI Began the Search of the Elusive Nod, He was In Munich, Spending time with the War Veterans listening to their Stories and The Children in the Orphanages Whose parents lost during the War prior...

As the Tiberium Explosion Happened on Sarajevo and The cloud of Tiberium Smoke Rose up in a column that even from Germany it was still seen... He Took Control of the Germany GDI Branch, From the Befuddled Base Commander and Alerted all the Bases, as the Hordes of Scrin Aircraft And Troops Flooded Munich, He Held the Line with the Soldiers, as General Evacuation was Sent, and Civilians were Rushing to the Subway Tunnels, as the Scrin Ignored the Subways... It was the Only Temporarily Solution... He Managed to Snagged a Scrin Drone Ship, Causing the Scrin Forces to Be Confused, because without a Command Module to lead them and Let GDI clean Up the Mess...

Later During the Attack on The Scrin Threshold, He Finally Got the Last Needed MCVs and He waited Until one of the Towers is Completed and Destroyed the Scrin Control Node as Courtesy for the GDI, as he immediately left that world....

Late as he returned, He combined the Armors Attributes, He created a Version of ZoCom Zone Troopers Armor, with the Federation Soldiers Armor from the Future , He Made Solair Power Armor Mk1.... That is a Story in another time...
