
Chapter 50 - Are You Willing?

[May of 2012]

[Trask Building; Sub-Basement.]

3rd PoV

Andrew went back to the location of Wade and Vanessa as he watched them hugging each other tightly while crying.


Though, Wade was too much as he was crying loudly, much like a kid as he rubbed his tear-stained face on Vanessa's who just accepted his antics with a relieved smile on her face.

Andrew just rubbed the bridge of his nose as he looked at this scene. He then stepped forward and tapped the over-acting chatterbox's shoulder. "If you're already done acting like a kid, then you two should come along with me as I'm already about to get out.

But if you want to continue your reunion and get certainly taken away by S.H.I.E.L.D after i leave, then go ahead and make my job easier." After saying that, Andrew turned around and started walking away, followed by the two S.H.I.E.L.D agent that was scratching their heads in awkwardness.

Wade and Vanessa stopped hugging and eventually stopped crying as the former hurriedly helped the latter to get off the bed as Vanessa's legs was still stiff and wobbly from not being able to stand up for a long time.

The two started to follow Andrew and the two agents as they eventually arrived back to the place where Magneto and his brotherhood was.

Magneto is currently sitting at a chair while Toad, Blob and Juggernaut stood behind him like a guard. Avalanche and Mystique was standing a few meters away silently.

Andrew and the company eventually entered the sight of the Brotherhood as Magneto stood up. Mystique on the other hand has her eyes slightly squinted as she took on the appearance of Vanessa.

Then her eyes widened as she realized and recognized her, she then hurriedly ran to her direction while Wade touched his sword after seeing her approaching them suddenly.

"Don't worry, Wade. I know her.." Vanessa said to the alerted Wade as the latter calmed down but didn't completely put down his guard.

"W-What? You're the one who that midget experimented on?" Mystique eventually said as she neared Vanessa.

Vanessa weakly nodded her head as her arm that is over Wade's shoulders tightened as she remembered the experiments.

"You poor thing, come here.." Mystique said with her eyes full of pity as she also lifted Vanessa's other arm and placed it over her shoulders.

The two had their history all the way back to a few years ago as Mystique was on her usual mission of scouting potential mutants that will help them in their cause in Boston, Massachusetts.

But as she thought that the day was going good even with no potential members on sight, Her day was ruined as she encountered a group of people – calling themselves Friends of Humanity – who attacked her for no reason.

She fought back impressively like always but in the end, she was overwhelmed by their sheer number and the high-caliber weapons that they were carrying.

She made use of the crowd to quickly blend in and confuse those pursuers as she eventually ended up in a club, with a bullet wound on her belly.

She then weakly went inside after shape-shifting in a look of an intimidating man that the bouncer didn't have any choice but to let her in as she found herself to one of the VIP rooms.

There was where she met Vanessa, also known as Copycat. At that time, Vanessa was fixing herself up after a satisfied customer just left and wasn't expecting anyone to just barge in the room.

Vanessa was startled as she then saw the intimidating man suddenly falling face first to the ground while metamorphing intro a blue skinned, red-haired woman.

Mystique lost her consciousness as Vanessa quickly shut the door open and dragged her in the couch. She then performed a first aid on her as Mystique's healing factor did the rest of the work.

After Mystique woke up, she invited Vanessa to join her but the latter rejected, saying that the life of action isn't suited for her.

Mystique accepted the refusal and left after getting Vanessa's contact number.

Anyway. Back to the story, Andrew stood in front of the Brotherhood of Mutants while Mystique, Vanessa, Wade and the two agents stood behind him.



Unknowingly, The tension in the atmosphere was quickly building up as no one was saying anything. Toad had his long tongue beginning to slither out of his lips while Blob huffed slightly, Avalanche had his palms widened, ready to activate his ability, Juggernaut on the other hands was grinning at the tasty action that he will finally get.

Mystique was at a loss at what she should do as her head was still wrapping around on the question of why did the tension was suddenly building up.


Magneto suddenly narrowed his eyes as he saw Andrew lifting a hand to the air. But his and the others' face took on a confused expression as they saw the two agents behind the latter suddenly stiffening.

Before that, Andrew used his technopathy to mess with the hidden camera within the agents' clothes as he then temporarily shuts off their mind using Telepathy.

Magneto was at first confused at the blank look that agents had on their eyes, but he wasn't Magneto for nothing as he quickly connected the dots as he and the sharp Mystique quickly arrived at the same conclusion that the two was being controlled Telepathically which means that the featureless man is also a Telepath just like Charles.

"Don't panic.." Andrew raised his hand slightly in a mock surrender as he tried to placate Toad, Blob and Avalanche who was starting to get restless as they realized what he did and what he can do. Juggernaut though was smirking confidently as knows that his helmet protects him from that kind of power.

Wade didn't express any negative reaction whatsoever and just held Vanessa's hand while muttering that only she was able to hear, well Andrew also, but you get my point "Those three are such pussies. Don't worry, darling, I'll protect you even if this Slender Man rip-off turned out to be bad."

Vanessa just shook her head at him with a smile but her mood started going down the drain as she remembered the last time they had met and she found out that from him that he is positive for cancer.

Andrew ignored the flirting two behind him as he put down his hand and spoke at Magneto. "I have a propos–"


"You're too fast, my man." Wade made a shocked impression as he placed his palms to his cheeks while gasping as if he cannot believe what he just heard.

Andrew's eyes twitched in annoyance while Magneto also did the same while looking Wade.


A creaking noise can be heard as Andrew slowly twisted his head around and glared at the chatterbox. This action of his brought a chill up to Avalanche, Toad and Blob's spines as they clearly saw how his head twisted and the creepiness was doubled by the fact that Andrew doesn't have a face.

"Interrupt me once again and I'm not ridding you of that incurable cancer." Andrew snapped at Wade.


Wade once again gasped in disbelief as he couldn't but ask "You know about my illness? But how are you gonn–"

This time, he voluntarily put his own hand at his mouth to stop his uncontrollable chatter after he sensed the no-nonsense aura of Andrew's. He just lifted his other hand and formed a peace sign at Andrew.


Vanessa rubbed her temples in headache as even though she missed this side of Wade, she still wished that he would get self-control, as at this point, this behavior of Wade will definitely lead them to death.

Andrew also sighed as he turned his head back at the Brotherhood and spoke to Magneto again "Just as i was saying, I have a proposal."

"And what is it?" Erik responded.

"I assume you all have watched my live stream, right?" Andrew asked as he not only directed this question to Erik but to others also as he gave them a glance.

Erik just nodded while the others also nodded with Wade saying "Hmm. Though, I only managed to watch the latter part where y'all was fighting those robots."

Andrew and the others didn't care for his verbal opinion as the former continued "Then you should all know by now that i also support Mutant Supremacy, right?"

Seeing them all nodding at that statement, Andrew continued "Well, here's the thing. I own a company, a big one at that, have you heard of the Celestial Industries? No! I'm not Aldrich Killian, Wade, so please just shut up for a moment.

Anyway. Yes, I secretly own the company and what my end goal is to bring prosperity to the mutantkind or rather the Metahumans as the former was too much of a derogative term for all of us. I plan to not only make the metahumans the dominant species of this planet, but i would also like it if its the one governing this little planet."

Everyone within the room – except the two agents – had their very being shocked at the arrogant and overwhelming ambition of this featureless man in front of them. But at the same time, his words and ideals resonated within them as they couldn't help but imagine a world where mutants or metahumans living peacefully without worrying about discrimination and danger of being experimented for being one.

Magneto was deep in his thoughts as he thought about the words of Andrew while it's the same for his subordinates like Toad, Blob, Avalanche and Mystique. But for Juggernaut, he is a bit at a loss at what he should be thinking right now since all he actually likes is causing destruction as that's his job as the avatar of a certain evil god.

Meanwhile, Copycat was clenching her hands tightly as she imagined those ambitious dreams and was specially excited at the prospect of being able to walk around freely even in her natural form.

Wade Wilson – who even though still hasn't awakened his metagene – was also excited at that little speech of Andrew as he not only supports what Vanessa wants and likes as a meta but he himself is also currently imagining such world where there's no discrimination as a small surfaced on his face. (A/N: I'm going for the movie Wade Wilson version here as that one is a natural mutant unlike the comic.)

Andrew looked at them and didn't need to use his Telepathy to know what they are thinking as its already clearly visible on their faces.



He waited for their daydreaming to end as he finally dropped his smoking hot question that will determine the future of the metas within this sub-basement "So, I have a question... Are you willing jump aboard my dream ship and join me on this little quest?"


If you want to read ahead and support me at the same time, then be sure to visit my pãtreon. I post sixteen advanced chapters of my book on pãtreon.


(Replace the ã to a)
