
Slaves Part 1

Wiyot, Calian, Takoda and Halian had found themselves lost on the outskirts of the city. The four of them walked down the sidewalk in their human form, no clear direction. Wiyot gazed ahead and marched forward as the others followed his lead.

"My feet are killing me”. Halian said.

“That’s because we’re on the path that leads to nowhere”. Calian remarked.

“We need find a place to rest”. Wiyot said.

“Yeah, count me Gucci with that”. Takoda said. “But eh, you know any good spots?”

“What we need to not be is picky”. Calian said.

“I’m open to suggestions bro”.

“And I think I know just the place”.

Calian took them to an abandoned building which sat up on a hill. It was grey, dark, dank , cold and most of all, secluded. Tucked away from the rest of the city behind the green hills that guarded it.

“Lacks amenities”. Takoda commented. “But this will do”.

“I wouldn’t stay here for long”. Calian warned. “But it’s a solid place to take a breather”.

“Calian, how do you know the city so well?” Halian asked.

“If you live in a city and you have no sense of direction then you’ve fucked up”. Calian told Halian.

“We need to get supply”. Wiyot said as Takoda’s stomach rumbled.

“Makes sense”. Takoda said.

“But where?” Halian asked.

“Do you ever make a declarative statement?” Calian asked Halian. “But I know somewhere that we can go to”.

Wiyot, Calian, Takoda and Halian ended up at a local farmers market. There were a multitude of stands filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and other freshly grown foods. One one stand were 25 different types of flavor nuts. On another was organic hemp body lotion. The place was flooded with people as the group walked through the raging crowd.

“Wow, never been to one of these?” Halian said.

“That’s what happens when you don’t walk out of your house”. Calian remarked.

“This is great, but how are we going to buy anything?” Takoda asked.

“Figure something out” Calian said.

“You want us to steal?” Halian asked.

“What I want is for you to shut the fuck up.”

“We can do the next best thing”. Takoda suggested.

“Oh?” Calian asked. “And do pray tell, just what the “next best thing” would be?”

Takoda took the others near a stand that sold fresh bread. He noticed a disposable bin that was filled with bread. Takoda took a sack of his own, went over and started to fill the sack with bread. It was a sort of French bread that was thick and fluffy. A bright smile came upon his face.

“The rye in the bottom is pretty good”. A young female voice said, Takoda jerking upwards. Takoda turned around and saw a beautiful young woman. She was pale skinned with black hair beauty, petite, no taller than 5’7, with a soft gentle face and kind blue eyes. Meanwhile Takoda was caught up inside a bread dumpster. “At least, that’s what I heard”.

“Oh, hey!” Takoda said as he tried to be nonchalant about everything. “I love your work”.

“So that’s why you are digging in the trash can?” The young woman asked. “You were just admiring my culinary art skills?”

“I always appreciate someone who can bake a mean loaf of bread.”

“Have you bought any today?’

“Ya know, I actually let my wallet at home”.

“Oh, that sucks”,

“Yeah, tell me about it”.

“Well, maybe I can help?”

“But how?”

The young woman went over to the stack of fresh bread and started to put a few away in a basket. She then covered the basket and walked over with the basket to Takoda who had a lock of surprise pop up on his face. She looked left and then she looked right before she began to push the basket of bread to Takoda.

“Take it” The young woman said.

“No way”. Takoda responded. “I can’t…”

“It’s okay, I’ll just say that they fell or something”.

“What’s your name?”


“Takoda, nice to meet you”.

“We probably won’t meet again, but likewise”.

Takoda ran back to Wiyot, Calian and Halian. By the time he reached them he saw that

“You done trying to flirt?” Calian asked.

“No trying to”. Takoda shot back as he showed everyone the basket of bread.

“She must really like you Takoda!” Halian said as they all began to dig in.

“Yeah yeah. But my heart belongs to the road so we’ll see”.

“Hold on…” Wiyot said, walking towards the outer edges of the farmer’s market.

“What now?’ Calian asked.

“I guess he saw something”. Halian said.

“No shit sherlock”.

“Let’s go follow him”. Takoda said.

Calian, Takoda, and Halian caught up to Takoda who had made his way to a box truck. They watched him in confused as Wiyot stared at the box truck before putting his ear against it. Wiyot then went and began to roll up the box truck an as the box truck rolled up talons and feathers began to show up.

They were owls locked in cages.
