
I changed my mind

''I changed my mind. '' 

Raydon looked over at Tika, who was writhing in his flames, and said while pulling back his flames.

With the release of his hold, Tika's charred body fell to the ground. Her once alluring face, which had the power to captivate the attention of whoever looked at it, now bore the horrifying marks of severe burns. The skin adhered tenaciously to her skull, while her nose and eyelids melted away, leaving her eye sockets empty. Nevertheless, in spite of her disfigured state, there was still a peculiar sight to behold: her chest rose and fell in an erratic manner, which was evidence of the slender thread of life that struggled to exist within her.

While they waited for Raydon to finish his sentence, everyone in the room stared at Tika's body, which was the kind of thing that would give an average person nightmares.

Raydon gave Cael a snide grin before speaking to him. "I will keep her as my maid, but I also want another one."
