Lou was still not thrilled with the fact there was another four more protectors that bore the same birthmark like him. What was the deal? Why it needed five protectors? One was enough, right? The first Serafim only had one and that was enough.
However, he liked the idea that he shared a special bond with her, the fact that their fate tangled together.
He must be crazy to fancy someone else's woman, but then he was indeed that kind of person, who didn't think much about opinion of other people. Since when he cared, as long as he was benefited and right now, he only wanted to be close with this woman. This feeling didn't go away even when he knew this woman was pregnant.
"Let's wrap this up quickly, so you can rest." Cane wrapped his arms around her waist protectively as they walked toward the training ground in the Chrystal Moon pack, where Redmond had been waiting for them along with the five thousand warriors from Blue Moon pack.