
Tranning II

Ava quickly took her bath and waited patiently for Mia.

She has given it a thought..she must be strong to leave this place. they have magic but she doesn't..

'but...' she thought.. "it a bit odd, what fortress is this even??" she thought out loud and just then the door opened. "seems you're ready.." Mia gave a weary smile. "What fortress is this?" Ava asked once Mia finished her statement. "uhm..Ardok?" Mia answered unsure of the reason she asked. "...!" Ava's eyes widened in surprise.."Ar..d-dok?" She chocked and her expression was as if she couldn't believe what she's hearing...

So..the man.. the man who saved her is..is..the crown prince!! Ardok is the most powerful fortress with most of the rare abilities in their contents..

They have so many treasures, and they are actually the ruler of the five relm. and it is said that they have one prince, which is their crown prince.

prince Keliel..

"is..is anything wrong?" Mia asked when Ava didn't speak and just stared like her like she was electrocuted. "I..am I really in Ardok?" She asked again like she found it hard to believe.. "yeah??" Mia said more like a question staring at Ava Wondering what made her react this way upon hearing she's in Ardok. "Ava...uhmm...we need to get going so as to train you.." Mia said and immediately Ava nodded respectfully as she stood up. Mia could only stare at her as she stood in front of her.

"The first thing you must know before you can move forward in the tranning is knowing every town in our kingdom." Mia said strictly as a trainer should. "What?!" Ava half yelled, as her eyes bulged from their socket..

"Is this a tranning or punishment for crying out loud." Ava cried. "it the first thing to know, that the rule." Mia responded. "I never said I wanted to be a maid, let him give me another punishment.." Ava retort.

"You should be grateful, this is the punishment given to you.." A cold voice echoed at the entrance of the room. Both ladies turned their heads to look at the owner of the voice. "Greetings you're highness." Mia lowered her head, but Ava was lost in his gorgeous appearance.. "Such a bold move." Zephyr smirked, and Mia quickly tugged on the helm of Ava's shirt. "I..am sorry, please forgive me your highness." Ava panicked as she quickly lowered her head. "hum..so you're Ava." He said talking one step at a time, as he walked round her like he was studying her carefully.. "y..y.es my L-lord." She stammered. "hum.. Interesting.." he smiled half heartedly. "So..what did you remember??" he asked now stopping in front of her.. Ava trembled. his periceing gaze which was on her is making it really hard for her to breathe. "I..n-not-hing.." she shuttered panickly. her voice shaken a little. "Are.. you afraid of me?" he raised a brow. Ava quickly shake her head, But then she nodded at her same time. "You don't need to.." A sly smiled curved on his lips.

"Mia hurry up with her trannings, she will begin tonight." He said firmly, and a little line slowly formed in his lips before exiting the room. Mia stood still like she was shocked..no she is shocked.

How..how will he ask Ava to serve the prince when he is this condition.. Mia could only stand and stare at the door which Zephyr went through. "M..Mia?" Ava called to confirm if what that man said was really true..s..she will...no..

"uhm..ok..so let begin." Mia shuttered a little before composing herself.. "what?! am I really starting today??" Ava eyes wend wild. "you heard him." Mia shrugged.. "but.."No buts.." Mia snapped.. "Now look at me carefully, this is the first thing you should know, when serving as a maid." Mia lowered her head, her right Palm kissed the back of her left hand entwining the thumbs of both palms which were resting on her abdomen, then she took steps one after the other. her right foot a little distant from her left foot and when she took another her left foot a little distant from the right foot. and she walked like that till she got to the door.

Yes, She was a princess but she never acted like one, she don't even know how to curtsise, or any princess informality, because she never acted like one..So how on earth will she walked like a maid.. It's really stressful.. "Get that?" Mia said once she reached the door. "Not really.." Ava shake her head. "sigh.." Mia repeated it till she got to Ava. "You're turn." Ava lowered her head just as Mia had done earlier, her right Palm on the back of her left arm, and she took a step just as Mia had done but she tripped causing her to almost fall, but her staminal held her. "Again." Mia said not even giving her space to rest.. Ava retraced her steps but they were not firm, she wiggled and her hands would disconnected and reconnect. Finally she got to the door, and she stopped.. "Haa." She sighed and rested on the door. "What?? don't stop." Mia snapped. "gi..ve me a break.." Ava breath out.. "it not up to ten minutes and you're already out of breath." Mia rolled her eyes.. "I..am not used to this.." Ava said still trying to catch her breath..she had to hold a little of her breath while she walked.. This is too hard..is this how I will continue..

Ava sighed upon her thought. " Huh? Aren't u a princess?" Mia scoffed. "point of correction, I was, and I never acted like one.." Ava replied. "whatever, let continue with our tranning.." Mia said.. "No..I can't do this." Ava protested "Why?" Mia asked confusedly. "I'll die.." Ava said.. "Oh please Ava.." Mia rolled her eyes.. Ava finally gave the last try, atleast it was way better than the first time.. And just like that Night came.. "Can't you go for me?" Ava asked Mia. She is preparing to go to the prince's room, and she's super scared..she has never done this before..Mia had given her trannings on how to greet, speak, or serve in the palace, but she can't help the feelings that is consuming her right now. "Just be calm, don't panic alright?" Mia said. "uhmm." Ava nodded. "Ok time to go." Mia said once she was done dressing Ava up. "you got this, and be careful.." Mia said again. Ava nodded then left the room. she didn't even remember to walk as she was taught..Mia called her when she got to the door, but she didn't answer since she already knew the reason.. She just wants to be herself.. "How do the maids here cope?? I pity them.." Ava shakes her head.. "Strange..". Ava halted when she was at the gate to the prince house. "it so hot" Ava wiped the beads of sweat which were forming on her forehead.. She looked around to see if there were any fire around to perhaps keep this place warm, but she found none...She took slow steps into the compound.. but the closer she got inside, the more the heat. she feels like tearing her clothes.

It so hot!!

Then she recalled the night she ran here, it was freezing cold. now it damn hot like this is a lake of fire.. She wanted to run back...

it too hot I'll burn if I go further.. She is already loosing it.. and gasping for air, her clothes were already soaked with her sweat.. and the hottness adding to it.. So she turned to leave but she halted when she door opened. It was quiet after the door opened.. Ava turned to the direction she heard the door opened. "...!" She gasped..

_ _

Am so sorry for the unstabled posting..am just busy with school stuffs.. please bear with me..
