
First Kill

Alexandre said, "Okay, open the door!" With one savage motion, he then gouged his fingers into his thigh, ripping apart the flesh to get at the femur.

Alexandre shredded away all the muscle and connective tissue, ripping the femur completely out of his leg, leaving his ankle dangling from an empty sack of muscle, skin, and blood. Then he snapped one end, leaving a savagely jagged edge.

Despite the horror he'd just inflicted upon himself, Alexandre had braced himself and felt none of the pain. It was as simple a process as snapping a chicken bone. Now he had a powerful tool—after all, the femur was not only incredibly strong, but also the longest bone in the human body.

Alexandre studied the reinforced glass in front of him. Even though his bones were unnaturally tough, his femur wouldn't be enough to break through the glass, at least not without pulverizing itself in the process… and Alexandre needed the bone for something else. So, with no better option, he clenched his left fist and slammed a savage punch into the center of the glass.

As Alexandre had expected, the glass didn't shatter. However, a faint spider web of cracks appeared at the point of impact. But Alexandre hadn't come away unscathed: Every bone in his left hand had shattered. This would've completely crippled a normal human's ability to fight.

Of course, Alexandre wasn't an ordinary human.

He rammed the shattered ball of meat and bone back into the window over and over and over, ignoring the pain. Eventually, he was just smearing the window with skin and bone, not widening the cracks any further. He hoped it would be enough.

The next step was to rip off his left hand completely and to shove the base of the femur weapon into his arm, giving him a spear jutting out of the stump of his left hand. 

One last attack.

The glass didn't quite shatter at the tip of the spear, but enough chunks of broken glass flew into the hallway that the bone spear was able to jut through. "Now!" Alexandre shouted. "Open the door and let the infected through!"

The exhausted security guard nodded and opened the door. The Zombie rushed him, but the officer was able to grab his former ally by the arm and lapel without getting bitten, then to haul the Zombie over to be driven into the window.

Alexandre had prepared himself. He now drove all his weight through the hole in the glass, piercing the Zombie through the stomach and into the spinal column. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to kill the monster. It howled in fury and spat blood onto the glass.

Alexandre reacted swiftly, grabbing his left arm with his right hand and bearing downward with all his weight, levering the impaled Zombie up in the air on the jagged edge of his femur spear. The Zombie lifted up off the ground before the force of gravity drove it back down along the razor-sharp cutting edge, splitting it in half from stomach to head.

A page opened in the air in front of Alexandre.

╔════════Aurora Tactical System V0.23.1══════════╕

╟─╼[Log]: You have eliminated "Security Agent (Infected)."

║ ╰╼[exp]: +1


The Zombie, or what was left of it, crumpled to the ground like a piece of meat, followed shortly by the still-human security guard. "Fuck," said the remaining officer, "I really thought that was it. Thought I was gonna end up like him! We got fucking lucky."

Alexandre replied, "Luck has nothing to do with it. You did the right thing at the right time. Bravo!" Then he added, "My name's Alexandre. And yours?"

The man dragged himself up against the wall, seeming more sure of himself. "Edward," he said with a bloody grin.
