
Transformer Area

"While it's true that I'm a doctor," José said as they entered the elevator, "I'm also a professor of Hunter Academy. Since you are all now students, please refer to me by that title."

The elevator itself was an industrial machine without any touch of decoration, a far cry from the other elevators Alexandre had been accustomed to using lately. Though it was large, probably for the sake of moving medical equipment from floor to floor, there were simply so many students that it was quite crowded.

During the long elevator descent, Alexandre concentrated his gaze on Professor José. The fact that such a vulgar person was intelligent and competent enough to develop the Aurora system seemed bizarre. But this thought only occupied Alexandre's attention for a minute—he kept wondering, over and over, whether Professor José had any information on Project Genesis.

Eventually, the elevator arrived at its destination and the doors opened.

Alexandre was astonished by the sight before him. He'd been expecting to see more rooms like the infirmary above, completely white and sterile, but this was very different. Several rows of corridors were lit by a dim and restful deep blue light, and the faint reflections of metal and glass could be seen retreating into each corridor.

Professor José led the group down one corridor. Every five meters, there was a room with an armored door and a long, reinforced glass window for observation. They occasionally passed doctors writing something on a tablet, but these doctors paid little attention to the group.

Alexandre looked into each room as they passed. They were extremely sparse, containing only a cot and a small cupboard bearing a green cross-shaped logo. Some rooms had an unconscious figure on the cot. For each of these rooms, the window looking in had a visual interface projected onto the glass, showing vital information like heart rate, blood oxygen level, body temperature, and many other parameters which Alexandre didn't recognize.

Professor José said, "If you look through the observation windows, you'll see the first group that arrived yesterday! Don't they look peaceful?" He stopped in front of an empty room. "Here we are, Control Unit 138! Now, listen carefully, because I'm about to tell you what's going to happen. I, or one of my colleagues, will accompany you into the room, tie you up, and inject you with the modified Z Virus. Or, in more scientific terms, the S.G.C… solution. This stands for 'Super Genomic Change.'

"Although there's no risk of turning into a Zombie for people like you who are immune to the Z Virus, it can still cause high fever, blurred vision, and significant metabolic changes. For this reason, you'll be quarantined and observed for at least 24 hours. Fear not, for our medical teams will give you the utmost care and attention throughout the process!"

One student called out, "How long does the transformation process take?" 

The professor replied, "It depends on the person. Some will be unconscious for several days with a high fever and a heart rate in excess of 150 beats per minute. Others will experience absolutely no side effects. Generally, the process lasts three days, depending on your genetics! Don't complain to me if you suffer more than others. Sue your parents if you're not satisfied with the body they gave you!"

Alexandre, continuing to feign ignorance, asked, "Why ask us to put on the Pip-Boy? Your high tech stuff isn't enough to track our vitals?"


The professor replied, "An interesting question at last! The Pip-Boy will enable us to integrate your body with the Aurora system—a revolutionary system capable of controlling the evolution of Virus Z in your body. When the Aurora system and Pip-Boy are both in place, the Pip-Boy will release millions of nano-robots inside you. These will be used to control Virus Z during the procedure to prevent it from attacking your white blood cells, among others, so that only specific cells are affected. This will ultimately make you almost as strong and resistant as a Zombie!"

Professor José cocked his head, as though suddenly remembering something important. "Well, no more time to lose. You'll just have to experience it yourself, won't you? So then, who'll be the first volunteer for the transformation procedure?" 

In contrast to the casual reassurances the new students had previously been given regarding the relative safety of the transformation procedure, Professor José's words made the potential danger seem very real. Everyone looked away, not having the courage to take this last leap to joining Hunter Academy.

At long last, Alexandre sighed and raised his hand. "I guess if someone has to be first, it might as well be me."
