
When they crossed path

A black figure walked towards a garage when The guard seemed to be enjoying his tea quite far away from here.

the figure opens the garage without making any loud sounds,

"There's quite a few here but none is special...well, this one seems to be in good shape," The figure said while touching one of the motorbikes as he inserted a key-like chip in the keyhole and the engine started. Hearing the sound, the guard rushed over " WHO'S THERE???!!"

"Oops here comes the fly...Time to go!" He took the motorbike and rolled out in a blink of an eye, leaving the guard in shock.

He started running after it while wheezing.

"Running after a motorbike with your legs? Humans sure are pathetic. Well, call the cop or whatever see you never!" said the black figure with his windy rush on the motorbike.

The guard called the police.

"...Hello this is p-"

"IT'S BLACK KREY!! He was wearing a black helmet and had insane speed there's no mistake in it" The old guard spoke with his huffed-up voice.



The quiet street, that almost seemed dead. The sounds of the leaves rustling in the breeze and the pitter-patter sounds of raindrops falling on the ground. Suddenly a motorbike splashed through the water,

"The old man will pay me some for this one," Krey mumbled to himself while riding in the dark corner of the same street.

"Ahh, I miss my old ba-" Before he could finish, a huge chunk of wind approached him with a bright light when he caught the sight of those long red hair clearly like fire flakes in slow motion as if time stopped. The big White motorbike with blue lights Just passed by at a high speed. krey hit the brake and kept staring from behind while he saw her leaving the street spreading red sparks in the air.

"That...wasn't so bad for a human. She's crazy enough for taking this route, and that speed...Should I make it my next target?? Heh, that's not even a question," Krey scoffed as he was dazed.

On the other hand, Evi was in a rush to even notice anything around her.



"Open the door," Evi said while taking off her helmet.

As soon as the door opened, a girl jumped and Hugged her,

"Ev..!!! I haven't seen you for 3 days, why did u get so skinny?"

"It hasn't been that long. Get off me, ow!" Evi said while pushing her.

"Welcome back Captain! Where's the pendrive??" A boy with ash eyes which are covered in glasses entered the room while ruffling his navy-blue hair.

"Fetch!! Pass me a cup of coffee, Shin!" Evi said to the boy.

A girl with a high black ponytail with a cold expression on her face, turned her chair towards Evi, "Do u know where your dad is now?"

"Shouldn't he be investigating or something about krey!?" Evi shrugged.

"They got a call about krey, he was seen in this place just an hour ago! Your dad is there." She passed her phone to Evi.

"Damn! Isn't that where I was just an hour ago? What a miss. Anyway, Shin!" Evi looked at him with the signal in her eye.

"Yeah I'm checking now," Shin said as he sat down with the pen drive.

Shin, Evi's childhood friend. He's almost like a family to her. He is now one of the best hackers in the city.

Momo, The girl with the high ponytail, is an engineer. All the gadgets, chips and small devices they need, are created by her.

Larisa, The girl that hugged Evi right when she came, is Evi's best friend. She could be really clingy sometimes but she's the best manipulator. Showing fake identification, clearing all the mess, and sneaking into crime scenes are pieces of cake for her.

Together they make a perfect team!!

"Well...the documents don't say much. but all they have is his traces! Look, these are all the places where he stole from and these 2 places are where they spotted him!" Shin passed the laptop towards Evi.

"He's such a rat!! What about the murder?"

"It's this place, and they've kept the body in XXXX hospital. There seems to be a bite mark it says that's a snake bite. I think it's better to take a closer look." Shin looked at others.

"Momo, check all the places he's been and was spotted. Also, find out any kind of route you can that connects or feels closer to all of those locations." She said in a serious tone while taking off her jacket

"On it!" Momo started looking into them.

"Then let's go check the body tomorrow I'll have our IDs ready. they won't let us in that easily." Larisa peeked from the kitchen.

"Yeah let's do that. Did you find anything Momo?" Evi leaned in.

"...Quite nothing useful. They all seem to be near the woods. and they're almost opposite bizarre direction."(Momo)

"Let me see...wait!! This forest part. What's this place"(Evi)

"It's a forest. No one goes there. Please don't tell me you're suspecting krey is there " shin said while looking at her with an annoyed expression.

Evi looked back with a big grin and suspicious eyes.

"Ahh, God's sake Evi!!! If your dad knows he's gonna kill me!! You do realize How far that place is from here? Of course, you do!!" Shin's puffing with anger.

"Calm down dude!! Let's just go. Since we're doing it, let's do it adequately!!" Momo turned to Shin and Evi.

Larisa came back from the kitchen to see the tense situation in the room.

"Umm... carrots?!!" Larisa said with an awkward smile.

"....Shove it in your mouth," Shin glared at her.
