
What's Psychic?


Noah and Demon lord traded blow for blow in the training ground. Noah wielded a scythe, a real scythe while the demon lord wielded a wooden scythe, make no mistakes, even with a wooden scythe with no sharpness she could easily cut someone like a swiss cheese.

Noah's every strike was knocked aside over and over by the demon lord. Noah was covered in sweat, his shoulders rising and falling from heavy breathing.

Liza who watched from the sidelines gritted her teeth. Just until recently, she has beaten the crap out of Noah but in just a week, he has gotten good enough to beat her back, one-sidedly so, in such a way, that she now can't help but have nightmares.

The sheer speed with which Noah learned is frightening.

'Just where did he pop up from!'

Liza thought for the nth time.

Noah leaped back putting distance between himself and the demon lord as a ball of fire was launched in the demon lord's direction.

Demon lord threw her own fireball towards Noah, it swallowed his and started making its way towards him, for the record the one fireball demon lord threw against Noah is a pretty low-leveled one, she matched the strength of an F-ranker with magician class. Noah launched 10 consecutive water balls that hit the fireball, causing smoke to emerge as both attacks canceled each other out

' ..And just when did he learn magic!?' Liza thought it was not like she was weaker than Noah, the truth is she herself is an SS+ ranker. If she wants to, she can turn Noah into a paste in an instant but what bothered her the most is Noah's pure raw skills and talent.

Demon lord closing the distance between herself and Noah with an incredible speed flung a strike, Noah shielded himself with the help of a scythe. As the fierce blow struck Noah's scythe, Noah was flung into the sky.

A jolt of numbness wracked his senses as he spun through the air and before plummeting back to the ground he shot an icicle towards the demon lord which she brushed aside with her hand.

Noah tried to control his breathing, both his arms twitching.

"Damn, show some leeway, will ya?"

"Aren't you the one who wanted to learn? Quit complaining"

And so the spar continued, well, it was just Noah trying his best to land a blow on the demon lord which he, of course, failed in doing.


(Noah's Pov)

"So you are gonna explain or what?" Bringing the orange juice towards me, the demon lord asked.

I wanted to reply but...

Damn, give me some time, let me have some air inside my body.

Oh lord, for the last 2 hours, I have been trying to hit her and the results were horrendous, forget about hitting her, she doesn't even have a single sweat trickling down on her.

I can't even take advantage of her running out of stamina in a fight... because she just doesn't run out of it!

After controlling my rapid breathing, I finally spoke.

"Like hell I know, all I know is I haven't used any mana at all," I said, taking the sip of the orange juice.

What are we talking about? It's about my magic.

For some reason, I didn't feel like learning or going through lessons from the demon lord. I felt like I would be able to do it, instinctive feeling.

And voila! I was able to do it.

Except for conjuring magic like fireballs and the generic stuff, everyone consumes mana but in my case, that didn't happen. Not in the slightest. Now one might think, hey maybe it's because of 'energy' or something, maybe I used some different 'component' but nope.

I haven't felt even a bit of a drain of energy either, so that's not it.

Demon lord's face scrunched.

"What did you find odd?" I asked putting the orange juice down, it's cold, and I gotta drink slowly if I don't want to have a brain freeze.

I don't really know much about how magic works in this world to begin with, for me the only odd thing was that my mana reserves remained full, not used at all, which made me feel like I was in seventh heaven.

Unlimited mana works!

Ahem ahem.

You get my line of thoughts but surely it can't be that.

"Let's see, the consecutive attacks that you made. Magic needs time to be conjured, you can't just rapid-fire it, no that's not accurate, you can rapid-fire it but ...still it's not instantaneous. Your magic attacks were also weaker for whatever reason but you made up for it through the number of attacks you made. Also, it's not like chantless magic doesn't exist but ...you are a newbie, right?" Demon lord said as she took the juice bottle from me and drank it for herself.

...Fuck you! That was my drink! Just because I stopped doesn't mean I didn't want to drink it, I just didn't want to have a brain freeze!

"I see"

I said, lying on the ground.

"You already have an idea, don't you?" Liza along with the teenage girl started walking towards us as she made her comment.

"I do," I said looking up at the sky.

Of course, I do.


Don't know if I am right about it though.

Oh well, we have a demon lord here, she can just verify things for me.

"What is it?" Demon lord asked using her leg to nudge my body.

"Aquakinesis, Pyrokinesis, Aerokinesis and Geokinesis"

Basically, it's not magic but psychic, something that no one in the novel had...

I haven't even started my academy and I have already witnessed too many things that are different from the novel.

..Fuck me sideways.

Why do I think it's like this? Well, that's 'coz I can feel my head hurting whenever I try to do any of that magic shit!

And I can understand the reason why my attack power is low.

I am creating water, fire, and all but there's a difference.

As I have said before, the 'energy' assimilated with the atmosphere itself.

Water in this world has the same formula as in my world, that is H2O but ..the hybridization, atomic number, and mass are all different.

Since it's psychic it heavily depends on my mental ability and ...I have no idea how this world's chemistry works nor am I interested in it.

Why would I re-learn whole chemistry!? Do you know the amount of exceptions I have to memorize for organic? And you want me to go through this shit again? And then what? What about when I go back to my world? I will have to remember all the stuff again! Yeah, a big no.

Well, that's my 2 cents on why my attack power is low but I can make up for it with my sheer instantaneous speed.

Besides, if it's not magic it's gotta be psychic, that's common sense!

I mean, what else could it be!?

Now, the question is what's the difference between psychic and magic?

"You really believe it's psychic?" Liza said her voice grumpy. She is always in a bad mood, it's been worse since I beat her up, the teenage girl was looking at me with curiosity.

"...What's psychic?"


The indifferent voice belonged to none other than our great demon lord.

For a good second, I stared at her.

No, I know this world is about magic but seriously psychic word isn't something unheard of.

Just like how psychics and magic are both fiction in my world, psychics would be considered fiction in this world.

"Why are you all staring at me?"

Oh, great demon lord, what kind of sheltered life have you lived?

I slowly stood up.

"I will go and practice with those dummies as my target for aiming my psychic attacks, ask those questions to Liza to your heart's content," I said to the demon lord as I prepared to leave

"Don't call me Liza you bastard, my name is Elizabeth, only our queen is allowed to address me however she pleases"

Liza, calm down for fuck's sake, it's just a name!

As I started walking away from them, I got grabbed from behind.

I moved my head to see the culprit.

"I am teaching you, so you have to teach me" What kind of logic did this demon lord come up with?

"I am sure Liza will explain you properly, she doesn't seem like a newbie to this stuff" At my words, Liza sent me a death glare and the demon lord stared at me without saying anything.


Gosh, why didn't I draw a psychic manga until now?


"So, psychic is a mental ability"

"Long story short, yes" I have read the whole wiki page that I once read from my memory to her.

"That's interesting to learn about, I wonder if I can do it," the Demon lord said with a poker face but her eyes sparkling.

That's new.

"Queen, you should not forget, it is fictitious." Liza chimed in.

"If he can do it, then it's not fictitious" Hey, just because this world has magic doesn't mean my world has, it will remain fictitious for my world, I mean magic.

What I am trying to say is... you are not the chosen one, demon lord.

Give up on your dreams.

The earlier you give up, the better.

"I think it's better to not count him as a person."

Did she just deny my existence?

As much as I wanted to say to Liza that she is right about telling the demon lord to cut off from becoming delusional I can't help but want to punch her.

"...Fair enough"

Demon lord!?

Don't just agree with her!?

The hell?

Shaking my head, I tried to gather my thoughts.

Psychic, I am not sure if it really is psychic but for now I guess, I will go with this option not like I have any other idea.

I opened my palm and a flame appeared above my palm.

I remembered the sensation of heat, its intensity when I was thrown in lava and ..set on fire by the demon lord yesterday.

'I barely survived'

I shook my head and focused on remembering the heat, at first it was okay, but slowly the temperature was becoming more intense, I could feel my palm scorching but I didn't stop.

Soon enough, the small flame started turning into a blue flame and I was feeling the heat of it, I really wanted to move away my hand but I didn't.



I looked at the hand touching my palm, it was none other hand demon lord.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Did she just vanish the fire above my palm by just bringing her own hand down?

Logic is nowhere to be found, is it?

"I was wondering if you feel the same burning sensation when you conjure the fire or cold sensation when you conjure ice.. that kinda stuff" I replied to her question.

"No, you wouldn't feel it unl-" She stopped midway "You can feel the heat of the spell, is that it?"

"It's not a spell, I just explained the whole stuff moments ago"

"Doesn't matter, so?"

"Yeah, you are right"

Demon lord let out a sigh.

You see, magic works differently.

For instance, the castor making a huge ball of fire wouldn't feel the burning sensation of it despite being near it, not only him but anyone else wouldn't feel it either.

You see, until the spell is launched it wouldn't harm anyone.

You can create a huge ball of fire but you wouldn't feel its heat and can concentrate on pumping it with mana to make it more destructive and once it's launched it will cause havoc in the 'direction' it is launched.

It's not hard to understand how important this factor is.

It's no use if you end up melting before you can even create a huge ball of fire and it's no use if you end up melting once you launched the fireball after all it's a damn fireball, it would radiate heat in all directions, usually, that is.

Of course, it doesn't mean you can't be harmed by your own magic, well not unless you misfire it upon yourself.

Back to the main point, the fact that I can feel like fire burning my skin isn't really a good thing.

Well, it's not magic but psychic so I guess, I will have to find a way to keep the temperature of the fireball high and my body temperature low to not end up dying.

I will have to control the heat very carefully surrounding my body and surrounding the fireball, well, it's not just for fireball, same goes for other stuff too.

...Though, I have no idea how am I supposed to do it.

I sighed.

What a hassle.

"It's better to start with less damaging spells. For now, let's focus on your scythe"

"Yeah, understood"

Saying so, I grabbed my scythe and so did demon lord her's.


Done with the bath, I used the towel to dry my hair off.

"You don't comb them, do you?"

I gave a nod to the demon lord.

What? Don't look at me like that! So what if I leave my hair as is by ruffling them a little!?

It's not like there's a law that you have to comb them!

And I am handsome enough anyway!

Everything works for people who are handsome! My charm's B+!

I went towards the bed, there's no dining table in the room, you sit on the bed and eat however you want.

Taking my plate I began to eat


Stop staring at me.

"What do you want?"

"Your name"


Do you want to take my name?

The hell?

The world's becoming weirder each day.

"Are you okay?" I asked this is serious, if my teacher falls ill I wouldn't be able to learn shit, that had be a loss.

As far as completing this hidden dungeon quest is concerned as long as I have her hooked on manga I can use them to make her stop from ending the world.

Things are going fine in that department, what matters most here is my learning.

"I am okay, I just don't want us to separate without even knowing your name"


Ah, so that's what it is.

The last manga I gave her to read was about two people enjoying time with each other until one day one of them disappears and the other person realizes he doesn't even know the name of the other party until one day he finally finds out about the person, she is dead.

Sighing, I said my name.

"Noah" Demon lord nodded at those words of mine and for the sake of manner I proceeded to ask "What's your name?"

Her name wasn't mentioned in the novel, so, there's that.

Though, I don't really care about her name. It simply didn't matter to me.

"I don't know, it's been too long since anyone called me by my name, so I just forgot"


Did she just literally say she forgot her own name?
