
Chapter 66

Isla sat quietly in the infirmary, watching Nana make her a pack of things to bring with her.

Casper and Evelyn were leaving soon... with Isla in tow. 

At the moment they were with Landon and Victoria in his office, discussing whatever it was Alpha's needed to discuss. Likely Isla's situation and Samantha and Kelly's mating ceremony.

  She'd been left with Nana, but she didn't mind. 

She needed time with the old woman after spending the last day with her new parents.

  And spending the last day watching Kelly and Samantha fawn over one another, always touching, always close. 

It drove Isla's wolf insane, and Isla simply hurt all over. 

Of course she needed to figure out that she was in love with him after watching him with another woman, right before she would leave him forever. 

After figuring out that she'd been nothing more to him than a convenient friend, not when he had Samantha waiting.
