
Chapter 7: The Story of Retribution pt 3

-M29. 583. Ultramar Regnum-

Raias had lost all sense of time within the enveloping darkness. It could have been hours, days, or even months. He was completely disoriented, with the only feelings that remained being his seething anger and the burning desire for vengeance against those who had turned the Ultramar populace into abominations. With a powerful roar, Raias jolted back into awareness, his hands instinctively reaching out to strangle the first thing he saw.

He could feel his fingers gripping something cold and, thanks to his augmented transhuman strength, he could easily bring anyone in his grasp to their knees. After a moment, he returned to his senses.

"My lord," a voice whimpered from the person he had been choking. Raias slowly looked down and realized that it was an Apothecary, identified by the symbols of the Ultramar Auxilia.

"My apologize," Raias withdrew his hand, concerned for the medic's well-being.

"It's quite alright, my lord. Given the injuries you've endured, such a response is only natural," the Apothecary replied.

Raias glanced around, taking in his surroundings in the well-equipped medical laboratory filled with cutting-edge Imperial medical technology. In this place, the most severe injuries could be mended, and even the dead could be brought back to life. From the interior and the medicae symbols, Raias immediately recognized their location.

"Are we aboard the Sword of Ultramar?" Raias asked to confirm.

"Yes, my lord. We are aboard the Sword of Ultramar," the medic nodded in confirmation.

Raias mentally prepared himself and contemplated what he would say upon leaving the room. He found himself on his father's flagship, a mighty vessel that stood as Ultramar's pride and joy. Raias remembered the first time his father had taken him to this mighty vessel. It was truly an unforgettable moment. The Sword of Ultramar, a colossal warship stretching an awe-inspiring 535 kilometers in length, boasted a lineage of excellence within Ultramar. This monumental titan of the void gleamed with the ornate gold filigree of the Seloce Astratum family, an empire of power and grandeur. It wielded an impressive array of armaments that could single-handedly reduce entire sub-sectors to smoldering ruins, its weaponry rivaling the might of an entire fleet. 

Within its grandiose hull, billions of battle automatons were held sleep, waiting their time to be unleashed to the enemy, a testament to the eternal vigilance of the Ultramar Auxilia. Yet, its arsenal were not limited to the automaton legions but also legions of combat titans, towering giants brimming with weaponry capable of obliterating entire armies in a single, earth-shaking salvo. Countless war machines were stored and produced on this ship, making it not just a warship but also an industrial powerhouse of war potential itself.

Raias donned the attire provided by the Apothecary and strode purposefully through the elaborately decorated passageways toward the teleportarium. Each footstep reverberated through the marbled corridors, lined with reverential banners and larger-than-life murals, chronicling tales of Ultramar's unwavering valor. His thoughts involuntarily returned to the relentless battles he'd endured, where his once-immaculate armor was torn asunder, and his flesh was pierced as he fought ceaseless waves of abominations. He recalled battling hundreds of these monstrosities, each with varying sizes, some nearly as large as Imperial Knights. Following that, a group of Solar Guardians had teleported in front of him, efficiently dispatching the rest of those cursed creations.

Upon reaching the teleportarium, Raias chose to proceed directly to the central command deck, an architectural marvel brimming with advanced technology that house the ship's Ferrous Mind. This was the very hub where Ultramar's greatest leader directed fleets of smaller vessels and orchestrated the safeguarding of countless worlds. With a brilliant burst of light, Raias teleported to this command deck, the beating heart of the Sword of Ultramar, where his father made decisions that would define the path of this civil war.

He had to end this civil war once and for all because this civil war was not just any civil war. Someone was willing to sell themselves to those in the accursed sea of the Warp to destroy the Imperium.

"Ah, at last you awaken. Thalia just informed me." His father's voice resonated through the heart of the hangar as he sat upon a throne-like chair. Clad in a magnificent black-blue artificer armor, it was a source of pride for him, combining the artistry of a master and the pinnacle of technology. In his hand, he wielded a power sword, the Sword of Agator, an emblem of Ultramar's formidable authority.

Seeing the sword, which should have remained in the hands of his older brother, now returned to his father, Raias couldn't help but clench his fists. He struggled to keep his emotions in check as he slowly approached his father.

"Father, what has transpired?" Raias inquired, maintaining a tone of neutrality.

"Let's get straight to the heart of the matter, just as I expected from you," his father responded. His patriarchal aura remained stoic, yet there was a subtle undercurrent of relief hidden within his demeanor. However, this was overshadowed by an intense, frigid gaze that felt like it pierced Raias' very soul.

"Your brother has committed treachery against the Imperium and the Emperor. He willingly bartered his soul with the Primordial Annihilators and unleashed a Warp rift that devoured more than a hundred planets within Ultramar." This time, any semblance of sympathy had vanished from Falstor's countenance, replaced by a piercing, glacial stare that bore deep into Raias' being.

"What?" Raias was shocked beyond measure by this revelation. His entire body tensed, and his gaze remained locked onto his father. "Father, could you clarify what you mean?"

"You should already know. You were there with your brother, a firsthand witness to his act of betrayal," his father clarified, his voice unwavering.

In the recesses of his mind, Raias unraveled a hazy memory from the time he had been stranded on the planet Valigas. It was a recollection of his brother's laughter, a moment right before chaos erupted from the xenos artifact they had been guarding.

"So, that's how it came to this," Raias muttered, his voice laden with indescribable emotions.

The words of his father echoed through the chamber like a thunderclap in Raias's mind, announcing the grave news. "With the Emperor's sanction, the Lord Commander has branded Stelan Seloce Astratum as an Excommunicated Traitoris—a heretic."

Raias's own brother, a constant presence through thick and thin, now stood on the precipice of heresy. This very sibling who had shielded him from their father's reprimands had become the harbinger of their family's destruction. The memories crumbled, leaving Raias with a heart heavy and troubled.

"Curses," Raias mumbled, struggling to contain the flood of emotions.

Falstor motioned towards his sword, the Sword of Agator, a symbol of Ultramar's might, with a tinge of anger in his otherwise firm tone. Despite his unwavering stoicism, cracks appeared in his demeanor. In the depths of his heart, he was still a father who cherished his children deeply, and Stelan held a special place.

"Father," Raias whispered, his gaze shifting between sympathy and the smoldering rage that still flickered in his eyes.

Falstor's silence dominated the chamber for a moment. His eyes were fixed upon the celestial expanse outside, his expression a canvas of determination and seriousness. Raias recognized that look well; it was the one his father adopted to veil secrets. Within an instant, the meaning behind his father's words dawned on him.

"Father... What about my mother and sister?" Raias inquired, his voice tender.

The question nearly shattered the veneer that Falstor had maintained. An eerie stillness enveloped the chamber, paralyzing everyone in its grip. Even Thalia, the Ferrous Mind bound within the Sword of Ultramar, remained uncharacteristically silent.

"Your mother dueled your brother to protect your sister, sustaining mortal injuries in the process. Your siste, Stelan, apprehended her and took her to his fortress," Falstor stated, his voice measured and deliberate, as though attempting to contain an inner tempest. The revelation had a seismic impact on Raias.

It was the straw that broke the camel's back. Raias's emotions, which had been intensifying, burst forth like a deluge. He struck the nearby adamantium wall with such force that it dented, and his arm shattered in the process. No one held him at fault for the eruption of anguish, and none dared to meet the fierce intensity of his gaze.

This marked the inaugural instance in which Falstor witnessed the unmistakable expression that had taken residence upon Raias's visage. His second-born had long concealed his genuine emotions, often cloaking them in a veil of humor or sarcasm. Nevertheless, the storm of unbridled fury that now overtook Raias was beyond containment. It was as if he had transformed into a berserker, a relentless force, ready to consume the world in the pursuit of vengeance. This anger possessed the potency to pierce through the formidable defenses of his transhuman psyche with a single, penetrating glance.

"Your wrath is indeed formidable, my son. But reserve it for your brother. Now is not the time," Falstor spoke serenely, moving closer to place a calming hand upon his son's shoulder.

With precision, the Prothean organ within Raias's body mended his shattered hand, returning his bones and tissues to their original state. Though his physical wounds swiftly mended, the chasm within his heart remained gaping wide.

"Very well... Father," Raias said calmly, concealing his underlying anger beneath his composed tone. And with that, he left the grand hall, seeking solace for his troubled mind. He made his way back to the teleportarium, choosing a destination known as the Garden of Serenity, a sanctuary specially designed by his mother. In this garden, meticulously selected and genetically modified plants emitted fragrances that triggered chemicals in the brain, soothing even the most despondent. The garden's architecture, crafted from crystal and marble, had been carefully designed to complement the exotic flora that flourished within.

Raias settled into a marbled chair within the garden, his mind teeming with a thousand racing thoughts.


The unfolding conflict erupted into a cataclysmic spectacle as the vast armada of the Imperium clashed with the nightmarish abominations of the Primordial Annihilators. The battle's intensity was accentuated by the thunderous roars of hundreds of Nova Cannons, painting the once serene system with the brilliance of a myriad of stars. In response, the retaliatory strike of the forces of darkness unleashed torrents of unbridled chaos and raw devastation from the mysterious Ether, relentlessly pummeling the Ultramar armada.

Amidst the chaos, the protective veil provided by the Ferrous Minds and the steadfast efforts of Psycant Astra personnel on each ship held firm, while the Anathematic powers of the Warp raged within, struggling to narrow the rift. The Imperium's combined fleet advanced relentlessly, mobilizing a diverse array of military forces from all corners of its dominion to join the conflict.

Leading the charge were the legions of Anima Silica, at the forefront with their awe-inspiring fleet. Comprising colossal vessels forged from unyielding adamantium and imbued with plasma, these behemoths took on various forms, from insectoid to serpentine to cephalopod, each meticulously designed for maximum adaptability across the spectrum of war scenarios. Some were specialized in controlling materium free-power data to suppress the influence of the enigmatic Immaterium, standing as symbols of the Adeptus Mars' technological prowess. In stark contrast, others were vessels meticulously crafted to harness the unpredictable forces of the Warp and the Anathematic power, a testament to the ingenuity of the Psycant Astra.

This colossal confrontation came at a great cost, leading to the obliteration of numerous solar systems, and exacting a heavy toll in lives and resources. Yet, the indomitable spirit of the Imperium of Man persevered, grinding down the abominations through a relentless war of attrition that tested the limits of both sides.

Battle after grueling battle, they persevered until they stood at the gates of the heretic's last fortress. This system throbbed with an impenetrable Warp energy, where the very fabric of possibility wavered. Monstrous abominations emerged from rifts in reality, led by greater daemons of cosmic proportions, dwarfing entire stars in size. The Imperium's armada unleashed a relentless salvo. The Sword of Ultramar fired a volley of thousands of scorching laser beams, each capable of incinerating continents as they surged toward the abominations. Soon, all the exotic weaponry joined this catastrophic symphony, in harmony with their flagship's relentless lead.

One of the Ether Eaters surged forward, targeting an abomination of planetary proportions. It morphed into a colossal worm, swiftly closing its gaping maw upon its own tail. A luminous field emerged, reminiscent of the Mechanivore's aura, yet tailored for the specific purpose of cleansing Ether's essence and erasing the original concepts found within the Warp. Knowledgeable scholars of the Empyrean Sea recognized that the daemons and certain Warp entities manifesting in the Materium represented but a fraction of their true selves, dwarfed by their expansive existence within the Immaterium.

The colossal abomination was drawn within, crushed, and subsequently purged from the Empyrean Sea, including its original form deeply enmeshed within the tumultuous Warp. As a result, the concept itself was expunged from the fabric of space and time. Multiple war engines were swiftly deployed, meticulously supported by the relentless barrages of the Ultramar war fleet, to vanquish the remaining abominations.

Simultaneously, amidst the material realm's relentless battle, within the Immaterium, the Ferrous Minds and psychic avatars—forged from the fusion of advanced technology and Psycant Astra's intricate mantras—clashed head-on with the unadulterated forms of daemons and abominations. To those attuned to the Warp, it was a spectacular display, akin to the epic conflicts of ancient deities against the malevolent demons.

After days of unrelenting warfare amidst the cosmic abyss the once-proud greater daemon, whose colossal presence had loomed large just a few days prior, was now subjected to a conceptual overthrow. The Silica Anima and Ferrous Mind, operating in both the material realm and the Immaterium, combined their powers to achieve this feat. With its fall, the weaker daemons were left with no choice but to withdraw back into the domains of their divine overlords. Nevertheless, on the far side of the last planet, an ethereal citadel remained standing, and the rift, although severely battered with most of its supporting pillars destroyed, continued to persist.

The Imperial forces eventually reached the precipice of the rift. Here lay the said planet, transformed to such an extent that it had become wholly unrecognizable. The once solid rock and molten metal had given way to a living labyrinth of ever-changing flesh—an amalgamation of the four Primordial Annihilators' devastating powers.

In response, the Imperial armada deployed a colossal ebony sphere that descended upon the planet's surface. The sphere's metallic shell unfurled, releasing trillions of Omniphages, each imbued with Anathemathic empowerment. These sacred beings disseminated across the planet, blanketing a quarter of its entire landmass. With the utterance of ancient sanctified mantras, the runes of purity came to life, and the nanomachines underwent a profound metamorphosis, purging the nefarious clutches of Chaos from the planet. Yet, the power that leaks from the rift still persist, causing the purification not fully cleansed the planet.

With a haunting psychic echo resonating from the citadel under Stelan's dominion, he wove a unique protective sigil upon the summoned daemons, an attempt to defy the grasp of Anathema's power. Though this protection wasn't strong enough to fully counteract the force of the Anathema, it managed to funnel the horde into sanctified runes.

Then came the orbital bombardment, like descending pillars of righteous fury meant to scourge the unclean. Despite relentless efforts by the daemons to disrupt the sanctified sigils, their attacks were met with a second wave of bombardment. Subsequent batches of Omniphages followed suit, this time collaborating to construct a colossal fortress amidst the chaotic aftermath of the bombardment. In less than half an hour, a formidable stronghold took shape, boasting various siege engines and multiple layers of impenetrable void shields. Tens of thousands of automata teleported to the battlefield, forming the bulwark of the frontline defense. With the frontline secure, it was time to deploy thousands of war machines and formidable heavy-class walkers into the battlefield.

(AN: A quick note. All ot these things compared to the Third Galactic War would be just a skirmish.)


Raias fixed his gaze upon the planet, which was under the unrelenting assault of his father's armada. He then turned his attention to the part of the planet still plagued by the Primordial Annihilators, knowing that his brother awaited someone to confront him there. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Raias sensed that Stelan wished for him to step forward.

"Raias, I need you to remain here while I confront your brother," Falstor declared with unwavering determination before his helmet sealed his visage.

"What if it's a trap to take you down?" Raias voiced his reluctance, suspicion tingeing his words.

"Even if it is, I want you, the younger generation, to assume leadership of Ultramar," Falstor's faint smile was a rare sight, one that Raias had never seen on his father. "You represent the future. My time is waning."

"What do you mean by that?" Raias inquired, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

In response, Falstor offered no words but conveyed his intent by handing his sword to Raias. Although Falstor's expression was unreadable to his son, there was an unmistakable sense of understanding and patience emanating from his eyes.

"I entrust the mantle of Ultramar to you," the father said with a small, genuine smile.

In that moment, Raias fell into stunned silence, his thoughts tangled by the blend of his father's words and expressions. This time, he stood bewildered, unsure of which way to steer his contemplations. His father's gentle pat on the shoulder was the final note before he moved towards the teleportarium, flanked by his loyal honor guard.

Raias shifted his gaze toward the Sword of Agator, feelings swirling within him. While his heart ached to rush to his brother's aid, a whisper of reason told him that his father's decision carried a certain wisdom. Now, as the designated heir, he made the choice to direct his attention to holovids that chronicled the relentless war unfolding beyond. Lost in contemplation, he plotted his path forward.
