

Soon we all noticed the four gurdian deities as I heard the sound of my personal favourite island deity, Tapu Fini.

Tapu Fini descend and I approach her as she also approach me.

"How were you Tapu Fini?" I asked as it wouldn't be good to say 'Hay Tapu Fini, quick help us in opening an ultra wormhole and help us save Lusamine' right

"Fini" Tapu Fini replied with a nod.

"If you are asking me about why we are here then it went this way....." after that I told Tapu Fini about the recent event that happened while Lillie elaborates that Nebby's power to open Ultra Wormhole will help save Lusamine, and Gladion asks if it was possible to meet Solgaleo at the Altar of the Sunne.

Immediately, Tapu Fini flies over to other guardian deities, and after a brief discussion, the quartet sends out a powerful cry and a multicolored sphere appears.

"They are Misty, Psychic, Electric and Grassy Terrains. They are all merged, forming this scene" Professor Burnet explained.

Immediately after she explained this, a beam of light descends and forms a viewing screen. Solgaleo, followed by Lunala, emerge from separate Ultra Wormholes and clash, just as in my dream. A Cosmog then emerges from the cloud which was made by the collision of Solgaleo and Lunala.

"Hey, isn't it Nebby?" Mallow ask

"Yeah it is" Serene replied

"So, is Nebby an Legendary Pokemon?" Gladion asks

Back to the viewing screen, Nebby instantly teleports the four Island Guardians to a location near Pokemon School. It is revealed that Tapu Koko lured me and Serena to Nebby.

"Sid, maybe the four Island Guardians, Solgaleo and Lunala entrusted Nebby to you" Professor Kukui say

"I don't know" I clearly don't understand this because this was a plot for Ash so he can make good relations with a powerful organisation in Alola, Island Guardians and Legendary Pokemon. But somethings have started to change. Maybe it's a butterfly effect which was caused by my actions.

Suddenly, one of my pokeball begins to glow, it is Nebby's pokeball. Nebby automatic come out and begin to float in the air.

Just as Nebby reach the same level as of piller on which there is a symbol of sun in the Altar of The Sunne, Tapu Fini and Tapu Lele begin to throw water vapour and glitter at Nebby.

Gladion becomes infuriated by the delay, though Tapu Koko silences his concerns with an intense glare. Lillie reassures her older brother that the island guardians are capable and require everyone's patience.

Now, the four island guardians are hovering above their respective pillars and humming in harmony. The ground begins to glow, and a light traces its way upwards and opens the Altar of the Sunne. The now opened portal beams a light directly onto Nebby, and in a light and fire spectacle, it emerges as a newly evolved Solgaleo.

We all are surprised by the sudden evolution of Nebby into Solgaleo and realisation that Nebby is Solgaleo, well all of them other than me.

We all approach Solgaleo but Lillie is the one to embrace her first. Well honestly, I wanted to be the first because it is not everyday that you can embrace a Legendary Pokemon and not to mention the fact that I took care of Nebby the whole time, others also helped me but I was the one who took care of Nebby the most.

And, NEBBY IS MY POKEMON, even through I like Lillie but isn't it right that I have to the first to embrace it.

"Wow Nebby, you have become so big that no one can now carry you in his or her arms" I said while offering Nebby some of her favourite candy which she eagerly eats.

After eating the candies, she like me with it's giant yellow tongue which leaves me covered with her saliva.

"I should have brought something to clean myself" I mummer before Tapu Fini make me take a bath by her water gun.

"Well, I guess that I have to change my clothes" I say as I am dripping wet right now. Luckily, I walk with some extra pair of clothes because not like in the anime, our clothes really get dirty after we do something that gets us dirty.

"We don't have enough time fo.... ok get it done soon" Gladion says while glaring at me but stops in middle when he receives glares from all the girls other than from professor Burnet and Wicke.

After getting changed into another set of clothes which is similar to the previous one I was wearing. When I returned, I saw Lillie asking Solgaleo to open an Ultra Wormholes so we can save Lusamine.

"Can you do it Nebby?" as soon as I ask this, a Z-Crystle appears, landing on my hand.

"I can't fit it inside my z-ring, it's shape is different from the shape made in my z-ring" I say while looking at the Solganium Z.

"Fini" I heard Tapu Fini's voice from behind me

"What is it Fini?" I ask while turning around

"Fini?" Serene asks

"Yeah, Fini for short" I reply

"Hehehe, only you can give short names to even an Legendary Pokemon" Professor Kukui say while laughing which cause others to also smile

"Fini" Tapu Fini say with a smile which could be seen only for a split second while pointing on my z-ring

"Do you want my z-ring?"

"Fini" Tapu Fini reply with a nod

"Ok" I say as I give my z-ring with Waterium Z to Tapu Fini.

After taking my z-ring, she closes her shell with the Z-Ring inside and performs a ritual chant and dance before passing it on to Tapu Lele doing the same ritual, followed by Tapu Koko and Tapu Bulu.

When the Z-ring come out from Tapu Bulu's shell, my Z-ring transforms into of black colour which can now hold the Solganium Z. I think it is called Z-power ring. Maybe I am wrong but anyway, it looks like the Waterium Z also evolved as it is now of the same shape of the Solganium Z.

"Fini" Tapu Fini says while giving me the new Z-ring.

"Ok guys, are you ready?" I ask while wearing my z-ring and putting the Solganium Z in it.

"Yeah" all of them reply enthusiastically.
