
Mythical Pokemon

A.N:- There will be various time skips in this chapter because nothing worth mentioning will happen other then things mentioned in this chapter.


After dad left, I and mom slept in my room. Yeah, when dad goes to any meeting for more than one day, mom sleeps with me. Dad do the same.


~Time Skip~

It's been three months after my birthday and the other two eggs haven't hatched till now.

I am doing daily training with my pokemon. As they are practicing their moves, I am strengthening my body as it is necessary to have a physically fit body while travelling as a pokemon trainer. I am currently wearing my training gear which is a purple crop top with blue colour denim short shorts and red shoes. Which shows my beautiful skin preety much.

After the training was over, we took our dinner. We have started to take our food at one place that is in my home. After taking our dinner, I was going with my pokemon to their place.

As we approached the pokehouse, we all saw a light coming form it. As we saw the light, I yelled to bring my mom and dad out.

"Mom, Dad, quick. Come. The egg is hatching." After hearing my these words, they rushed as they were curious about the pokemon which was taking this much time to hatch.

We all rushed to the pokehouse to see the black egg with red stripes glowing. As the egg starter to crack, anticipation filled us as well as curiousity.

After the egg completely hatched, a zorua came out of it. Seeing zorua come out of it, we all yelled in surprise. Zorua is a mythical pokemon and seeing it come out of a egg which we thaught of as a normal pokemon egg is really surprising.

(A.N:- I tried to find what rarity is of zorua, like mythical or legendary but I couldn't find a proper answer. So I am gonna go with mythical.)

It seems that zorua is startled by the noise we all made and it almost started crying before I picked it up in my arms before starting to pat his head.

"It's ok zorua. We are your family from now on. You don't need to be afraid of us." I said trying to stop him from crying and I don't want him to be afraid of us.

After we all got friendly with zorua, we were trying to leave but zorua is sticking to me like someone has sticked us with gule.

After many unsuccessful tries to remove him from me, I can only do one thing. Which is to convince my other pokemon to let zorua sleep with me which doesn't go right as froakie was convinced but all the girls were protesting.

So in the end, we all slept in my room including froakie as I don't want him to feel left out.


~Time Skip~

It's been six months since zorua hatched. My most pokemons evolved during this time period, which are Bulbasaur into Ivysaur, Charmander into Charmeleon, Squirtle into Wartortle, Torchic into Combusken, Mudkip into Marshtomp, Piplup which is a shiny one into Prinplip, I forgot to tell that it is a shiny one at the beginning as I was more excited to watch to watch these much pokemon egg hatching almost at the same time.

(A.N. :- In reality, I forgot that there are even shiny pokemon.)

Rowlet also evolved into Dartrix. Leaving only froakie, sobble, scorbunny, Grookey, Litten, Chimchar, Treecko and Zorua.

Everyone is training with their all might including me. The pokemon which surprised me the most is froakie. He can beat almost every one of my pokemon even if he didn't evolve, which surprised me even more because if he could beat everyone in my team, so shouldn't he be the one evolving first.

Zorua is also doing good. She have learnt a bunch of moves and she can transform into every single one of my pokemon and pokemon she sees everyday like Chesnaught and even into me. Sometimes, she pranked others by taking my appearance.

If you are wondering how do I know that zorua is a girl then the answer is simple. She told me.

But something strange is going on from last week.

We all are having nightmares every night form the past week. I wonder what the cause is.


During midnight, I felt like someone is calling me. So, I got up from my bed and walked towards the pokehouse.

As I arrived in the pokehouse, I saw all of my pokemons sleeping. After seeing them sleeping soundly, as I was going to leave, the completely black egg starter to glow bright. I felt that it's light was similar to when zorua hatched but it's way too stronger than that.

Mom and dad also arrived after sometime I arrived.

"Mom, Dad, what is happening?"

"The light was so bright that it reached our room. So we came to check it out." mom replied trying to cover her eyes from the light.

"The egg is hatching, the light which is coming from it is almost similar to when zorua hatched. But it is more brighter then that. Judging by it's light, there must be a legendary or another mythical pokemon in it" Dad said trying to cover his eyes as well.

"Really" mom said in surprise.

"I thaught that you felt that so you came here" I said

"Felt what?" dad asked

"Like someone is calling you. I came because I felt like someone is calling me. So, when I came here and as soon as I arrived, it started to glow." I answered

After sometime, the egg stopped glowing and we were rubbing out eyes as that light just now was too powerful and the change in light was making us almost blind.


We heard a creaking sound as we still can't see properly.

After we got our eyesight back and turning the lights on, I moved towards the egg as it was completely hatched but we couldn't see any pokemon near it.

I moved near egg to check it out.

"Sid be careful."

"Yeah mom, I will be careful."

As I arrived near the egg, I tried to see anything. I even checked it's shell but I couldn't find anything.

"Did you see anything?" dad asked

"No" I replied before I felt the same felling again. Before I turn around, I felt two hands hugging me.

"So, it's you, huh." I said without turning around "Care to tell me who you are?" I said before I saw the pale face of my mom and dad.

"Mom, dad, what happened?"

"Sid look back" mom replied

"What is back?" as asked before turning around to see the pokemon which just hatched.

It was a Darkrai.

This surprised us the most as we never knew that Darkrai hatch from egg. Even using all of the technology, scientists can't find out about it's birth, it's death or even about it's sex. And now, a Darkrai just hatched out from the egg I was taking care of almost nine months.

Yeah, the same time as the birth of a human child. And it seems that it's attached to me as it is not stopping to hug me. He or She makes me remember of zorua when she just hatched.

When zorua hatched, my all pokemon started to sleep with me. I managed to convince them to sleep back in pokehouse. I don't wanna that thing to happen again.
