
Baby's Hunger

The sky thunders above.

Lecia doesn't flinch as her eyes scan through a marked copy of the Stonehenge book. It contains further annotations by fellow members who worked hard to decipher the unknown language.

She sighs, thinking of the amount of uncovered knowledge achieved after the ritual. It naturally motivated and re-energized their organization, but was it worth it?

'There's always risks. We knew that, but...were we too hasty?'

Putting down the book, she leans back in her chair and lets her eyes gravitate to the ceiling of her home. She lives in a modern home amongst many, and it's not because she can't afford a larger one; rather, it's important for her to keep a low profile and not draw attention.

Some days, that's not possible given press releases her company makes, but overall, not many people pay attention to a geological imaging business. Interest would follow the actual excavations that use their equipment.

That said, she and her secret group ironically might've unleashed something that would garner the most attention.

While nothing has happened yet, Rachel's discovery of a related sealing ritual adds credence to the idea that the ritual they performed is meant to release something.

While this requires further confirmation with other members, Lecia is confident in the intent. This puts her more in unease given what she and Mike have seen so far.

But then, why would a formation be documented to release something after sealing and what does it have to do with the stars?

"Nothing has happened and yet, I'm already getting this anxious when we still don't have enough details," Lecia groans, placing a hand across her eyes.

Sighing, she pulls out her phone and dials her secretary. She understands it's getting late; however, this can't wait anymore.

"Cindy? We're going to move the schedule up. I want to start testing the scanning prototype at the cemetery tomorrow."


"Yes, I know the ground will be wet and the initial enclosure isn't finished. They only need to try. Besides, it'll be easier to dig the holes and this should kickstart the fine-tuning process early as well. There's no need to wait."


"Thank you. Have a-"


"The artist? Honestly, just reschedule that meeting. I doubt I'll have time to stop by his studio to check on his work in person. I saw the photo though - it's nice."


"Yes, alright. Good night."

Hanging up, Lecia shakes her head silly. She knows she hired Rachel's referred artist to commemorate the personal success of the ritual, but looking back, it feels so premature and naive.

Just what kind of horror was released?


"Hehe, Daniel~ My baby..."

As she softly whispers to her son, Anne feels so much joy seeing him suckle and frequently burying his face into her soft bosom.

She has nursed him many times over the week. Honestly, there's nothing different about this situation, even after giving "birth" to him.

It doesn't have to be.

The moment she assimilated Amy's corpse, she inherited her will and love for her son, whom she raised with all her heart.

Anne feels she is only continuing the trend, wanting to be there for him...providing for him in every way she can.

However, her figurative heart wasn't entirely pure. She was jealous and couldn't help but compare herself to Daniel's prior mother.

After all, Amy got to raise Daniel from natural birth.

Those jealous feelings have been completely erased though. Not only has Daniel been firm about wanting her and not Amy, but she now has the advantage of becoming one with him many times over. It would only improve as she learns more about her body and adapts.

Turning her head, she sees Daniel's cock has risen. Of course, she gave him a nice handjob ten minutes ago.

"Baby, do you want mama to stroke you some more?"

Daniel unlatches, taking a deep breath.

'God, I love her.'

He clears his throat. "Actually, let's continue in the shower."

Anne's eyes close happily. "Yes!"

They get up and head towards the bathroom while holding hands. As they do, tiny droplets of milk drip down onto the carpet from the slime. Seeing this, Daniel feels his cock pulsing with excitement.

He tries to stay calm, but upon reaching the shower, he leans forward into his slime mother and latches back onto her breast without another word.

The slime girl giggles again.

"Still thirsty? Mama will grow taller so you can drink easily."

She stretches smoothly. In response, Daniel feels his cock, pressing against her skin, pull up. He unlatches for a moment to gaze up at her, now a head higher than average.

"Huh. You can grow taller though, right?"

"Hu hu, of course! However, this is a perfect size for you."

She then lifts a leg across his waist without warning. Daniel has to quickly adjust to hold onto her as she leans forward, her nipple pressing right back into his mouth. He grunts but doesn't complain about the sudden position.

"Mama knows that her baby is still a man. Can't be holding you all the time, can I?"

Daniel groans lightly in response, slurping and licking around her nipple as milk spills into his mouth. He takes up his role gladly, sliding his hand across her other leg and lifting her up across his waistline.

With his cock eager to plunge into her, Anne reaches down with one arm and positions his cock neatly, then, like a see-saw, she lowers her hips down onto his member.

Splish! Splish!

Initially, Daniel can support her movements, gripping her ass tightly while burying his face deeper into her breast.

"Ah~ We haven't even turned on the shower yet!"

Across from him, Anne stretches her arm out to grab the shower knob behind him, then turns it on.

In no time, steam rises as the water crashes onto the tiles below and slips between them.

With water ready to wash their lewd motions, she begins bouncing on his cock while keeping his upper body closer to her chest. Her elastic nature enables such rigorous movement in what would otherwise be a demanding position to maintain.

Splack! Splack!

He presses his face into her chest for as long as possible until he has to breathe. When he does, breathing out, milk sprays across his face thanks to her bouncing.

"Easy baby! Mama's milk is precious! You wouldn't want to waste it, now would you?"

*Smack! Smack!*

Daniel can't hardly reply to her snark as her bounces grow more pronounced. At this point, his arms are barely doing any work as her legs wrap tightly around him, now taking the lead in her swinging.


"Oh god! S-slow down, mom!"

Anne does so, then pulls his head back to her chest. She kisses his forehead as he emits a muffled groan. Milk leaks from his lips, mixing in with the water surrounding them.

"My sweet, sweet baby."

This goes on for a while until Daniel reaches his limit. With his belly full of milk, he latches off and then presses Anne against the closest wall.

The slime girl stops bouncing and hugs him tightly, closing her eyes as her son groans aloud.

"Oh fuck..."


Once more, her son fills her with his milk. She sighs, feeling it adding to her daily nutrition.

"It's a lot this time..." she whispers, humming suggestively.

Daniel pants, his forehead resting against her chest. "Give me credit...for holding back...this much."

Anne kisses his head once again and rubs his back. "Of course, baby. You did well."

Thunder rumbles around them, a reminder that the dark skies still haven't let up.

Anne hums, feeling strange about it, but can't pinpoint why. Regardless, she doesn't ponder too much and slides off her son. Then taking a bar of soap off to the side, she raises it.

"Shall mama scrub your back again?"


After the shower, Daniel left to check his emails. While most of the day is gone, thanks to Anne, he's not too upset. However, he has to ensure some client emails are responded to.

Meanwhile, Anne is in the kitchen preparing dinner. With her mood higher than it's ever been, she can't help but sing to herself as she cuts some onions. The sounds of the rain clattering against the windows actually soothe her.

This is strange though, because Amy never liked the rain. Of course, her reasoning is that it would hinder the sky's visibility during observations. Despite feeling some annoyance through her, the slime feels like she can shrug it off.

'Well...maybe it's because I'm a slime? I mean, I am somewhat water-based...right?'

She pauses, then her eyes squint as she tilts her head.

'Actually, I shouldn't really assume that. What am I made of exactly?'

Unfortunately, nothing comes to mind. Anne has been waiting to hear something or have another vision, but the latest disturbance only affected her son, proclaiming a world inside her. She's still determining how much to believe.

Her thoughts are cut short when she hears a buzzing. Looking at the table, she sees that her son has left his phone behind.

Perhaps thinking it could be from Mary, she pauses her cutting and looks at it. Her eyes widen.

'Caller ID: Rachel'

"Oh! Um..."

It would be better to hand the phone to her son, but she has an urge to answer it instead.

'N-no, she's only calling Daniel! It has nothing to do with me...but it's also Rachel...and...well, Daniel is busy right now, so maybe...'

Unable to resist the urge, she shuts her eyes tightly and decides to pick it up.



"No, you got the right number! Um...Daniel is busy right now. I'm his...girlfriend."


"Yep, that's right — his girlfriend! I'll let him know to call you back. I don't think it'll be long."


"Oh, me? I um...we've been together for a few months."


"Ahaha...well, don't be so harsh with him for not telling you about me. It's fine!"


"O-oh...I...sound like his mother? I um, should I take it as a compliment?"


"You try not to bother him? Why?"


"That's not true! Um...I might not be the best person to say this, but you and him were there for his mother, right? I think supporting each other with such a mutual loss is natural while still moving forward. That might just be my naive thinking though."


"Hehe, no problem! This might seem a bit on the nose, but even the brightest stars fade and leave some form of remnant behind. To me, that's our memories of them and the people who connect us to them."


"Rachel? Hello? Hello?"

Anne pulls away the phone and sees it suddenly disconnected. It's possible there may be interference from the rain. Plus, she could've sworn she heard something like a splash before the line was cut.

Sighing, her lips then wriggle with both delight and shame. Daniel could always call her again later, but hearing Rachel's voice again has ignited feelings within her.

'This isn't good. I really want to reconnect with her now, but...no! It's too risky. I'm not completely the same person as Amy. I need to remain aware of that.'

With that in mind, Anne goes back to preparing the meal. She forces herself to be satisfied to hear the astronomer friend again.

However, several miles away towards the other side of the phone call, Rachel stares into the distance, frozen with bewildered eyes. She had dropped her umbrella during the call. Even so, not even the droplets could shake her from shock.

It had to be a coincidence.

Yet, the girlfriend's words spoken to her amplified the strangeness in her stomach over hearing a voice similar to her dead friend.

The final nail in the coffin was the girlfriends quote which rang eerily similar to her friend's final words: "Rachel, please be there for my son if he needs it...and don't remain sad for me. Even the brightest stars fade and leave some form of remnant behind. Daniel is my remnant and I know he'll grow brighter than anyone."

Rachel's face tightens as her eyes narrow with pain. Pulling the phone slowly down from her ear and lets out a heavy breath, water dripping from her eyes and mixing with the rain.

She looks up to the dark skies. "Oh Amy..."
