
The Smile of Desire (R-18)

Erwin's suggestion seemed outrageous, something that no reasonable person would consider. Yet, as Erwin glanced at Adelaide's serious expression, he couldn't help but notice a hint of contemplation in her eyes. It was a stark reminder that love, or in this case, lust, had the power to blind and distort one's judgment.

Adelaide's expression grew serious as she pondered over his suggestions. Thoughts raced through her mind as she contemplated the potential outcomes. 'If it's a woman, Erwin can handle her, and if it's a man, I can defend myself and kill him. But regardless, there's still the humiliation of being seen.... But it's just a game, not reality,' she thought to herself, gazing at Erwin, who was engrossed in playing with her breasts trying to coax her arms to uncover them.
