

A carriage that Is getting pulled by a Three faces horse is standing in front of the Stromtide castle.

"Darling... You will be back soon, Right ?" The Stromtide Queen asked with a smile.

"Yes, Yes and For the thousand time, FUCKING YES." Anon shouted as he sits into the carriage.

After him followed, Kolis the Succubus princess, and The Witchcreta.

"Sir, Are you sure... You don't need me ?" Heli asked with a smile.

"No, You take care of that boy... What was his name ? Yeah, Jurid." Anon spoke as he closed the carriage's door.

"Move the fucking carriage..." Anon ordered.

"Y-Yes." The driver immediately started moving the carriage.

"Where are we heading to, Sir ?" The Witchcreta asked with a confused expression.

"To the Succubus kingdom." Anon spoke as he looked at Kolis.

"Wait, Are you serious ?" Kolis asked with a shocked expression.

"Yes, Luv. We are going to your home." Anon replied.
