

Malachi chuckled like an amused old man as he held up his hand. 

A spark billowed to life, and suddenly a ball of pitch black flame appeared in his palm. 

"This is something else... Now I got the whole set!" 

He held up his other hand and produced a spark of black lightning, before summoning a dark tendril of shadow. 

"Ah... I guess I'm missing water though but black water would be a little gross, no?" He realized. 

"What... is he talking about?"

"Malachi...You're starting to worry me, lad."

"Black water actually has a fair bit of minerals inside of it and is quite refreshing."

Malachi flew down to the three men below and immediately wrapped his arms around Morgan and Enzo like they were the best of friends. 

"We're still going to eat after this, right? If I'm honest I think the girls and I got our hopes up a little bit." 

"Oh, can I come!?" Arias asked excitedly. 
