
Glad You Could Make It!

"Holy shit!"

"Lucky bitch..."

"Lucky bastard..."

"Am I seeing things?"

When Malachi finally released Luna's lips from his, their actions had caused quite a stir within the ballroom. 

But he himself didn't seem to care all that much about the commotion he caused, and instead his sole focus rested on the woman in his arms. 

"...You could have just said hello you know?" She muttered. 

"Not as fun."

Luna rolled her eyes as she lightly fanned her reddened cheeks, not quite willing to admit that she had enjoyed his greeting more than anyone. 

"Oh...! I see now!"

Suddenly, a man stepped out from the murmuring crowd, trailed by two people Malachi knew very well. 

Enzo wore an expression of true shock just like the rest of the crowd, but he didn't really seem to be upset in the slightest. 

"So, this is the man they spoke of. I must admit, I had not taken you for a cougar, Luna."
