

A frustrated Sarah, who hadn't eaten meat in over a week, was busy listening to Alice as she gave her the weekly financial report on DEW BEAUTY.

"As long as it continues like this, we will be set for life. The retention rate is very high, and the majority of returning customers. I believe it is time to put premium cream on the shelves. It ......…."

Putting aside her frustration, Sarah became engrossed as she listened to Alice. Money was pouring in, which was already a blessing for her. She desired a successful business, but this was insufficient for the time being.

Her main issue at the moment was a lack of herbs needed to make the cream. They were extremely difficult to cultivate, and some of them took much longer to harvest, which was very frustrating.

At the same time, she didn't want to buy herbs from others because she couldn't guarantee their quality. People are always looking for ways to cut corners to make more money, and she didn't want to sabotage herself because she was lazy.

"Get someone to prepare three more greenhouses and, when they are done, hire some people for the job."

After hearing Alice's report, Sarah decided it was time to go all out.

Alice lit up when she heard this. This assignment was already a sign that more people were needed; it was another job opportunity for someone, and she knew a lot of people who were desperate for it.

Sarah's requirements for workers were not stringent; they should be hardworking, willing to learn, and do their jobs diligently without slacking off.

If they have prior experience, that is even better because it reduces the burden on everyone. And this knowledgeable individual should not be stingy with his knowledge and should freely share it with others.

Sarah was alone in her study after giving Alice instructions. She browsed through the online store's inboxes and just read without responding because Alice was already doing a great job.

Although the page has only been open for a short time, it has received a lot of positive feedback from genuine customers, while trolls did not hesitate to call her company a scam, all because of the prices she set.

They were in for a surprise, however, when Sarah posted a video and several images of the advanced and premium batch of DEW BEAUTY creams.

She had only uploaded the ordinary cream, which was already considered very expensive, at the time, and now she had uploaded the remaining two types of beauty creams, and she was certain that a commotion would ensue once they saw the prices.

The advanced creams were priced from LST$500 to LST$1,200, or from the smallest bottle to the largest bottle.

She didn't even show mercy when it came to the premium bottles, simply pricing them from LST$1,500 to LST$4,000.

The prices were simply inhumane to the poor, but she had no choice. These beauty creams were the epitome of beauty, and once people realize this, they will beg her to sell them at even higher prices when the stock runs out.

She didn't forget to inform Jackie that she was now selling medium and premium beauty creams. So she and her friends had to act quickly because there were only a few bottles left.

Sarah wasn't in the mood to participate in or watch any drama, so she logged out and began to read some social and economic news after uploading her content.

When she was finished, she logged into her forex trading account and smiled brightly as she saw the wealth in her account.

Although she was not gifted in trading, the system greatly aided her in this regard, and it wasn't free. Sarah paid the system a fee for this, which she paid with cougar or system points.

Nothing comes for free; she is well aware of this.

She has a couple of hundred million Laswait dollars in total. And if she wants to live in Belmore, she can easily buy one or build one if she can find a suitable plot of land.

She wasn't patient enough to buy some land and build a house, so buying a fully furnished house or a completed house was sufficient for her.

If she was going to do this, she had to go big, which requires money. She didn't want to buy a house today and then be out of money by the end of the day.

A crazy online battle was currently taking place on the Revdoit platform.

ARABBIT, one of the first buyers on DEW BEAUTY's online store, was currently arguing with a troll.

She was initially skeptical of the overpriced beauty cream and was prepared to go all out if she was duped, but when she received her bottles of cream and used them, she felt as if someone had slapped her in the face.

The cream was simply too magical, and she was overjoyed to discover that there had been such a magical cream suitable for her sensitive skin all along.

She decided to hoard a few bottles first before informing others about the positive results. She didn't want to be in a situation where there was no stock and she was out of cream.

She then told her friends about it after ordering a few more bottles with all of her saved allowances. Her friends were overjoyed when they received their own orders from DEW BEAUTY.

One of her friends is a live streamer, and she enjoys streaming about a variety of topics, including make-up tips. To share these magical wonders, her friend advertised the cream on her live stream, and just like this DEW BEAUTY, it quickly became popular, and everyone who was interested began to look into it.

This is how DEW BEAUTY became an internet sensation, forcing Sarah to build more greenhouses and hire more workers to begin producing the second batch of creams.

At the same time, she should make available the advanced and premium creams she had planned to launch at some point.

After all, they weren't fools to believe what the trolls were saying, so they simply placed their orders online. If something ordinary can turn people into crazed followers, what about advanced and premium?

What the rest of the people didn't realize was that the online battle was a trigger that pushed DEW BEAUTY into the spotlight, and soon everyone would be aware of it.
