
Chapter 5: Medieval blitzkrieg

Chapter 5: Medieval blitzkrieg

A man sits behind a short desk legs crossed looking toward the door that just opened.

"My prince I have the information you requested!" The man kneeling hands a leather tube with a leather cap on one end to the prince behind the desk and then immediately leaves.

The man opens the tube and unrolls a letter describing another prince's actions and movements for a month. These acts seem to be mundane to this prince, he can be heard calling for the man who wrote the letter and soon they sat face to face.

The prince asked "why does the little prince ignore Balikesir? He then chose a rundown city to place his sanjak flag why do you have the answer?"

The spy just shook his head but stated "The city is not run down is truly a well-arranged city perfect for defense and easy to move around day to day, it also has lots of traders enter the harbor daily" the man pauses then continues with he believes it may have surpassed Balikesir in trade at least.

"So, my brother is trying to be a merchant? Does he not want the throne... no that's impossible he must be expanding his contact network he is young. But what about the navy why is he focused on those ships?" the prince asked.

The spy's face contorted a little then said, "Impossible to know I can't get within a certain range of that side of the docks without planning my funeral first there are men everywhere in that area and eyes are watching you as soon as you step foot even close to that direction that's why I returned to give the letter I was asked to leave the city... well or die."

"Did you see his retinue and how many there were and how many horsemen he has?" the prince asked with a calm face unfazed by the news.

The spy looked concerned at this time then forced out the next few words "My p-prince I also wasn't able to get this information I could only see the city guards and once I saw a man armored from head to toe riding a tall and strong horse like the ones our lancers use. That was everything I saw."

The prince just waved for the man to leave and continued to look over the papers in front of him about his older brothers' forces. They all have significant portions of the sultan's army, all except the youngest who was given a navy that isn't truly loyal to us ottomans but just surrendered with their Bey... So, the youngest is not a threat maybe could just get him to join or die when the time comes the eldest prince thought in his head.

Then outside the mansion, the spy who just left was making his way to a newly opened tavern in bursa... when he arrived, he went straight up the stairs and into a corner room where there is nothing but a desk and a bookcase. But he soon moves the bookcase like a door and enters a shadow room only lit by the single oil lamp on what can be assumed to be a Greek-styled desk. Behind the desk sat a man whom he met only once, and he knows not this man's face but the mask he had saw during his torturous stay in the dungeons of none other than Abydos.

I cannot believe we accomplished this much in almost 2 months I mean I had hoped but this is only a sample size to an empire and the war machine moves along faster than you can believe. I managed to pull together 7 fully trained and armored units of our modified phalanx infantry which is 840 men, I also expect the last unit to be ready within the next 2 weeks or so. We also pulled together our Armored Horse archers and the tests with their new armor and special weaponry went so well!

These Sipahi-styled mobile archers are capable of shooting one to 2 explosive black powder arrows during the battle we plan to use this more in open field battles and maybe use them as a foot archer group in sieges as a unit to provide covering fire for our attacks. The only downside is they must find a decent place on the battlefield to stop moving to light these arrows or they can only light them and then race toward their destination. But to fix this we trained hard and experimented a lot.

This experimentation will benefit the whole army, we created a safe lighter... I along with the gunsmith created a rope lighter a small metal what can be described as a lace let goes on the end of the rope fuse we use to light the arrows or grenades and one flick of the flint against the steel base will create a spark lighting the fuse rope that was intentionally dipped in a minuscule amount of naphtha or oil whatever we have available honestly but this is by far my greatest innovation its akin to a 1917 trench lighter amazing!

This allows our horse archers to light their arrows on the go or their new calvary grenades a little smaller but more compact black powder grenades will cause more damage than even skirmishing just launching grenades into the enemies' flanks amid battle will destroy formations and morale. I am a genius just for managing to pull this off.

The downside we only have about 160 of them but that's perfect we will have 2 units of horse archers carrying black powder weaponry! this gives us a great advantage in tactics because we can now skirmish organized heavy infantry units and cause damage without adding extra effort to draw the enemies out of formation or plan a sneak attack of skirmisher horseman to the rear of these heavy units. and lighter units can still be shot down with efficiency.

Also, I began to lay the groundwork for the law-and-order system. as of right now no settlement has a set law system other than religious laws, So I am taxing these people and not giving anything but a promise of peace nothing concrete.

I decided to send out an invitation throughout Anatolia and Thrace hoping to bring together scholars of law regardless of what system of law they professionalize in. I directed the messengers to pay these men for their time regardless of if they agree or not showing my goodwill hoping this will attract them to travel here and help me build at least a skeleton of a law code to build upon.

I know where I want the laws to be based upon but I am not sure if they mix well with the culture or the times so I want these scholars to participate in a cross-borders style conversation to see what we can come up with and in the end, I will choose what works for my sanjak and my future empire.

Conquering lands but bringing no law and no order is pointless why would my lands last if the government cannot even provide a court? I also got the ball rolling on recruiting a local police force to be trained by our town guards in Abydos.

These forces will be equipped with a government-issued set of armor when they are done training this will include a light steel helmet, A kaftan possibly some chain main if available, and a Zhuge crossbow with a blunt weapon at their sides in most cases that is a mace.

I wanted to get this all started before I began to expand, or else it may be harder to get started on such projects during a war in a separate land, then I can just appoint some men to watch over the projects and when I make my enemy capitulate, I can come back, and my projects are either finished or in their final phase. The law will probably take some time to get started seeing as we are waiting on people from multiple different lands.

But back to the military make-up and innovation report. We managed to get a completed and ready for mass production Zhuge repeating crossbow which is simple to make. People used to make smaller versions at home to shoot matches or toothpicks and such. Another big thing we managed to get done was our naval upgrade the ships completed are as follows.

Cannon Dhows: 20 (25 still in reconstruction queue)

Lanternas: 8 (5 still in reconstruction queue)

Baghlah: 3 (these are unmodified but with an added swivel cannon for defense)

Cannon war galley: 2 (made from the war galley like the Lanternas but heavily armed and modified!)

Cannon Baghlah: 2 (Heavily armed with bigger cannons are both sides and rear these are the 2 flagships of our navy!)

Once work began on the navy, I started to think about the different designs we can make with the war galleys and the Baghlah. I decided to make 2 Baghlah into a heavy warship to lead the rest of our fleet into battle destroying all in our path.

I also decided to modify 2 war galleys in a more Venetian manner I had a round WW2 fort type of structure built at the bow of the ship made of wood with steel reinforcement where needed for defense and I had gun ports built around 270 degrees of the circular fort covering our front and sides with cannon fire, while the rear is mounted with swivel cannons.

*Knock Knock*

"My lord everyone is ready to set off," Mary said outside the door.

"I am ready Mary have the servants bring my gear to the ship!"

I said back.

"My lord everything is ready according to the captains they are just waiting on our prince to set off," Mary said sounding proud and worried which kind of made me chuckle.

"Mary I will return alive no need to worry about me victory is ours!" I said after opening the door and patting her shoulder.

"My lord I am just worried about your servants what if they do not know how to serve my prince properly and have you dressed like a beggar!" Mary said letting her worry show on her face.

"Mary, I set off telling my mother and sister to see me off at the port," I said with a straight face ignoring Marys's's reaction and previous statement.

Soon I arrived at the port where I easily located my flagship the biggest ship in the port a ship barring about 15-20 cannons on the side and dozens of rowers ready to row at any moment. The ship had the sails rolled up so you could see the thick mast that allows this huge ship to move across the ocean. Before boarding, I looked at the rest of the fleet checking for any easily noticeable problems, but I see no issues.

After boarding, I gave a speech to the crowd gathered to watch us leave and all my men who can hear me. Then the ships take off toward the Gallipoli peninsula. I began to feel butterflies in my stomach but soon they were gone after thinking about all the work I put into this invasion!

As the ships continue to ride through the waves I began to think about my strategy for this invasion. I decided on this strategy in tandem with my advisers' captain Mehmet and other system-recruited unit captains.

The final strategy for the main siege is speed and surprise we decided to send all our mounted units on the fastest ships ahead to reach the land before the heavier ships carrying the heavy infantrymen who cannot ride horses will land and lag a little behind the mounted forces walking behind them and cleaning up any remaining forces and taking supplies to supplement the army's logistics.

To make this easier we decided to have two system units that can both be mounted and infantrymen... we had two Hasham units and two Byzantine lancer units mount horses to help the horse archers and local heavy lancers raid the surrounding villages and keep the city from receiving any reinforcement from the villages or get any food to prepare for a siege If they even think it, is a siege.

Then the navies will split into smaller attack forces taking the coastal port towns and villages into our control using the gunboat diplomacy theory. while the lanternas and Baghlah flagships will head to Gallipoli after dropping the troops to the land. And they will blockade and if a siege breaks out bombard the city from the sea.

The next part of the strategy after Gallipoli is taken is to quickly expand our control over the entire Gallipoli peninsula and then began to set a defensive line not allowing any forces to take our foothold into Europe. Once this is done, I will wait for my spies to bring me information on the reaction of our enemies to see whether to continue our invasion or to dig in for defense. If they bring a force looking for a field battle to weaken our control and drive us out that way, we will fight and invade.

But if they want to use diplomacy to stop us from invading, I will make peace and use this to get into the pockets of Byzantium and get the legitimacy to rule the lands and people here. And offer my military services at a price to fight against their Serbian enemies.

In what seemed to me like seconds we arrived at the land and the only thing left here is the horse prints left on the ground. Once we were lined up in order, we split into 2 teams one led by me and the other led by the new infantry captain Eyup Bilici he was the original yaya infantry leader but after being retrained and studying he could be considered nearly a general without a title.

We then set off my team heading straight toward the city. While the team made up of only the new phalanx units will follow behind with the supplies and add new supplies from the conquered villages and towns.

My team is made up of 2 units of 240 dismounted Hasham and 2 units of 240 dismounted byzantine lancers. Also, I have all the archers/swordsmen from the rear of the phalanx making up 3 units or 360 men and a half unit of 60 men I am using as my bodyguard unit for this siege. the 2nd team has 420 phalanx men making up 3.5 units.

But I marched ahead full steam confident no one will stop my march and not worried anyone would attack my rear. Marching with my bonuses from the system and with well-fit elite soldiers the march was fast as if we were a mounted force. The speed at which we moved across the land surprised me greatly I will have to make adjustments to my plans and add more tactics that work better with speed to my plans.

Meanwhile, the mounted ottoman mounted army consisting of 960 men and horses was quickly slaughtering their way through the local fiefs. With the byzantine lancers and horse archers leading the rest through the villages making them surrender after seeing a few men slain and dying unwillingly, they offered their wealth and food to these mounted warriors!

But they were directed to load the food onto carts and then they would leave, leaving behind a small group of horsemen to watch over the village and wait for team 2 who is in charge of securing the village's supplies and making sure they do not support the city. Every group left behind to watch over the villagers would then leave and attack another settlement once the infantry team 2 would arrive.

The sun was setting when I arrived just outside the city, but My force did not get close as we will head an attack tomorrow in tandem with the horse archers and naval cannon fire!

So, I decided to camp outside the view of the city walls to avoid any night attacks or unwanted spying. Soon the mounted warriors arrived, and a messenger arrived explaining the situation of team 2 they are camped outside a coastal town an hour's march away from Gallipoli. Also, the navy is staying there as well.

Morning arrived and I lined up my forces immediately the units here now are as follows:

7 units (840) phalanx

4 units (480) dismounted Hasham

2 units (240) dismounted byzantine lancers

2 units (240) mounted byzantine lancers

5 units (400) Sapahi horse archers

The army has two parts the front line is fully armored mounted lancers and horse archers. the second line and the second army are just outside of the view of the walls and are only infantry waiting to support the horsemen.

The reason the horseman is in the front line and full view of the men on the wall is that the local government believed this was another Turkish raiding party this cannot be attributed to his negligence but the fact, we aren't waving ottoman flags around.

Because I want to force a field battle which is way quicker and easier than a siege battle. The Byzantines have driven off tons of raiders either with gold or by force so the governor should take the bait and soon the leader on the wall shouts.

"Leave this territory with what you have taken, and I will spare you stay, and my armies will not spare any of you!"

"We will see who spares who!" one of the captains shouted back leading to the shouting of another captain "You men have no honor screaming from behind a wall about sparing this man or sparing that man you coward come and fight!" This led the horseman surrounding him to begin laughing and screaming cowardly! cowards!

"My men will have the last laugh all men through the gates!" the governor gave the order I have planned so hard for! I left the infantry in the command of Mehmet and went to line up with the fully armored cataphract lancers.

Soon we were in a charging formation on the far side of the battlefield pointed toward the wall we were in a wedge formation we looked like an arrow pointed diagonally at the enemies starting to leave the gate.

I gave the order to begin skirmishing but never got inside the range of the archers on the wall. Soon you hear the ground rumbling and shaking when 400 horsemen run toward one goal lighting a black powder arrow and flying toward the enemy at full speed shooting an arrow and then a sharp turn before reaching the range of the enemy archers this went on for about 60 seconds 400 arrows flew into the enemies shields and body parts, not one missing because they are tightly grouped leaving the same gate.

My plan for mass carnage was shown perfectly here, each arrow starting from the 1st arrow shot has an arrayed timer going longer to shorter based on where the horse archer is in the skirmishing formation, and this was practiced several times that is where my confidence resides. one second after the last horseman galloped back toward our army. I launched a charge with just the 80 Cataphract horse riders in my formation "CHARGE."

As we ride, we hear *BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!* It went on and on that 400 black powder arrow landing in a group of men who were unaware of their pending doom until it was too late some shield men noticed a spark on his shield *BOOM* His shield which is supposed to protect him just exploded taking his hands with it and killing himself and the allies around him with the shrapnel.

Some arrows didn't go off because they hit someone's body and went too deep or were stopped from exploding by the blood dripping. But That is fine because at least 350 arrows exploded mercilessly blowing armored elite units to hold men.

A lot were killed by the direct explosion more were killed by shrapnel and many more died in the ensuing chaos to come *Rumble Rumble* The defenders looked up from the noise they know well even in their frenzied state they see the fully armored horsemen running toward them knowing the archers on the wall cannot deter this force!

Like a tidal wave, the defenders turned and tried to flee back into the walls but were blocked by their friendly forces slowly exiting the gate behind them curiously looking for the source of the explosions only to see their own friendly running at them like a bull in full frenzy mode! Afraid they tried to run as well but this just continued on and on no one making it into the gate.

The governor on the wall seeing this tried his best to calm the troops but to no avail, he had the archers fire at the horseman who are about to make contact with their scattered forces! I captured all this in my eyes hidden beneath the mail on my gold-encrusted helmet!

Soon *Smash Crush Crack* We smashed into the retreating soldiers and began to slaughter an army the size of about 1000 men. We kept moving forward killing anyone near and trampling all under the hooves of our horses seeing our success Mehmet led the infantry to charge forward and the melee cavalry charged to help us as well and the horse archers began to fire volleys after volley to cover the charging horsemen because arrows are still dangerous to unarmored horses.

Within 10 minutes my Cataphract men smashed our way into the walled city chasing down the running army followed by the lance calvary and Byzantine lance cavalry soon the infantry arrived in the city and began a melee battle with the governors' forces on the wall.

About an hour later all the forces in the city flew the white flag so as not to get slaughtered any further! This battle was a dominant showing for my elite forces but that does not mean we are superior to the byzantine armies. we only have about 2200 soldiers we must complement our forces with light infantry and more light horsemen what we need most now is numbers.

After seeing the surrender of the combatants in front of me I made my way to the main residence in the city the governor's mansion there all my men began to bring the surrendered foes and have them surrender on their knees in front of the mansion. I soon walked out while telling my cataphract men to loot the mansion for gold and valuables.

When I came out, I noticed a man in fancy armor. He is the governor, Lucky me I get to get a ransom and an entire province to boot! "Well, my men told you the battle was not in your favor no one can call my men liars!" I said while letting out a laugh all the men on my side laughed as well.

"So will you surrender the province in peace? or must I kill my way across the peninsula?" I asked the now poor man governor.

"You Raiders cannot keep this land it is impossible the emperor will expel you in due time better to leave with your lives!" The governor said still trying to look imposing while on his knees.

"Oh, and which emperor do you refer to? I also remember you saying this to my men earlier but here we stand on these lands, and we will never withdraw!" I said looking a little playful at first but gradually my words became firm.

"I... We will surrender for now but do not be in a hurry to leave these lands as you said... I will return with a roman army!" the governor said... Again, trying to look imposing but to me, he just looks sad...

I began to send my riders out with the governor's stamped letter to all the settlements in Gallipoli to get them to surrender peacefully. No need to kill my people right, I also sent a messenger or more specifically my system-recruited diplomat who recently improved his skills after constantly speaking with the Turkmen tribes. He was sent to the emperor of these lands the former regent John VI Kantakouzenos to see how he wants to handle this, but I told him to meet the spy first to avoid losing his head unnecessarily.

Within one week Gallipoli fell under my authority and the emperor has made no rash movements just yet maybe we will see his intentions when my diplomat returns. But during this week I arranged for most of my infantry units to be placed in the pass that leads into Europe and also downward into my lands. I also arranged for my horse archers to raid byzantine land and bring me some wealth and see their reactions to the incursions.

Every raid was more successful than the last I do not want to rush into conflict, but these rich lands are truly ripe for the taking I must ask my father for the right to raise troops from the populace in my sanjak. Yes, I can train an elite force paid by me in my lands but raising the freemen to fight is different, and yes, moving tribes and asking them to fight is also within my rights.

Speaking of tribes just in time within this week I have had many Turkmen tribes reach out looking to join me on my conquests and all they want is land to settle and the right to loot post-battle. This is where my diplomats meeting with these tribes closer to me paid off, I will accept all this manpower and use them immediately!

So, I sent another round of messengers out telling these tribes to head to Abydos to be faired across into Gallipoli where their lands will be on the border with the byzantine Thracian lands, some of the richest lands in all of the world! I also received a summons to return to the bursa to see the sultan or in other words my father!


(Tomorrow we will talk about new tax income and the loot and ransoms obtained from this invasion) (Sorry if this seemed easy but the early ottoman battles were almost entirely dominated by the ottomans and that's the normal Ottoman the mc has a system! But it will get harder the further our journey goes!)
