
Chapter 6


Gabriela had fallen asleep an hour or so ago and I could see a smile on her face, which made me stare like a fool to her. "I can't imagine what you would do if you were blind." At that moment I look away from Gabriela to find Carlota, Marcos and Ana in front of me.

"Well, I'll see what to do at that moment, but I don't know what you're talking about, because the one next to you does the same." I commented, pointing to Marcos "No, Marcos doesn't, at least with the adoration you look at Gabriela." Carlota replied with a big smile on her face "I think it's impossible to look at someone like he does. There is too much adoration in his gaze," replied Marcos, "I adore her."

"See? Hence, everyone wants an Alex in their life. Sometimes it seems like you don't love me." joked my fiancée's best friend "You know I do love you, but we can't compare ourselves to them either, they love each other too much." she replied "Yes, and you loved the other one." Carlota pointed out, rolling her eyes "Secretly I always loved you, so don't complain." I thought they were funny, really. They practically spent the day arguing, but I could also see they love each other more than anything, which I think is important. I'm sure their relationship will work.

"I thought I wouldn't have to listen to your discussions. Do you always argue?" asked Kevin entering the orchard "Obviously yes, Kev, we both have a strong character." commented Carlota even though I didn't see Marcos with a character as strong as his girlfriend's.

"I don't know how Gabriela doesn't rip your head off," said Gabriela's cousin "You can be sure sometimes I don't lack the desire." I looked at Gabriela, I don't know when she woke up, but when she looks at me, I get a silly face, the normal thing to do, and usually she gave me a smile, which made mine grow.

"I thought you were going to sleep longer," I said with a smile, "I would do it if it weren't for the thirst." she commented "Then I'm going to get you something to drink." I said, starting to get up from the bench "It's not necessary, I'm going." replied Gabriela "Beautiful..." I said, "It's not a big deal I have to do, so stop worrying so much. We're going to be fine." he assured "You could let her get some fresh air, my cousin is already marrying you, you won't lose her."

"Kev, he's just worried." Gabriela defended me, "But I think he's exaggerating a bit. The days we were here, I don't think it's so exaggerated," Kevin pointed out, to which Gabriela laughed "If you knew why he's like that, we'd talk." said Gabriela's best friend "Carlota!!!"

"It's the truth, everybody, or at least I know he's going to be like Alex." she commented as if nothing had happened. "What are you talking about?" asked Kevin, confused and not understanding what we were talking about. "Now explain to me why you've been up so long." I asked Kevin. "Precious, it's half past twelve, that's not early."

"Believe me, for her cousin it is," said Carlota, "Do you have to tell my secrets, Carlota? I didn't do anything to you to deserve this bad blood of yours already in the morning." Kevin protested with a big smile on his face "Well, don't start arguing, I'm really asking you, I don't want to get in a bad mood in the morning, not today when I woke up in a good mood."

"Now that's weird," both Carlota and Kevin commented, "I imagine they finished this morning what they couldn't finish yesterday in the shower." For Carlota, the subject took a long time to come up, because it was clear to me, she imagined what had happened yesterday in the bathroom, or at least I was clear about it. "Ha, ha, how funny Carlota. Maybe you're arguing with Kev because Marcos didn't give you what he should have."

"Gabriela!!!" cried Carlota, apparently surprised to hear what Gabriela replied, "You started, it's not my fault." my fiancée defended herself "It's totally changing you." Carlota said, letting out a laugh "No, I'm just telling you what I think, what I've always done basically." she continued to defend herself "Yes, but you didn't blush like usual." her best friend pointed out "What for? It's not worth it, besides..."

Gabriela had gotten up a couple of minutes ago to go home to get something to drink, and that's when she approaches Carlota, I don't know what she ends up saying to make her react that way. "Gabriela!!! I didn't want so much information," the girl protested, "Well, don't say things no one cares about." Gabriela commented with a big smile on her face. "seksueel roofdier (Sexual predator)"

"Van zoveel vertel je me dat her echt wordt, mar je zult bij het verlangen moeten blijven om het zien, lieverd. (From how much you tell me it's becoming real, but you'll have to keep the desire to see it, sweetheart)" Kevin's face changes to one of surprise, sometimes I hated not knowing anything they were talking about, I would have to learn Dutch to understand something at least, but the face Kevin had left I wouldn't lose for anything in the world, it's really funny.

"Het feit dat je gaat trouwen, heeft een beetje met jou te maken. (The fact that you're getting married relates to you a little bit)" he said at whatever Gabriela said " Het heeft helemaal geen invloed op mij, maak je er geen zorgen over, Kev. (It doesn't affect me at all, don't worry about it Kev.) but answer my question."

"Well, I went looking for you basically to give you what I had brought you from home, but if you don't want to see it..." With that, Gabriela walked out the doorway with a big smile, while they stared at me without understanding what had just happened, I guess. It didn't take long for Ana to follow Gabriela, leaving the four of us. "You've changed my cousin, this isn't my usual cousin," Kevin said. "Obviously she changed, she needed to do it" replies Carlota.

"But why exactly? And for what" asked Kevin curiously, "That's for them to tell you. It's not up to me to give you that information," Carlota said with a big smile on her face, probably enjoying the torture she's doing to Kevin. "Alex, can you tell me what's wrong with Gabriela and this devil can't tell me?" he asked "Hey, don't talk like that to Carlota." Marcos defended his girlfriend.

"It's the truth Marcos, I don't understand how you put up with her sometimes, much less you who have to put up with her all day." said Kevin "It is what it is." replied the boy shrugging his shoulders "You just screwed it up Marcos, I don't know how I can be with you." Carlota protested, rolling her eyes "Because you adore me and you love me." said the boy completely convinced "I'll have to think about it." murmured Carlota "Yeah, yeah, you love each other and all that, but can you explain to me what's wrong with my cousin?"

"We'll tell you today." I informed "What?" he asked curiously "The reason why Gabriela is like that, even though nothing has changed." I assured, because at least with me, she's still the same "Of course she has changed, this isn't the same cousin from graduation day." Kevin insisted "Of course she is, she hasn't changed at all." I assured again "Well, you'll be the only one with whom she hasn't changed, because now she says things without caring about anything."

"She did that before." I said "Yes, but at the hint of talking about sex before, she blushed, now she said it aloud, without care and Ana in front. She goes and says that in my ear as if nothing had happened, she wouldn't have done that before." said Carlota "What did she say to you?" I asked curiously "I'm not going to tell you because I'll be traumatized if I say it, and I don't want to be traumatized."

"Kev, are you coming or what? Ana and I want to wake up the guys downstairs, so hurry up." Gabriela said from wherever she is. "I must leave before she comes and drags me to the house. See you guys."

"See you in a while, don't let anything happen to Gabriela." I asked, "Nothing will happen to her; besides she knows how to take care of herself." replied her cousin "I know, but don't make any efforts please." I asked again "Not that she was pregnant or something, but I promise you I won't let her make any efforts."

"Thank you, Kev." I thanked "You're welcome." With that, Kevin left the garden and the three of us stayed, a moment that I take advantage of to look at my phone because I had received a message in which my grandmother told me they would arrive in a couple of minutes. "Pregnancy is changing her, I don't know if it's good or not, I'm just telling you she's been weird lately."

"She's the same as always and every day more beautiful." I commented "I see her the same as always." said Marcos "That's because you're madly in love with her and that's why you see her more beautiful every day." said Carlota rolling her eyes "Possibly, but she's fine and happy, that's what matters in the end, isn't it?" I asked, knowing they thought the same thing. "It looks like you're finally going to be able to be happy." he said, "Luckily for me, that seems true."
