


Papa Mack's advice


After hanging out with Casey, I went to see Papa. I walked into the house to see him on the couch, yelling at the TV.

/"What do you mean you don’t know? It’s simple, say yes!/" Papa said.

I walked over and sat down next to Papa on the couch. /"What are you watching?/"

/"A show about a girl who’s battling cancer and this guy likes her, but she won’t admit that she likes him. It’s heartbreaking./"

/"So, you’re watching Alexa and Katie?/"

/"Don’t judge. I like Dylan for Alexa./" Papa paused the TV show.

/"You have a significant issue with Netflix./"

/"Netflix and I have this love/hate relationship. I love shows, and it hates me, so it removes the shows./"

I gave Papa a strange look.

/"The show reminds me of someone else I know who denied their feelings for another person. Whom could that be? Oh, that is you./" Papa pointed at me.
