
If something can go wrong...it will go very, very wrong



It was then that Fred could afford to mentally complain and curse himself and his bad luck.

"What is!? What's the probability that this could happen!?

What's the probability to find a strong guy with such a cheat Akuma No Mi in the fucking West Blue?

Someone who doesn't die after cutting off his head, but grows even stronger! Fuck! I made sure he wasn't a Logia user like usual after every beheading! I saw him bleed!

Someone who's not affected by my precious poisons at all! Plus the son of a bitch uses a poison that I'm not immune to!

Someone who has one of those Akuma No Mi that gives you the [SSS Rank Beating Resistence Passive Skill] that not even Rocky Balboa can match!

Someone who without using that Akuma No Mi could give me trouble in a legal 1 vs 1 match!

Fuck! I'm 15 years old!

My physical strength hasn't developed enough to defeat bastards like that without resorting to my tricks, especially after losing such an important vital point like the head!

Fuck! I'm not the fucking Kaido!'

Fred was running to where he had parked his submarine... as he continued to lament his extraordinary stroke of bad luck matched only by the day of his death...



Fred was really affected...

Due to that unexpected event, his left arm was so injured that it would take at least a week to fully recover despite using the best medicines at his disposal... and the pain that the poison was inflicting to him, which he wasn't attenuating with sedatives to notice if at any moment it began to spread through the rest of the body, it was killing him.

But as he well knew, he had already complained enough for now...

Fred had to focus on his immediate future, specifically escaping from this very adverse situation in his compact but very precious submarine "Captain McNugget! Do you see the location of the guys who went to find the [Arkadia Mark 5]?


However, before he could get a response from his favorite bird, which was still monitoring the situation from the sky...


Fred heard an explosion in a very specific direction that forced him to imagine the worst possible scenario, especially after what had just happened a few seconds ago "No... it can't be...

Are you kidding me?"

And it didn't take him even five seconds to confirm all his fears...

Upon arriving near the cliff where he parked his vehicle, where before there was a submarine very well hidden among the rocks a few meters below the water level… now there was just a bunch of wood, scrap, waste and valuable utensils burning...

And five pirates belonging to various gangs being captained by the last of Damian's elite assassin!

Something that re-escalated the exacerbating negativity in Fred's mind.

"What is!? What's the probability that this could happen!?





A negativity that quickly turned into extreme anger that nearly made him lose his mind by announcing his arrival instead of attacking them by surprise.

"YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" Fred yelled, who maddened by his anger unsheathed his sword and mobilized all his snake-haired swords to mercilessly kill

He didn't just want to kill them, he wanted to put them through hell on earth as every man feels the urge to do to any being that dared to do minimally damage his vehicle


IT'S HIM!" The four filler pirates belonging to different gangs yelled, panicking as they saw Fred jump off the cliff and run towards them.

"Quick! In formation!" Damian's elite assassin shouted as he unsheathed his daggers

Seeing Fred's speed, the experienced assassin understood, escaping from him was impossible.

Only by fighting together would they have a chance to survive!

As men... knowing what they had just done... seeing Fred with his more than terrifying face and feeling his thirst for blood, they knew that what awaited them wouldn't be pleasant, so...

"NOOOO! RUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!" The four filler pirates screamed in terror as they fled like chickens

Leaving behind the elite assassin who had successfully located the submarine, who in anger and disbelief yelled "WHAT ARE YOU…"


Fortunately for Fred... although at this moment he wouldn't think the same… his extreme bloodlust coupled with his infamous reputation somehow managed to offset his much-loved surprise effect, creating another unexpected advantage for him in this latest attack.

So, in the midst of that moment of confusion and indignation, Fred accelerated with all his might to cut the arms an legs tendons on the abandoned leader to immediately...


Do the same with the idiots who thought it was possible to run away from him

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Four idiots with severed tendons and completely paralyzed bodies that Fred kicked to forcefully reunite with the guy they left behind

And once he had all five of them gathered together, unable to move on the floor...


Even with his pants on, Fred cut their genitals with precision and left them lying there to bleed to death, feeling a great pain that they couldn't do anything to appease, not even express.

"FUCK YOOOOUUUUU!" Fred yelled, expressing outside his mind some of the immense anger and frustration he was feeling right now.

However, no matter how much he yelled, hit or tortured people who were minimally guilty or responsible for his misfortune, his negative emotions wouldn't disappear, even if he did so for days.

A time he didn't have...

For that and for other more than obvious reasons, Fred put aside his incalculable desire to continue tormenting those future corpses that had practically left him homeless and instead began to use his time and mental capacities in something infinitely more productive.

Although expressing frustration every time there was a small opportunity


Captain Mcnugget, keep me informed in case they come so I can retire on time!

Fuck..." Fred said to his winged friend and biological drone, who continued to inspect the area from above while Fred looked into the depths of the ocean. "it's note here

Where's it? Don't tell me the explosion has destroyed everything...

Or has everything sunk to the bottom..."

With great anguish and suffering Fred was looking at the non-mortal remains of one of the few boats he had come to love in both lives.

It had been completely destroyed and therefore there wasn't a single chance to escape the island with it. Therefore, instead of mourning his loss or wondering if that little submrine had ever developed a Klabautermann like Going Merry, Fred focused on finding the items that were inside it before and that urgently needed

Itemns like his forbidden closet, where he had spare weapons, poisons, gases, explosives and many other products that any modern government would prohibit for private use

His notebook, where he had written down quite important things about his investigations

His varied Den Den Mushis, product of the joint work between Stephen and him for years...



But above all, the necessary medical tools to synthesize an antidote for the poison that with great pain and difficulties he was containing thanks to the Seimei Kikan in his badly injured left arm.

Tools that he couldn't find and an arm that hurt more with each passing second, but which he hadn't examined for a few seconds.


Fuck..." Fred yelled as his body, psychopathically trained to take a lot of pain, couldn't handle the threshold that his arm had crossed. An arm in such a deplorable state that made Fred yell again "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS POISON!?"

When he looked down, he saw that his injured left arm had a different colour. Something that anyone could expect if in a part of the body were the blood circulation had been cut off... but that colour wasn't blue-purple, but a greenish gray... and it gave off a horrible stench.

'My arm...


Right now Fred didn't know if this was due solely to a poison that decomposed the meat, if this effect was being caused by the bacteria in Faust's mouth or a combination of both factors.

What was clear to him is that preventing the circulation of contaminated blood to the rest of the body wouldn't be enough to save him. The decomposition had spread throughout the isolated area and was slowly spreading through the tissues to the rest of the arm.


A poison so terrifying that Fred, even if he had all the right tools, wasn't entirely sure he would synthesize an antidote in time...

In addition...

"... kyahhh..."

In addition, Captain Mcnugget informed him that Faust and the others had started to move and that they would surely go towards his position.




IS THIS YOUR DOING FUCKING CYCLOPS GOD?!?" Fred screamed at the sky, unable to believe that so many consecutive misfortunes could happen to him in such a short time.

All of this had to have some logical explanation!

Someone must be playing with him like the shitty god that crashed a truck into his room!

Only something like that could explain his situation!

"Damn it..." Fred said with a gloomy tone that conveyed a great tiredness and resignation...

It was no use thinking about omniversal conspiracy theories, he couldn't do anything even if he found out they were true

Once again he resigned himself to coming down to reality and worrying about matters over which he had some control. Thus with his hair he grabbed one of the many burning boards that had been scattered around the explosion and with his right hand tightly gripping his non-poisoned combat knife...


Decisively Fred severed his decaying left arm and...


Using the fire he cauterized his wound and...

"Captain McNugget...

Change of plans" Fred said to his biological drone as he painfully said goodbye... literally and figuratively... to his faithful left arm and ran vertically again over the rocks of the cliff to return to the island

Immediately afterwards, without reducing his speed in the slightest sprinted towards the forest, a place where he could hide, recover minimally after the amputation and prepare for the next assault.

And as he ran towards his goal, after having blamed the entire universe for the repeated series of misfortunes that had befallen him, he finally did some self-criticism.

'I've been blinded by greed and impatience...

Seeing so many millions together in one place... at the prospect of having them all in one night... I've bypassed all my security measures.

Yeah... my plan to make them kill each other was great

However, I should have aborted the plan or at least part of the plan seeing so many unexpected variables out of my control...

Like Faust's unsettling combat ability, the hidden Akuma No Mi, or the mysterious buyer...

I should have opted for a more cautious approach, even if it took me longer... or just give up the Akuma No Mi... at least for now...'

Although he kept thinking that he just had had immense bad luck, that might not happen again in his life... if he manages to get out of there here alive... Fred tried to learn some lesson from this unprecedented failure.

'But above all I have been blinded by my own success...

It's been a long time since I've had any trouble killing pirates and capturing two pirate gangs at once without much difficulty yesterday only made things worse...

I have come to believe many of the exaggerations that the newspapers spread about me and therefore I have forgotten that I am only a slightly bigger fish than others in a small pond...

An idiot fish that forgot to be careful and not think he's the fucking king of the pond when he's still at a similar level of the East Blue Luffy..

Yes, nobody or almost nobody could foresee that a guy with such a fucking low reward would be so strong he would have a fruit that makes him immune to beheadings...


From now on I will have to be more careful even when I decapitate someone

Checking that his head has been cut off and that I have made them bleed is no longer enough to ensure that he's really dead and that he's not a Logia or Bara Bara No Mi user'

Fred kept running and making self-criticism until he finally reached the forest, where together with Captain Mcnugget they did a little reconnaissance of the area and with that information they drew up a plan to defeat the pirate squad that would come to kill him and rob him in few minutes

As always, he would resort to the guerrilla warfare that he had admired so much in the films of the 90s such as First Blood (Rambo). Using the same nature to hisadvantage, carrying out small ambushes, setting traps, using psychological warfare to reduce their morale, separating them using fire, convincing animals to become his ally...

"But that won't be enough..." Fred said after focusing once again on his biggest problem. The pirate Faust, who, thanks to his Akuma No Mi became his natural enemy and therefore, would surely be immune to those tactics

In addition, the lack of an arm, the loss of blood and the fatigue that he had accumulated from using the Seimei Kikan for so long in a way that he wasn't used to were other handicaps that reduced his chances of victory.

And that made Fred look more intensely at the Akuma No Mi that looked like a green apple that was in the small bault that he had stolen. "You know Captain Mcnugget...

I've been trying to get an Akuma No Mi for a long time, but of course I don't want just any Akuma No Mi...

Before I eat any I obviously want to make sure it's powerful and I had even made plans to get and amazing one

Only an idiot would eat an random Akuma No Mira without even knowing what power it contains, but... seeing myself in this situation makes me think...

Should I take another crazy risk like a while ago to beat that annoying guy? Should I bet my future and eat this crap-tasting fruit and pray that the plot armor favors me? Something that doesn't inspire me much trusting in view of the bad luck I've had...

Or should I use this same Akuma No Mi as a hostage to negotiate with Faust? Something that I don't know if it will be possible at this point...

What should I do?"


A few moments ago, a few kilometers away from the forest were Fred was preparing his counterattack...

"Captain! I love youuuu!!!

"How can you be so sexy?!"

"Don't be shy!"

Faust was still fighting to protect his anal chastity, throwing into the air those depraved zombies that tried to mercilessly fornicate his serpentine ass... when suddenly he had an epiphany...

'One moment...

It may be that...'

At that moment two of its heads bit the neck of another, specifically the one in which Fred ended up spraying that strange liquid. And it didn't take long for them to snatch it up and throw it away from its beleaguered body.

A siege that finally ended the moment he got rid of that stinking head, although now that decapitated head was the one that was attracting the attention of those horny zombies.

"Luckily I stopped that ball with one of my heads...

If it had hit me in the body this would have been a disaster..." Said Faust, looking horrified and disgusted how dozens of men surrounded a giant amputated snake head with a humanoid face and did things that no one should do to a giant amputated snake head with a humanoid face

With the objective of not seeing that gruesome image for another second, Faust returned to his human form, took the flamethrower of the deceased Ronald's, kicked his way through the hordes of degenerates and when he was finally able to drive them all away with a good beating


With the flamethrower he completely incinerated the amputated snake head, burning it very quickly along with the terrifying liquid that Fred poured on it.


What the hell was I trying to do?"


Since when am I a zoophilic gay?

"I think I'm going to vomit..."

And finally the pirates, freed from the influence of the pheromones went back to being themselves, but remembering exactly what they had been doing thus creating deep traumas in their psyche

"It seems that you think again with your head instead of your crotch..." Said Faust, who put down the flamethrower to pick up his favorite spear and look with contempt and some pity at the guys who were trying to recover from a big trauma

A trauma that had to wait to be resolved, as the pirates' concerns and questions increased


Are you Faust?

I thought you were hiding your face because you were disfigured or something like that" Asked Rolondo [The sniper] with a less arrogant tone than before upon see the man before him

A man who wore the same clothes and weapon as Faus, although now he didn't have his characteristic iron mask and for some reason he had grown a purple mane instead of a shiny bald head

And just like others, Stasky [Fast Fist] also sensed that this man was the guy they were fighting to the death just now, so he tried to gather more information "Were you that multi-headed snake?

And when did your hair grow?"

The surprise at seeing the somewhat intimidating face added to the terrifying power of his more or less enemy or ally depending on the circumstances surprised many, although some seemed more scared than others

Some even for very specific reasons

"Uh…captain…" Asked Ed, one of the elite but unbounded pirates of the [Fast Fist] crew, who approached his captain with an extremely shaky voice.

And obviously Stasky [Speed Fist], asked seeing one of his trusted men act so weir "What's wrong Ed?"

"That man is...

That appearance, that Akuma No Mi...

There's no doubt!

He's Lerna [The Hydra], a rookie who wreaked havoc on the Grand Line three years ago but then disappeared!

A monster with a bounty of 313 million berries!!!" Ed yelled, announcing this not only to his captain, but to the rest of the pirates about the dangerous identity of the guy they had come to rob.

And the global reaction was almost immediate.




Everyone, including the bounty guys, bulged their eyes and nearly dropped their jaws as they yelled. A very genuine cry of terror as they realized they had made an extremely deadly mistake

They were scared, really scared after insulting, confronting and trying to rob a guy as powerful and deadly as him.

Fortunately for them, were more useful alive than dead for someone...

"Now that you are no longer depraved Zombies and know my true identity

Will you pay me the favor of not killing you until now?" Asked Lerna [The Hydra], the true identity behind Faust [Iron Mask], who again transformed into a hydra with poison-saturated teeth to be a tad more convincing


YES SIR!" All the pirates shouted in unison, not daring to contradict that creepy creature that multiplied by 10 the reward of the most valuable pirate there

Everyone knew that rewards weren't always an accurate indicator of an individual's combat power, but that was the case right now… everyone, even instinctively knew that they didn't stand a chance of defeating that mythological monster even if everyone collaborated

Only in his human form, surely without showing all his power he was already more powerful than them

What would be his strength when using his Akuma No Mi at full power?

No one wanted to be the first to find out.

"Okay, I like that attitude.

There will be time to explain, for now let's worry about catching Fred...

If there's anyone among you with tracking capabilities please raise your hand, we'll need you to find Fred and my Akuma no Mi.

Hopefully that explosion I heard earlier happened on the Fred ship." Said Lerna [The Hydra], incredibly angry for several reasons

For having lost his Akuma No Mi

For being forced to expose his identity

And for the fact that he was almost raped by men!

However, extremely satisfied to see that those pirates finally obeyed him


HERE'S THE TRACKER PETERSON, AT YOUR DISPOSAL!" shouted one of Damian's former men, all ex-assassins who decided to go out to sea.

And that now they and the others become the subordinates of Lerna [The Hydra].


Minutes later, following the direction marked by one of Damian's trackers, Lerna and the others reached the cliff where Fred's submarine exploded.


No doubt they managed to destroy his means of escape...

Although they have paid dearly for it..." Peterson said as he analyzed the mutilated body of his former superior looking for more clues that might help him find Fred

Something that Lerna also did, who found an amputated and rotten arm near here, a clue that he knew how to identify very well "Fred has lost his ship, killed them and amputated the arm that I poisoned...


"What do we do now captain?" Asked some of the pirates who weren't even officially from his gang yet, but had already started treating him as such.

And Lerna, almost ignoring their questions, took out a Den Den Mushi from his pocket and said to his new and old subordinates who had stayed near the base "Destroy all the ships!

Yes, you heard me, we must not let that son of a bitch escape the island alive even if it prevents us from leaving as well


Don't worry, when my buyer comes he'll get us out of here."

The message was clear, the only thing that mattered was to hunt down Fred and recover the Akuma No Mi, no matter the means or the costs.


After amputating his poisoned arm, Fred returned to the island and went into the woods.

He hasn't hidden his tracks and that can only mean two things...

Either he hasn't had time to hide his tracks for desperately fleeing to somewhere to treat his wounds and hide… or he's leading us into one of his traps

What do we do?" Asked Peterson again from the top of the cliff, who had already discovered which direction his greatest threat had taken

"The answer is simple...

Six men will stay at the base to report in case he returns" Lerna said as he crushed Fred's amputated and rotten arm with his hand "The rest will come with me to hunt down that damn brat who doesn't know who he's messed with"


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

Meralmancreators' thoughts