
A Worker's Hard Work Must be Credited

Two hours had passed and the main office was quite busy as Poul and Amelia worked together reading documents on a file the company had stored for two years, including the new one.

Poul hated reading long texts, especially when he had read them before. But he has no other choice, he has to help Amelia to cross-reference every file, which would take a considerably large amount of time. He took a quick look at Amelia and saw how she was engrossed in doing her work. There were no signs of exhaustion on her face, no there weren't any signs at all. It was expressionless, he couldn't tell whether she liked her job or not.

"Pass me that file," Amelia ordered without batting an eye off the file. 

"Here you go," Poul handed her the file, and she took it. 
