
Am I doing it wrong?

Samuel arrived promptly, and he could tell from the look on Sebastian's face that something was amiss. "What's the matter, boss?" he asked, his voice low and concerned.

Sebastian lit up another cigar and dragged on it before speaking. "I think I've been making a mistake with Britney," he admitted, his voice gruff. "I've been trying to make her happy, but maybe I've been going about it the wrong way."

Samuel's expression softened. He stepped closer to the desk and took his seat. "What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

Sebastian narrated in detail about his conversation with Jasper. "Am I doing it wrong?" he asked, intrigued to know Samuel's view on this.

Samuel was not only his most trusted right-hand man, but he also considered him his son. Sebastian had often discussed things with him whenever he got confused. He wanted to know Samuel's thoughts on this matter.
