
Aichi vs Roark (46)

"Aichi, I like you." Dawn says with a blush. My face slowly after hearing this, starts to get an embarrassed look. "I didn't want to delay telling you this as I've always liked you since before we became trainers. Ya know seeing other students starting by to date didn't help either..." She adds at the end while pouting.

Chuckling a little at her last sentence, I start to regain myself after that little "surprise".

"Dawn I just wanna say that I like you too." I respond. "How about we make a promise." I tell her with a grin. Dawn now starting to lose her embarrassed state, looks at me with a curious glance.

"What type of promise?" She asks a bit too eagerly.


"The battle between Aichi from Twinleaf Town and Roark the Oreburgh Gym Leader will now commence! Each side will have three Pokemon and the battle will be over when all three of a person's Pokemon are unable to battle. In addition, only the challenger can substitute Pokemon!" The same referee from before announced. The rules were the same as when Ash did his battle a few hours ago which is good to know.

It's good to take advantage of everything you can, not switching out a Pokemon because of pride is stupid.

Now directly on the opposite side of the battlefield against Roark, I summon a Pokeball from my spatial ring and catch it before it falls.

"I hope for a great match!" I call out. Roark hearing my words doesn't respond but smiles and takes a Pokeball out of his pocket.

"Start!" The referee shouts.

Both Roark and I hearing this, release our Pokemon out of their Pokeball revealing our first match up.

"Chim chimchar!"


The two Pokemon are now doing a stare off, while waiting for our instruction. Wanting to test out the waters, I took the first move.

"Chimchar use [Ember]" I call out. Roark not just watching idly, gets Geodude to counter the attack.

"Use [Focus Punch] to nullify the attack."

Geodude hearing his trainer, engulfs his fists in a white hue and blocks his body against [Ember]


I'll try to do some chip damage as I won't need to use [Ember] later on in the battle. The more damage I do before actually doing a physical fight, the better.

"Chimchar keep your distance and keep using [Ember]." I command. Chimchar starting to use boulders as cover, keeps ok the attack.

"Not bad, your Chimchar is a natural fighter. He positions himself well." I hear Roark comment as Geodude keeps on blocking Chimchar's attacks. "Geodude use [Rollout]." He adds in the end. It seems like he immediately solved the distance problem, not like it mattered anyways.

Geodude now getting into position, speeds down in a straight line towards Chimchar. The ground underneath it started getting cracked showing how devastating the attack was.

"Chimchar use [Dig]." I call out.

-Then immediately come back up and use [Power-Up Punch]- I tell him right after using my telepathy.

Geodude still going forward, misses its target and starts to look around in confusion.

"Watch out Geodude, behind you!" Roark shouts seeing the pebbles behind Geodude were starting to move.

But it was too late.

Right before Geodude could turn though, Chimchar pops out of the ground right behind Geodude and hits a direct [Power-Up Punch].

"Don't give up, use [Smack Down]!" Roark says trying to get at least a few hits in. Geodude regaining itself goes to grab Chimchar, but the Pokemon dodges the attempt and uses another [Power-Up Punch] sending Geodude flying at the wall behind Roark.

"Geodude isn't able to battle, send out your next Pokemon." The referee shouts seeing the fainted rock Pokemon.

"That wasn't to pretty now was it." Roark says while returning his Pokemon. Now taking a different Pokeball from his pocket, Roark sends out his next Pokemon.

"Onix!" The huge rock snake roared. Looking up at the Pokemon, I feel some cold sweat go down my face.

"Come back Chimchar." I quickly say after deciding to switch him out. The boost to his physical attacks might of been wasted, but it seems like the adrenaline from the fight is starting to wear off a little.

Chimchar isn't used to drawn out battles yet, so he used a lot of energy on stronger attacks instead of preserving it for later.

After putting him back in his Pokeball, I summon another Pokeball from my ring and send it out.

"Turt turtwig!" The serious and righteous plant Pokemon shouts even after seeing its opposition.

'Talk about bravery, I'd run the fuck away if I was him.' I say to myself after seeing the situation.

"Let's start this off with a [Rock Throw]!" I hear Roark shout as I realise I'm still in the middle of a battle.

"Keep your ground and use [Leafage] to hit the rocks away." I command.

-Also slowly but surely make your way to that hole to your left- I say through my mind link.


Multiple boulders were thrown at inhuman speeds at Turtwig as the absolute champ doesn't back down. After a bit of back and forth, Turtwig was able to position himself next to the hole.

Unknown to me though, my plan was also seen through.

"Use [Smack Down]!" Roark says with a glint in his eyes. Onix with the attack already charged up, slams his tail down at Turtwig but ends up hitting nothing.

-Use [Razor Leaf] after getting out of the hole- I quickly tell Turtwig. Right after my command though I hear Roark say another command.

"Onix use [Dragon Tail] at the hole Chimchar was before." He says with a smirk. Hearing this I realise that I didn't really hide my intentions too much.


Before I could tell Turtwig to stop, I see him pop out of the hole but soon after gets slammed into the ground with a purple coated tail slam by Onix.


-Go back into the hole and use [Synthesis] if you can- I desperately say in my mind link as I'm not sure if he's okay. A huge dust cloud was blocking everyone's vision from the battle which includes the stands.

"Is Turtwig okay?" I hear Dawn in the stands say worriedly.

"We can only hope he's fine." Ash adds right after.
