
Chapter 339: The Crew Is Here

Dialogue: "Sample"

Thoughts: 'Sample'

Author notes: -Sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 339: The Crew Is Here

Their attacks did not prove to be very effective against the monster known as Kaidou.

"Tsk!" Drake clenched his teeth and transformed into a giant dinosaur. "I'll fight too then."

Hawkins stored back his cards. "This is the only path to survival…." He unsheathed his sword.

"Oh? The traitors are going to fight?" the Emperor looked more amused than angry.

Vivi brought Ace next to Law.

The doctor had just finished his operation on Luffy.

"You may want to hurry up with this next patient," Vivi told him.

Law glanced back. "It looks like I'm going to have many more after this one…unless you have a plan."

"Sorry… no plans in mind. If at least Zoro and Sanji come back, we may be able to fight him for a bit, but…"

"I know… what are we buying time for?" Law wondered. "How long will it take you to recover?"

Vivi considered for a moment. "Around 23 hours to use my awakening again, maybe 48 to be back at my peak. I'm honestly not completely sure."

"Too long… we should find an opening and retreat then," Law suggested. "Try again in a few days, once everyone has recovered."

Vivi glanced at Luffy. "The Captain will not be satisfied with that kind of tactic."

"Does it matter now? If we don't survive, it will all be pointless!" Law shouted.

Vivi had to agree with that, but something was telling her that running away now would be a mistake.

She looked back at Kaidou.

Kinemon had also joined in, and they seemed to be doing a good job at facing the Emperor.

But that did not last.

"Ahhh!" Drake let out a painful cry when Kaidou smashed his sides with his metal club and sent him flying.

Hawkins was starting to run out of crewmates to sacrifice. He had already died many times.

Usopp was desperately unleashing his whole arsenal while Nami created lightning bolts to blast him from afar.

Vivi wanted to join the fray, but at this point, she couldn't even shoot a single water bullet.

Her dulled senses picked up someone approaching but saw no one. "An enemy?!" she hoped not.

When Kaidou was about to finish Drake off, he was hit by something and fell backward, taking everyone by surprise.

"What happened?" asked Usopp.

"Something hit him!" Nami exclaimed. "Wait…." her own observation haki was picking up a familiar aura, despite his attempts at hiding it.

"Who dares attack me like that?!" Kaidou looked angry now. "Show yourself, coward!"

His answer was a powerful hit on the side of his face.

"That's it!" Kaidou roared and let his powerful aura destroy everything around him.

The invisible attacker was pushed back, canceling his ability in the process.

"Sanji!" Nami and Usopp called for him with joy.

Sanji glanced at them and smiled. "Sorry for the delay, my lovely Nami. I had to go assist my sister."

Something fell from the air on top of Kaidou and broke down into a nasty purple cloud.

"What is this!" Kaidou started to cough.

Reiju landed next to them. "I had everything under control, brother," she huffed.

Kaidou roared again. "Enough of this!" He pushed away the cloud of poison that Reiju had thrown at him. "You are dead!" The Emperor was getting serious.

"You just pissed him off!" Usopp pointed.

"Cien fleur…. Dos Manos!"

Two giant hands appeared next to Kaidou and held him in place.

"Santoryu… Rengoku Oni Giri!" A series of slashes came from afar and landed on Kaidou's chest, making some deep gashes.

"Argh!" The Emperor groaned in pain.

"He is hurt!" The watchers exclaimed in shock. They could never have imagined seeing that monster be hurt.

"Zoro, Robin!" Usopp and Nami called with joy.

Kaidou was about to shout at them when a laser beam hit him right in the face. Robin had to remove her hands in a hurry to avoid being hurt. 

"Franky!" Vivi smiled.

Kaidou was about to turn around to look at Franky when another attack landed on him.

"Hanauta Sancho…. Tyamasi no Yahazu Giri!"

A powerful slash landed on his back, cutting through his scales and skin.

"Brook!" Usopp shouted.

The skeleton ran to their side.

"Guys!" An injured Chopper was on top of his afro.

"Chopper, are you okay?" asked Vivi.

"I'll get better in no time. Just need to wrap my wounds a bit…"

"Law!, another patient!" Vivi shouted.

"The entire crew is here!" Kinemon said with excitement.

"We can fight now." Usopp became braver all of a sudden. "And by that I mean Zoro and Sanji!. Go fight him." He pointed at Kaidou.
