
Chapter 293: Mirror world

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 293: Mirror world

Vivi found herself in a bizarre place. The floor and walls were distorted into strange shapes. Everything was covered in q black and red checker pattern, and there were mirrors all around the endless-looking corridor.

"Hihi!, do you like it? this is my mirror world. You will never leave this place alive." her captor said with a mocking tone.

"Sure…and how do plan on ending me exactly?. I hope you don't plan on killing me out of boredom or giving me a heart attack by showing me your ugly face." Vivi walked and looked around. This mirror world seemed to be completely disconnected from the real one.

She could not feel the auras of her friends or anyone else outside, but she could feel the aura of the woman who trapped her here. Unfortunately, it was spread over a large space and she could not pinpoint the exact location. 

But maybe if she could provoke her to come out from wherever she was hiding…

"You should be more worried about your friends out there. Without you to protect them, they will become easy prey for my brother Cracker."

"They can take care of themselves." She wasn't really worried about that. Zoro was there to defeat the biggest threats. And she had personally trained with Nami. Their navigator was not going to be an easy prey by any means.

"Tell me, old hag. Are you as disgusting to look at as your mother, or even more? Because I could not imagine what kind of creature would be willing to breed with that ugly thing you all call Momma."

"How dare you?!" The woman came out of one of the mirrors and spat the words.

'Got you!' Vivi thought.

The next instant, Vivi was in front of her. 

The witch-looking woman saw this and panicked. She hurried to manifest a mirror in front of her.


Vivi's fist impacted the mirror, breaking it into a thousand pieces, but as that happened, she felt a tremendous force impact the right side of her body.

She was pushed back and by the time she stopped at the ground, Vivi noticed that half her torso, including her right arm, was missing.

"I see…you reflected the force of my punch back to me. What an interesting ability."

Vivi commented while she recalled the mass of water that had been splashed around, and reformed her body completely like nothing had happened.

She didn't even feel any pain anymore. She felt the impact and loss of mass on her current body, but nothing more.

Vivi didn't even have a real body any longer. The one she was currently using was nothing more than a water construct. 

She made it very realistic, with flesh and all. But it wasn't a real human body, just something she created with her power. She could make thousands of bodies like this one if she wanted.

When Kizaru destroyed her body, he made it impossible to regenerate it. No, there was nothing to regenerate. Her real body was gone for good.

The truth is that Vivi wasn't sure how she was still alive. She didn't have a brain but was still able to think and store new memories. She didn't have lungs to breathe or a digestive system to consume food.

It was like her soul had been detached and was now able to inhabit any of her water constructions.

Vivi imagine her situation could be something similar to Brook's, although she is unable to roam around in soul form like he does.

But she could jump to a different construct if one is about to be destroyed or even divide her consciousness among several of them.

After finding out the reality of her current situation, she had gone through a serious existential crisis. Thankfully, Nami and Robin had been there to support her.

They were the only ones on the crew who knew the truth at the moment

 She had yet to find the appropriate moment to inform the rest.

"ahhh!." the old witch let out a blood-curling scream and fell towards the floor after spotting a mouth full of blood.

"How can this be? I could not reflect it completely but, for a mere fraction to cause me so much damage… ug." She spat blood again and struggle to stand up again.

She glanced at vivid, her eyes filled with dread.

"You get it now? You can't win. So save yourself some pain and take me to where I want to go." Vivi said.

The old woman coughed more blood and trembled.

She seemed to be in need of immediate medical attention. 

"I can't take you to where your friends are. I have no more mirrors in that forest." She spoke with difficulty.

"You misunderstand me. I want you to take me to the room where the red poneglyph is being held." Vivi figured this was a good chance to save herself some time.

"You are after that?!. We thought you only came here for your crew mate."

Her expression went from surprise back to anger.

"I will never take you there!. That is one of Momma's most precious possessions."

"Yeah, I figure you would say that…but I can be very persuasive." Vivi gave her a playful grin.

Another person entered the mirror world.

"You stay away from my sister." there was a great deal of anger in Katakuri's voice.

"Oh, the Emperor of Fleur is here. Did you inform your mother about my deal?" Civil asked.

He did not try to correct her.

"Didn't need to…she would have said no. Our conflict was inevitable, Strawhat Vivi."

"Hihi, you are done for now! My older brother is the strongest Commander!. He is going to -" she started to cough again.

"Brulee, that's enough. Your injuries are very serious. Go wait somewhere safe." Katakuri orders her.

"Yes, brother…" she looked at Vivi with pure disdain.

"She insulted our mother…make her suffer."

She spat before disappearing into a mirror.

"So, you are my oponent now," Vivi remarked.

"Much better. I hate fighting the slippery ones. A direct confrontation is much more fun."

"I suppose I would be wasting my time if I asked you to take your friends and leave in peace."

"You would. We are not leaving without Sanji, and I promise to get that poneglyph too…but already knew this. Tell me, do you see yourself winning this fight in any possible future?"

"I don't have to answer that." He took out his weapon.

"You already did." She told him.

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