
Chapter 268: The end of the war

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 268: The end of the war

Vivi will never understand where Doflamingo got such confidence from. Maybe it originated from the fact that he had never suffered a major loss in his life after the death of his parents or maybe it was something he got from his roots as a Celestial Dragon.

Because, in the end, even if he had somehow been able to defeat her Captain, he was not going to go anywhere as long as she and Sabo were present.

'He must have truly believed that Luffy was going to be an opponent he could easily dispatch before moving on to us…what a fool.'

Vivi considered these things as she stared at the unconscious body of Doflamingo.

Luffy was lying on the grass and panting like crazy. He had used his gear four several times during the fight. Every time he transformed, it looked like his body took a massive toll, but he kept going.

'Now he is going to spend the next three days eating and drinking at least.' She thought.

"Is it finally over?" King Riku had a hard time believing that someone was able to take down the man he had considered invincible for the last ten years.

His daughter, granddaughter, and son-in-law were at his side and also stared at the Shichibukai with pure hatred in their eyes.

Everyone else was also present. They had all arrived in time to see Luffy knocking Doflamingo out.

Sanji, Franky, Robin, and Usopp went to check the state of their Captain.

Of course, Zoro was the only one missing. After defeating Pica, the entire stone structure the giant man was controlling, broke down and collapsed, taking Zoro down with it until he landed at the base of the mount.

No one has seen him since.

The gladiator Kyros looked at Doflamingo with sharp eyes. His hands trembled with rage.

"That's it!, I'm going to kill him!" 

He unsheathed his sword.

Several sets of steps could be heard approaching.

"I would prefer if you let him live. At least long enough to be judged for his crimes." 

They all heard the voice of Admiral Fujitora coming from the other side of the garden.

"Marines!" Exclaimed Sanji.

"That's the Admiral from before!" Cried Nami.

"An Admiral?" Robin watched with worry.

The marines looked ready to attack at any moment.

"Everyone, calm down." Fujitora rose the intensity of his voice.

"There will be no more fighting…we have had enough of that already."

His hand pointed towards the unconscious Shichibukai.

"Men!, arrest Doflamingo and the rest of his family"

"But sir! what about those pirates?" Vice-Admiral Bastille, who was standing next to Fujitora, said. His eyes then moved to find Vivi.

"And what about that vile woman who killed Admiral Kizaru?!"

"What?!, Vivi killed an Admiral? how is that even possible? Those guys are supposed to be almost invincible." Exclaimed Franky.

"We are so screwed now!, the marines will never stop chasing after us!" Usopp said with tears in his eyes.

Robin had a very unusual shocked face as she looked at Vivi.

"That wasn't her!" Defended Nami.

"She was not in control when she…"

"It's okay Nami." Vivi placed a hand on her shoulder. She was not very surprised by the revelation about the Admiral's death. 

Her fragmented memories combined with the complete absence of Kuzarus's aura in the island, had already painted a very clear picture.

"Don't expect an apology from me. That man came ready to take my life and lost, he can only blame himself for dying." Vivi looked at Vice-Admiral Bastille.

"If you also want to kill me…come, give it a try, see what happens." She gave him a 'come here' gesture.

Bastille gritted his teeth and put a hand on the handle of his sword.

"Enough!" Fujitora commanded the other man.

"But sir!" The Vice-Admira said.

"I gave you a direct order. Are you going to disobey it?, are you that eager to throw your life away?" Fujitora spoke.

Bastille was finally able to regain his senses.


"You have your orders then, move!" Commanded the Admiral.

"And make sure to use seastone cuffs."

A few marines approached the unconscious Doflamingo and placed some cuffs on him while the rest went down the stairs in order to look for the rest of the members of his crew.

"Mister Admiral…" King Ruku said.

"Issho, Your Highness. But most call me Fujitora."

"Very well, Admiral Fujitora. What are the Marines planning on doing now?." He asked carefully.

Fujitora did something the King was not expecting, he bowed to him.

"You Highness…In the name of the World Government and the Marine forces, I can only say that I am sorry…"

"You are…sorry?" The King raised an eyebrow.

"We should have intervened much sooner to support you and your family…I have no excuses, you Highness." 

"I see…" The King seemed to be thinking about something.

"Father." Called Viola.

"I know…" King Riku looked at the Admiral.

"Rise your head, Admiral Fujitora. I take it that we have the World Government support now?. And what about the man who committed atrocities in my land for a decade?, am I supposed to turn him up to the Marines without a word of complaint?"

"Doflamingo crimes had not only been against your Kingdom. I have a friend in the Marines who had been collecting evidence of all his illegal activities. She should be here by tomorrow. I only ask for a bit of patience from Your Highness and to avoid making any rash judgments."

Rebeca and Kyros looked to be very unsatisfied by this but remained quiet.

The Strawhats were just bystanders in this matter so they had nothing to add, as long as the marines left them alone.

The King agreed to wait until things had calmed down a bit before making any decisions.

"Very well, well be patient. This land and its people have a long way to recovery." Said the King.

"Thank you. I promise to help in any way I can." Said the Admiral.

"So…can I have something to eat now?" Asked Luffy.

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