
Chapter 99: The base

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 99: The base

"I can't help to be worried…Hacchin's voice sounded so weak. They must be doing terrible things to him" Camie looked very sad.

"Ah, well…he is a tough one, he will be fine." Pappag looked at Luffy.

"More to the point. You guys were pretty quick to offer help but…are you that confident in your abilities?"

"Of course, we are strong." Said Luffy with total confidence.

"I should probably warn you. Is not just this gang of kidnappers around these parts. The Shabondy Archipelago is home to more such gangs. Trading in human beings is big business around here."

"Buying and selling people? That's not right!" Said Sanji.

"Is more than not right, is absolutely disgusting!" Said Vivi. "But, according to the World Goverment, is legal to do, if you are rich enough, or if you are a Celestial Dragon."

"True…" Said Pappag. "And unfortunately, mermaids can fetch a very high price. The Makuro crew is a gang of three fishmen who have been going after Camie for some time."

"Sounds like this is just a trap to get that mermaid too" Zoro pointed out.

"They probably saw a chance to get both of them. After we disappeared, Hacchi must have thought that we were captured by them and went looking for us."

"That must have been what happened…" Said Camie with despair. "He is too kind…this is all our fault."

"An octopus called Hacchi…it reminds me of that guy we met back at the east blue." Commented Zoro.

"Humph, if it was really that one, I would rather not save him!" Spat Sanji. "Of course, there is no chance is the same guy."

"Under normal circumstances, Hacchi should have been able to take those guys, but they brought the 'flying riders' into this." Said Pappag.

"Who are those riders?" Asked Franky.

"They have started making quite a ruckus recently. They are another gang of kidnapers, but a very dangerous one. They say that if the 'flying riders' are after you…you are finished." Explained Pappag.

"His boss is called Duval and always wears an iron mask. No one has ever seen his face, but I heard that he is looking for someone in particular. He has been searching every ship passing through these waters."

"Well, don't you worry, Camie. We'll save the takoyaki no matter what!" Claimed Luffy.

"You mean the takoyaki seller!" Corrected Pappag.

"Huh?" Camie suddenly stood up.

"What's wrong?" Sanji asked.

"The fish are saying 'sorry but this is as far as we go'."

Vivi jumped on top of Sunny's figurehead. "Three individuals approaching from above." She said while looking up.

"It's them! the flying riders!" Shouted Pappag with panic.

"Where?, I can't see them?" Luffy got next to Vivi and looked up. "Oh!, there they are!"

Three men came flying on top of some sort of fish with wings.

"What? they can actually fly? what kind of fish is that?" Asked Usopp.

Vivi extended her right arm and aimed at the rider in the middle.

As soon as they approached to bombard their ship, she took her shot.

"Water cannon!"

The round shell of explosive water shoot out of her body and landed on the fish's head.

A loud explosion occurred and the rider screamed and fell into the waters. She had only managed to kill the fish, leaving the rider injured but alive.

"Tsk… I missed." She complained.

The riders, who seemed to have been planning to make another attack, must have gotten scared after seeing their comrade fall because they immediately turned around and left very quickly.

"Those flying riders…where did they go to?"Asked Usopp.

"They ran away, it seems like they did not expect us to be able to fire back at them," Robin said while giving Vivi a look.

"Oh…I wanted to have a go at those flying fish." Commented Luffy.

"The fishes are gone, but we know the direction to their base. We should also be prepared in case they show again with greater numbers." Said Sanji.

"Can we get some cannons out on the deck? I will shoot them all down myself" Claimed Usopp with confidence.

"Oh!, you go it!" Said Franky.

"Is Hacchin really going to be okay?" Cambie looked very worried.

"It is you the one they are really after. You need to be more worried about yourself. " Said Pappag.


Only took one more hour before they saw a big structure in the middle of the waters. It looked like a wooden fortress.

"We are here!"

"That must be the flying riders' base"

"That's where that Hacchi guy is being held hostage.

Sanji gave Camie a seductive smile. "Don't you worry, I will go in there and get your friend back in no time!"

Cambie smiled innocently. "Thank you, Sanji"

She then looked at the rest of the crew.

"You guys need to be careful!. The Macro crew alone has already captured me about 30 times!."

"You get captured a lot!" Exclaimed Brook.

"Not to mention, eaten by fish…" Said Franky.

"Is wonder that she had managed to survive this long." Added Robin.

"The place looks very quiet." Said Zoro.

"Full speed ahead!" Ordered their Captain.

They entered the fortress. It had a crescent moon shape and had a big opening for ships to enter.

"It looks like a big town inside." Said Chopper.

"They have some special reason to live here?" Asked Usopp.

"You mean, other than being criminals?" Asked Vivi.

"Hacchin!. Hacchin, are you okay?" Camie started shouting.

"Get out here, Macro!. Give us Hacchi back!" Shouted Pappag.

As they got closer, they spotted a cage, held by two poles in the middle of the water.

"Look at that cage!, there is something inside" Sanji pointed.

"That must be Hacchin!" Said Camie.

"This is great, the enemy must be taking a lunch break. We are so lucky!" Concluded Pappag.

"Even if I could not sense them all around us, this is such an obvious trap…" Said Vivi.

"Yeah, they are obviously hiding all around the place." Said Zoro.

"What? is it a trap?" Camie was shocked.

"I could never have imagined…such a dirty trick!" Pappag looked surprised and outraged.

"That explains how she got kidnaped so many times I suppose." Said Robin.
