
Chapter 6

It was Saturday. A day where children usually spent lazing around or playing. Not Lionel.

He's back at the library again. Reading about the history of America when Quirks started popping up.

One could probably imagine what would happen if children were born with animal features, nonbiological characteristics, and supernatural abilities. Experiments. A shit ton of 'em. Probably a lot more than what was written in history books, with the more... inhumane ones forgotten entirely.

'Pretty dark... but reasonable.'

A lot of Americans had the same ideologies as the MLA but luckily there were sound minds in the congress at that time.


Still, that didn't stop people from donning make-shift costumes and into the streets to pose as Superheroes. Things started to go downhill from there. When the persecuted didn't care anymore about what their persecutors thought. Criminals became Supervillains who were later shorted into Villains. Rampant crimes everywhere with superpowers going off in the streets. The police, and later the army couldn't do much against people resistant to bullets, had super strength, can fly, fire off elemental attacks, or control mechanical vehicles.

That was when the true Heroes started appearing. At first, the public and the authorities called them Villains. Which later turned into Vigilantes. And when they started helping more and gaining the people's trust, Heroes.

At first, anyone could become Heroes. You don't even need to wear costumes or such. Naturally, this didn't go very well with the authorities. Your everyday people, meaning civilians, taking the streets and fighting criminals in broad daylight. A lot of politicians and such wanted to arrest the Heroes, which they still called Vigilantes which they were in a sense, but at that point, society NEEDED Heroes.

So they did what they had to do. There were the Heroes (In the Public's eyes but Vigilantes in truth) and then there were the Pro Heroes. Heroes that work for a new sector of the government. Since most vigilantes didn't have any training or insurance for that matter, the previously admired Heroes suddenly became a nuisance and headache for the Pros since they often got hurt and died.

Vigilantism slowly died down but there were always one or two that pop up every now and then.

'Cool... I guess.'

As he was about to read another book, Lionel felt a soft tap on his shoulder. "Whatcha' reading there?!" Asked a girl in a childish and cheerful voice with a curious tone.

"A book about Quirk-related History. Do I know you?" Lionel responded as he looked over his shoulder. The girl looked like she was an 8-year-old. She had platinum-blonde hair, blue eyes and wore a white dress with golden accents. What made Lionel curious about her was he didn't hear her.

'I didn't hear or felt her coming towards me. I could smell the shampoo and soap for a girl in the vicinity but I didn't know she was this close.' A quick glance down however answered his curiousness. She was floating. Or maybe flying. Which one didn't matter but she was floating.

"Nope! I'm Victoria! Caitlyn asked me to accompany you here! So, what're we reading?" She explained and asked.

'Ahhh... the new kid. All the kids back at the orphanage kept talking about her and how cool she was, with some of the boys blushing...' "I'm fine. You can just... I don't know, find whatever book you're interested in and read it over there somewhere." Lionel replied as he turned back and started to read the new book in his hands.

Victoria's left eyebrow twitches in the light dismissal. "Hmph! Let me see that" She then swats the book right out of Lionel's hands. 'Rude' But instead of taking it back, he just picks a new book and starts to read that.

Now both of Victoria's eyebrows twitched, with a tick mark visibly appearing on her forehead. Victoria was about to say something when Lionel stood up.

He heard her take a deep breath and decided that this wasn't worth it and just decided to come back to the library tomorrow and just mess around with his Quirk a bit before doing some gains in his room.

Lionel carried every book on his table and went into the sea of books to bring them back to their respective places, leaving Victoria with the book she took.

The girl had an irritated expression on her face as she watched the boy Caitlyn assigned her to befriend. 'What the heck is happening? This normally would be easy-peasy! Every boy always looks at me with googly eyes and red faces!'

She continued watching him as he disappeared behind the bookshelves. 'Hmph!' she pouted. 'You're not getting rid of me that easily!' Using her Quirk Perce Field, named by non-other than herself. It allowed her to make a Personal Force Field! Personal+Force = Perce! 'I'm a genius', she flew after him by making her Force field carry her over.

As she turned the corner though, there was no sight of the boy. 'Wha... Where did he go!?' A confused expression appeared on her face. She sped towards the end and looked left and right. 'W-Where did he go?'

'So that's what that wooshing sound was...' Thought Lionel as he watched her while clinging to the ceiling with his claws (Read nails). Lionel heard a slight wooshing sound earlier before Victoria tapped him on the shoulder. He dismissed it as the aircon wind or some other thing. 'So she can fly. Though that dude on the internet from my previous life was correct. They don't look up.'

He waited for Victoria to leave before he latched off, dropping down "gracefully" and silently. His feet landed perfectly with no sound. He kept his ears peeled and hid from Victoria as he slowly and surely brought the books back to their sections. After he was done, he said goodbye to the old librarian and thanked her before going back to the Orphanage.

'I'll be 4 soon... *Mental SIgh*. It's been over 8 months since my Quirk Manifested and met Clara... Time sure does fly.'



