

In the vastness of space, across the stars there was an ancient planet, home to an ancient civilization known as Kryptonians, they were a scientifically evolved race, a world of wonders, but a scientist named Jor-El discovered that the core of the planet was brink of destruction. He took his findings to the council but the planetary intelligence known as Braniac dismissed his ideas.

Jor-El learned that Braniac knew the consequences, but chose to save himself and the knowledge of Krypton, Jor-El seeing this decided to send his only son to a planet younger than Krypton, with hope in his heart that his son could guide its people for something beyond Krypton. And so he did, he saw his only son going beyond the stars, and he died as he embraced his wife.

"Go with the stars Kal-El" Jor-El said in his last moments.


- Kansas: 04/18/1970

The young man's rocket landed in a small town called Smallville, near a farm owned by a small couple named Martha and Jonathan Kent, who, when they discovered the little one, decided to take care of the young baby Kal-El. They soon discovered that taking care of the alien baby wasn't going to be as easy as they thought.

In the following years the Kent family lived happily, even with Clark's powers as he was named, they grew with time, with time he saw the rise of several heroes, from the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor, Avengers etc.. ., but he never felt like joining , he decided to live his life on the farm.

The main reason that Clark had was the hatred against the Mutants, he had no prejudice against them, his parents taught him better, but he didn't have the courage to receive the same hatred and persecution, so he kept himself far away, even if he felt that something was missing from it.


- Kansas: 04/06/1997

In the end he had turned twenty-seven when his father died, and the Avengers and the Fantastic Four died in combat against a villain named Onslaught'. This devastated Clark, who flew to the North Pole where he let out a huge scream, unknownst to him awakening something in his mind.

Something that had been locked away, a completely different mind that was being held without even knowing it, in the end he passed out as that mind weighed everything he knew for Clark. Two hours later Clark got to his feet thinking about his next steps of his, he was still Clark for the most part, but now with a few years of someone else's experience, along with a few new ideas he could relate to.

He squeezed his fist, and then flew back home, he consoled his mother, and then went to the shed where he knew his parents had stored the ship he had crashed in, he managed to get some equipment among them was a crystal which he knew served to build the fortress of solitude. The world was in despair, and he knew both of his parents would want him to bring hope.

Clark then flew towards the center of the North Pole, where he built a huge fortress made of crystals, it like a copy of a Cristofer Reeves movie, he loved it, entering there he saw the robots wearing a cape with the symbol of the house El , there he followed the S-08 to a sort of compartment where a suit was floating. The classic red and blue with the yellow belt and "S" on the chest, and the underwear over the pants and it didn't look so silly.

Clark ran his hand through the uniform, and then a screen appeared, showing images of Manhattan, a fight between Spider-Man and six super villains, Clark thought they were called the Sinister Six, he then put on a serious expression and looked at the uniform.


- Manhattan New York: 13:48

"Yuck!" Peter Parker, or as he was known due to his state of attire, Spider-Man grunted as he was thrown into a police car with the two officers driving said vehicle pulling away as the Rhino charged towards the arachnid-powered hero.

With the great agility and dexterity with which he was endowed, he leapt out of the way as the mill thrust its arms into the car, the horrible screech of metal and glass resounding as it was crushed as if it were mere paper to the giant.

"Rhino, what did we say about breaking other people's toys?" He berates the big man as if he were talking to a child.

"Shut up!"

Dodging a backwards blow, he fires his web and temporarily blinds the man.

"Son of a…!"


"That's enough foul mouthing of you, sir."

His spider-sense increased when he dodged to the right to avoid a blast from Shocker and then turned back when Scorpion tried to douse him with acid.

"Boys, boys, boys, I know I'm popular, but really enough is enough." Spiderman said jokingly.

'All I wanted was to go home and be with my wife, is that too much to ask?' He thinks with equal parts tiredness and sadness that he didn't want to be here. After the tragedy of losing the baby, his wife was terribly depressed and needed him.

But along with the heroes' deaths due to Onslaught's attack, losing Ben, and Osborn's return, he was mentally exhausted and along with his hero work going on overtime, he was exhausted.

Once again, his spider-sense kicks in as he dodges a laser blast from a hooded Mysterio and a blast of sand from Marko. Though he was slammed in the side by Vulture in doing so and had to regroup when Rhino rejoined the fray.

"I could really use some backup right now." He can't help but mutter, looking around he sees his enemies preparing for another attack as the police are trying to keep the civilians and media in check and try to unite against the bad guys . The sirens get closer and he looks over to see a SWAT van approaching... Shocker sees them.

"Hey Rhino, go away." The padded man screams as he fires at the underside of the van.

"Not!" Peter was stopped when he saw the van take off as Rhino grabbed it as soon as he was in range, the panic he saw in the driver and passenger hit him as he tried to think of a way to save them.

"Catch the freak!" Rhino smirks as he hurls his makeshift weapon, Peter knows he can't stop it and must flee despite hating every fiber of his being for having to allow this farce... only events don't play out that way as his vision is suddenly blocked by something.

Everyone watching is shocked when the van that was thrown stops in the air and is gently lowered. Then everyone is taken aback when a well-built man in a blue suit, red cape and an "S" on his chest comes out.

Clark, meanwhile, maintains a calm exterior despite his frayed nerves, he needs to establish a strong front early on or he won't be taken seriously. He checks the passengers in the van and his X-ray vision shows nothing too badly damaged on the men, so he looks at what was essentially one of his childhood heroes in the flesh.

'This is quite strange, but I think I can get used to it.' Clark thought as he continued with his facade.

"Are you alright sir?" He asks the wall crawler politely despite the situation.

"Uh... y-yes, just a little tired, but who are you?" Peter finally asks as he pulls himself together.

"A friend and concerned citizen, now please if you can help the officers inside the van I will deal with this bunch and give them a breather." He replied before walking towards the super powered criminals.

"Gentlemen, I believe we can resolve this peacefully, unless you want to go the other way and end up covered in bruises." Clark said as he placed his hands on his hips.
