
The night coming

[Samuel Campbell Winchester]

- Sam Winchester was born on May 2, 1983 to John E. Winchester and Mary Winchester in Lawrence, Kansas. He is the youngest child of the couple, having a brother four years older, Dean Winchester.

After his mother's death by a demon, he and his brother received extensive training throughout their childhood and adolescence to hunt supernatural creatures. Two years ago he decided to stop following in his father's footsteps, joining Stanford University after one last argument.


-[Knowledge of law (Basic)]


-[Spanish language(Basic)]


-[Flirting skills(Average)]


-[Unarmed Combat(Expert)]

Size: 250MB

-[Azazel's Blood(Inactive)]

Size: 1.1GB

-[Lucifer's true vessel]


Total folder Size: 1.1TB

Current download speed: 14.2MB/s

-- Start Folder Download? --

[Yes No]

"Sam Winchester..."

The words come out of my mouth on their own as I find myself so suddenly face to face with one of the protagonists of this world and, my favorite character on the show... At least when I was a kid.

"Yes?.." After helping me lift, the young 'Jared Padalecki', without even the shadow of a beard or facial expression marks that he will have during the final seasons of the show, gives me a questioning look. "Sorry, have we met?"

"A-ah, yeah..." I'm super nervous. "...Yes and no."

As is to be expected from someone receiving an answer like that, he is clearly confused. I can almost see the huge "?" above his head.

"Okay, that was a weird way to answer that." I laugh to cover it up, then suck in the air once and, leaving the beautiful girl dressed as a vampire now in the background, raise my right hand for a handshake.

In my remaining hand I hold a badge different from the one I wore at the entrance, a very neat fake. "My name is Robert, I'm one of the interviewers for the scholarship program."

Fully falling for my little lie, now it's Sam Winchester's turn to be stunned; He makes the same face as an intern who spilled hot coffee all over his boss's clothes on the very first day.

"Oh...I-" He's about to apologize again, but I, fully into my new role, gesture with my left hand. "Accidents happen."

Sam smiles in relief and squeezes my hand back. "Thank you, and it's nice to meet you, Mr. Robert."

I surreptitiously select all files except [Lucifer's True Vessel] and start the download. My full smile on my face as I shook his hand.

"No, no, the pleasure is all mine, Samuel."

"Only Sam is fine." he says.

"Good then, Sam." and I answer.

Whe ending the handshake – a blonde girl dressed as a nurse, Jessica Moore, standing next to a Sam's friend, waves at us from a table a little ways away from where we are and Sam waves back with a genuine smile that leaves me a little silly. I don't know how I can tell the difference, but I don't remember Sam smiling so lightly in all fifteen seasons of the show.

"Is this your girl?" I ask casually.

"It's more like I'm her guy... But, yeah." He answers me while smiling a little more looking in Jessica's direction, the kind of long look a man only gives to the woman he loves.

Just by that scene you can see how happy he is in that time, before all fifteen years of supernatural shit has fallen on his shoulders.

"So don't keep her waiting…" I give him a friendly pat on the back. "It was nice meeting you, Sam."

He nods Not even returning the gaze to me, really a passionate guy. "Likewise, Mr. Robert, see you Monday."

"See you there." With that my short encounter with Sam Winchester is over, and I watch him walk towards his girlfriend and his friend.

'A normal life is something that certainly suits him.' I feel a little bad for what I know fate holds for him...

Well, sentimentality aside, I fan started downloading what I needed and Chuck didn't atomize me just talking to Sam, that's good enough for now.

Now... I am free to return my attention to the beautiful act that interrupted me.

I turn with a gallant smile towards the beautiful "vampire" standing nearby. Very nice of her to have waited.

"Where were we?" I ask approaching, but she stops me with her hand half a meter away.

"You're not Gay, are you?" she asks me. I think I would think the same if I was a hottie and a guy stopped kissing me to talk and stare at another guy for a some time.

With that said, and having to laugh so I don't cry, I deftly remove her hand from the path, and pull her around the waist.

"Want to test me?"

I use all the masculinity that a Blade costume can provide and she smiles.

That's green light enough for me.




-- Stanford, California, United States, November 1st (Halloween) 3:46 AM...

With much regret, I abandon a beautiful brunette in a deep sleep on the hotel bed, running through my mind one last time the wonderful time we had together, and carefully closing the door on my way out.

I'm not the type to leave without saying goodbye, but tonight's schedule is tight.

"Huurgh... The fun was great." I stretch my arms, walking in the hallway, I pass a clock on the wall showing 03:49 AM. "...But it's time to get back to work."

I check in at the hotel's front desk, paying until the later afternoon, more than enough time for my partner to wake up, and head back to my car.

In the driver's seat, after a brief check of the back of the car, I notice my reflection in the rearview mirror. My hair, which used to be all back, is looking weird after the "movements" from earlier.

Already a bit of a mess anyway, I rub my left hand over it to finish the job. The strands fall away from each other, free to undulate in my casual messy hairstyle, which honestly gives me a more age-appropriate look.

"That's better."

I take off my sunglasses, turn the key and put the car in reverse to leave the hotel parking lot and head towards the main road.

As expected of the end of the night, the streets are mostly deserted, with only the occasional group of costumed youth returning to their homes at the end of the Halloween night. With all this lull, I think it doesn't hurt to pay a little attention to my own system window.


[Jason Blanc]

- A 21-year-old Brazilian young man, six feet tall, with brown eyes and hair, tanned skin and, after some misadventures, well-defined muscles.

--Common List:---

[Green Tile info] [American English (Fluent)] [Driving Skills(Average)] [Flirting skill(Basic)] [Poker Mastery(Expert)] [Alcohol resistance(Average)] [Cooking skills(Expert)] [Creature info ] [Diary Information] [Diary Manufacturing Process] [Armed combat(Expert)] [General Medical Knowledge(Expert)] [Automotive knowledge (Average)] [Computational knowledge (Expert)] [Programming skills(average)] [Unarmed combat(expert)]

Total Size: 1.7GB

--Supernatural List--

[Improved Attributes(Human Peak)] [Sense of the Veil(Intermediate)]

Total Size: 3.6GB

--Azazel's Blood List--

[Telekinesis(Basic)] [Demonic powers Resistance(weak)] [Control demons(weak)]

Total Size: 10.9GB

Current download speed: 21.6MB/s


'It's already a pretty respectable window.'

As you can see, there have been two major changes:

The first, three days ago I had learned that the system gives me a certain level of control over my own window, allowing me to create new and rename folders, so just to have a basic organization, I separated my files into [Common] and [Supernatural] .

The folder names are self-explanatory: files corresponding to human knowledge or skills in [Common] and supernatural abilities... In [supernatural].

And the second big change was the perceptible spontaneous, or almost, appearance of the folder: [Azazel's Blood].

When I finished downloading [Azazel's Blood(Inactive)] from Sam, as expected, the system reacted to the high compatibility of this file with [Telekinesis (Basic)]. Merging the two did not result in a file named Azazel's Blood(Active)] - Which was what I thought it would be -, but rather a folder containing the abilities that blood provides.

So my telekinesis returned to me, apparently being my unique power as a new member of Azazel's VIP group, the Special children, along with the children's basic kit: [Demonic powers Resistance(Low)] [Control demon(Low)].

And "Ding Dong" congratulations to anyone who noticed, those were the files I was after tonight.

'Man, I'm starting to talk like a newscaster in my thoughts...' I rotate a forefinger pointing at my head. 'Maybe I'm going crazy.'

(A/N: Free reference to the most sinister woodpecker in cartoons.)




-- Stanford, California, United States, November 1st (Halloween) 04:11 AM...

*Click* The car cuts off as I park on the side of a random sidewalk in a residential neighborhood. The door next to me opens on its own with a mental command, something I don't do out of laziness, but rather so I don't forget the ability again.

I get out of the car with a backpack on my back and a suitcase slung over one shoulder, both of which are quite full with everything I think I'll need.

The serene of this dawn falls thin on my head and shoulders, unlike the icy breeze, almost imperceptible to the senses. For an October night at Stanford the temperature was a little low, around 10° Celsius... Oh yeah, they use the Fahrenheit scale here, so it's 50°.

"Uuh... How cold." My hands in biker gloves rub my two forearms in a futile attempt to dissipate the cold, since over the leather of the blazer and the armor I had underneath, I definitely couldn't feel any change, just resisting it during the walk.

I left the car two blocks from the address of the building where Sam Winchester lives, deciding it would be better to walk the rest of the way. It's more stealthy since I plan on breaking into his apartment.

Why? All the information that is passed on in the series regarding the case of Jessica's death is that at some point within the time span that Sam and Dean went to Jericho and back, "Brady" entered the apartment and killed her, leaving her hanging from the ceiling of the the couple's room so that Sam would find her when he returned... Just like azazel had done with Mary Winchester.

My hand tightens on the suitcase handle, recalling the memories I've experienced through John's diary.


They were once ordinary souls, but corrupted after a long period in hell, they lost their humanity, becoming evil scum that doesn't exist for any reason other than causing suffering to humans.

I'm not a violent person, but I would definitely skin a few of them alive without remorse.

*Metallic clangs* Nearing my destination, my attention is pulled back to my surroundings by the bouncing of an object that lands between my shoes. A simple dented soda can.

Taking a questioning look in the direction of the alley from which the object emerged, it doesn't take me long to see the cause of the movement; With two piercing yellow eyes capable of glowing in the dark, completely in black, he steps meekly out of the alley while looking steadfastly in my direction... A black kitten.

Considering his size, about half the size of an average black cat, he appears to be quite young, he must have been playing with the can when it slid to my feet.

My previously tense face breaks into a tender smile, with me leaving the bag on the sidewalk as I bend down, starting to look for something inside the blazer. "I think I have something here that you'll like..."

Then I pull out a half-eaten package of jerky, tearing it apart enough to expose the entire contents and placing the package between me and the cat.

Being an animal born in the streets, he is very suspicious, staring at me cautiously for a few moments, before being tempted by the delicious smell of dried meat and approaching.

"Yes, well done big boy." He surprisingly lets me touch him while he eats, and even more surprising is the window that opens in front of my eyes.


[Nameless black cat]

- The smallest pup of a litter of seven that were abandoned in the alleys of the city, and ironically the only one that survived until then.


-[Body Balance(Expert)]

Size: 1.3GB

-[Cat's Reflexes(Average)]


-[Feline Flexibility(Expert)]


-[Acute sense of smell(Average)]


-[Improved Hearing(Average)]

Size: 890MB

-[Night Vision(Average)]


-[Walk Silently(Expert)]


-[Animal Language(Fluent)]


Total folder Size: 6.6GB

Current download speed: 21.6MB/s

-- Start Folder Download? --

[Yes No]

============End of Chapter =============

Weeeeeeell, We're all here one more time! Actually, this chapter was a long time "Choking" in my throat, I hope you enjoyed it.

If possible write a comment or a review to support the work, I will be responding to all comments delayed soon.

SenryuuGuardcreators' thoughts