
Things Escalated Fast

In Are's hand, he held a small jar, ancient and cracked, from which a faint, ominous smoke curled. "In this jar are the grievances—the prayers of mortals, twisted and perverted. Prayers for death, for greed, for suffering. Curses and wishes for evil disguised as devotion. We call it the Jar of Abominable Prayers. It is molten poison, the essence of everything vile whispered in the name of gods."

He sneered in disgust, his voice filled with contempt for the humans below.

Ares gave a curt nod, and the gods moved swiftly to hold Perseus in place. Struggling against their divine strength was futile, his powers were being suppressed by their chains; Perseus was pinned with ease, arms forced still as Ares approached with the jar of vile liquid in hand. The stench alone was sickening, a putrid mix that made the air heavy with dread. 
