
Watch Eye of the Veined Tower

Lenny paused for a bit.


However, it was only for a bit.


He frowned as he advanced forward.


He was not going to think about the things that Athena had just said.


At least, not now.


Steadily, he advanced towards the soldiers.


Hector, on the other hand, ran to Athena and pulled her by the shoulder.


"Please, I beg of you. Don't scare me like that again."


She turned to him.


She could no longer hold it in and sank her head into his chest as her tears fell slightly.


Perseus saw this and sighed.


He waved his Short sword in the air as he followed behind Lenny.


He did not take another look at the couple.


However, as Lenny walked towards the defending demons, his mind actually played those words that she said, and it vexed him seriously.


And now he was no longer in the mood to just kill.

