
Is that all you got?

<ALERT: Poisonous substance. Fatal to Host!>

The moment Lenny's tongue touched the glowing Mushroom, he could feel his body weakening.

When E7007 warned about touching the mushrooms, he was absolutely not joking.

These mushrooms were just too toxic.

It was really terrible for a person's system.

<Detoxifying Host!>

<Host detoxified>

The moment he got the alerts, he could feel his fading vision coming back.

But that was not all. The giant insects were rushing for him.

Behind him was a wall. It was perfect for what he wanted to do.

Using the wall, he popped the bones on one hand back in place by ramming against it.

It hurt like hell, but this was not Lenny's first rodeo.

He had done worse things to his body before.

He popped the joints of the other hand into place, and then he picked some of the mushrooms from the ground.
