
Chapter 3

Violet was seated at the bar taking sips of her drink. Sophia had gone dancing with a guy who approached her as soon as they had settled down for drinks.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" a sweaty dude said as he sat beside her. He was hairy and very unattractive. She looked away like no one was talking to her.

"Hey I'm talking to you, can I buy you a drink?" he poked her.

"Hey don't touch me!"

"But I asked to buy you a drink and you didn't answer me"

"Maybe because I don't want you to, I can buy my drinks"

"Well you look lonely so let me buy you a drink and then later, we can get out of here and then get freaky in my apartment"

"Excuse me? I'm sorry but I'm not alone"

"Well, you look alone to me now. Or is whoever is with you invisible?" He feigned awe as he mocked. Violet stopped listening and started looking around the club for Sophia to come to save her. She spotted a guy coming toward the bar. He was in a sweater and jeans with boots. He was tall and had dark eyes and was handsome. He came to the bar to order a drink and he stood beside Violet and the loud-mouthed dude.

"Hey babe what took you so long?" She hugged him and leaned in and whispered in his ear. "I'll do anything if you pretend to be my boyfriend for five minutes please" She kissed him on the cheek and turned to the sweaty guy.

"This is my boyfriend" She turned around to face the sweaty guy

"He's your boyfriend?"

"I'm Chris and you're bothering my woman," He said in a deep husky voice making Violet smile. He was relatively taller than the sweaty guy and was way better looking than him.

"Dude I'm pretty sure you just met her."

"No, he didn't"

"Prove it"

Violet turned and kissed Chris. She'd never seen him yet it was as though they had kissed before. His lips were soft and tasted like mint. He kissed back but delicately as if he was scared to drop an egg.

"Okay okay," The sweaty guy waved his hand and stopped the two of them from kissing. As they stopped, they looked into each other's eyes for a moment. As if they were looking deep into their souls searching for something. "I'm leaving, you've proven your point." The sweaty guy gulped his bear and walked away.

Violet cleared her throat "Thanks a lot for saving me from that sweaty creep" she scratched the back of her head in the discomfort that had become the moment. "I have to go"

"Wait, can I buy you a drink?" He asked

"I gotta go I'm sorry"

"Hey you said you would do anything if I pretended to be your boyfriend for a minute now I want to buy you a drink," He said holding her hand. She looked at his hand

"I'm sorry I kissed you but I didn't mean to. I had to get him off my back is all"

"Well I'm hoping I get that opportunity again" He smirked at her "you promised so want another drink and a conversation with you in return for saving you from Romeo there"

She folded her arms around her chest and angled her hip looking intently at him.

"I have no other option now do I?"

"Nope," Chris smirked.

"As a thank you, your first round will be on me"

She sat on the chair and turned to the bartender "A scotch on the rocks and a martini"

"First of all, your name?"


"Like the color"

"Yeah. My mum liked the color back then" She nodded.

"Chris" He stretched his hand and she took it. 'large hand' she thought 'i know what that means she smiled at her thought. Sophia came along with a guy.

"Look I'm gonna go with him." She smiled noticing Chris "I see you are in good hands nice to meet you I'm Sophia her friend" She shook Chris

"Take care of her or I will find you and I don't want to tell you what will happen to you if something happens to her" She leaned closer to Violet and whispered "Big hands you know what that means.

Get him" She smiled "see you guys later," she said out loud this time before dragging the guy behind her who was kissing her neck the whole time obviously, he couldn't wait and Sophia couldn't either.

"Sorry about her, she's just being her."

"Don't worry, you are not alone. My boys are on the table over there" He pointed to a table where three guys were seated doing weird stuff and sort of cheering him on and whistling. "They are douchebags"

"I'll drink to our horrible choices of friends" she ordered shots and they each drank.

"So, what is a pretty girl like you doing at a bar alone," He said after a couple of drinks sipping from his glass of scotch.

"Well I came with Sophia which was a bad idea because she found a guy to dance with as soon as we got in and went to work immediately"


"Yeah, actually I'm going through a bad breakup so she thought it would be a great idea to come to the club and drink and probably get laid or something" She looked straight at him while sipping her glass at the end of the sentence.

"I'm so sorry about that"

"No, it's okay. I'm trying my hardest to be okay, you know? she said with a sudden sadness. There was an uncomfortable silence between them.

"You see that couple over there?" He pointed at a couple seated at a table by the door of the bar. Violet turned around to look at who he was pointing at. "Well they are on their first date and it was a set up by their friends"

"Really? How can you tell?" Violet swiveled in the bar stool in the direction of the couple.

"Well, she is paying no attention to him. The way she is seated, and the way her phone is under the table she is sending any of her friends a text to call her and fake an emergency. The way the guy is talking nonstop about himself. In the next one or two minutes, her friend will call her with an emergency."

"Really? The next round is on me if that happens"

They waited a few moments and the girl got a call and she started to panic and told the guy that she was so sorry her friend had just had an accident and she would call him.

"The next round is on me then '' She swirled her chair to face Chris and picked up her purse to look for her credit card.

"I believe it is" He smirked at her.

"So, since you are the expert, what are the ways to see and or know when a girl is into the guy she is with on a first date?" She leaned against the bar and played with her hair whilst sipping her drink.

"Well for starters, she plays with her hair, and there is a consequent touch of the arm and or lap" He moves closer to her so that his face is close to hers "And her legs are directed at whoever he is" His eyes went from her eyes to her mouth.

She leaned in so her mouth was by his mouth.

"Well it looks like I fit the criteria, don't I?" She bit his earlobe tenderly.

"I guess you do," He smiled.

"So, you wanna get out of here? Maybe tell me more about these ways to see if the girl is attracted to a guy?"

"Sure, why don't you get a cab? I'll join you right away" He walked to the table where the boys were.

"Nick take care of my car not a scratch" He threw him the keys.

"Sure, dude go get her" Nick screamed after him.

He walked out of the club and Violet had already gotten a cab.

"Your place or my place?" He asked

"Your place" She answered and they got in the cab. They made out throughout the cab ride to his apartment. They got down from the cab and walked into the building to the elevators. As soon as the elevator doors closed, they continued to kiss each other. They got to his floor and backed up against the door kissing.

"Chris?" She said against his lips.


"I would love to proceed into the apartment"

He chuckled and turned to the door searching his pockets for the keys. He found them and opened the door.

"Well after you," He said with a little bow and spread his hand into the apartment.

"Why thank you, kind sir," She walked into the apartment and took off her jacket, and plopped it on the couch with her purse. "Well your place is nice you know" She walked around a little.

"Thank you" Chris smiled and handed her a glass of scotch. She gulped it all.

"Where were we?" He smiled as he moved closer to her and dropped his glass on the counter and started to kiss her again. He lifted her off the floor and placed her on the counter. Leaving a trail of kisses on her neck.

"Wait I haven't had sex with anyone but Matt and not for like two years so I'm not so great…" She said, pulling away almost breathlessly.

"That's okay" He continued to kiss her, running his hands through her hair.

"Wait" She was breathing heavily, "I'm just a little bit nervous… Can I use your bathroom quick" She swallowed hard.

"Sure, while you're at that I'll set the lighting in my room and then some music will that be okay" He nodded and she did the same "Through the hall on your left"

"Thank you" She moved to the directions he gave her and walked into the bathroom. "What is wrong with you?" She asked herself in the mirror "You can do this, it's just sex nothing more" She let out a heavy breath. "You can do this," she said to herself.

She washed her hands and cleaned them with a paper towel. On her way to the room, she saw the bottle of scotch she and Chris were drinking and she grabbed it and took a large gulp of it moving upstairs. She entered the room and 'When We' by Tank was playing.

"Mm boy got game. I like this song" She moved in more and the room was beautiful and had a great view of the city and the lights.

"Well I look to impress"

"Well consider me very impressed and very drunk" she took a swig again when he turned around and dropped the bottle on the bedside table "So where were we?" She leaned forward to kiss him and he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him as they took slow steps to the bed. He pulled off her top and lifted her off the ground again. Walking toward the bed and placing her gently down. She pulled off her shoes and pants and unhooked his jeans. They switched positions and she was on top of him. She gagged and pulled away from Chris.

"Wait sorry I think I feel sick" She was breathing heavily

"Are you sure?" He asked, rubbing both hands on her hips.

"Then again I may just be scared" She continued to kiss him and then stopped abruptly "No I think I'm gonna vomit" She came down from the bed and stood with her hand over her mouth. She was breathing heavily and she ran to the bathroom and knelt by the toilet and vomited.

"You alright?" He asked from the room.

"No" She raised her head from the bowl. Chris walked in with a glass of water and knelt beside her and rubbed her back. Matt was an asshole thinking about it now. She bent low again to vomit and started to cry. "I just realized I was so scared of leaving him. He was my first love and the first and only guy I ever had sex with. I thought he would be the one or something. He never treated me nicely thinking about it now. I mean he was nice at first." She let out a disappointing laugh. "But as we were graduating, he just started drifting." She bent low and vomited again. "Nine years of my life to one guy and all gone. In one night. God, I'm so stupid." She sat down now and looked at Chris. Her eyes were barely open. I'm so sorry" He handed her a cup of water and a towel.

"It's okay" He stroked her hair soothingly

"Thank you. You are so nice" She leaned into him for a moment as her breathing calmed.

"Violet?" He called. No answer. He looked down at her and her eyes were closed. He picked her off the bathroom floor and walked to the bed. He placed her in bed and pulled the covers over her.

"Wait, we can still do this," She said, her eyes closed as she rubbed his hand.

"It's okay get some sleep"

"Thank you. I think you are very handsome" She smiled as she turned to the other side of the bed.
