
I love you, Reggie

Reggie Rockwitz

We all fell silent and were still searching for answers how is it possible to run the races on the streets of gastovik?

"Mr.wiran can't we shift to a different town or a city where the police force Is inactive?"

"If we did that, all our trustees who funded us will ask for their money back and the mobs of different bugs will never agree to race under us."

"The conditions are we have to operate in the streets of gastovik is that right?" I said

"Yes," said Mr Wiran

"How many patrolling vehicles does PD have and how many of them are operating?"

"About 6 of them have been spotted all over the town". Said wiran

"Then it's possible to have a grand opening but we had to take a great risk but it's worth a shot I promise."

"Spit it out"

"We need to make some changes in the plans, first we'll never let them know it's a race, and we'll have to shift it indoors". I said

"Are you out of your mind, how will the audience enjoy? It without even looking at the cars?"

I told him my risky plan from beginning to end, the three looked at each other and remained silent and then Mayo said,

"Done, we are doing this shit".

"Hell yeah," I said.

When the meeting was over they finally selected our two bugs which will be on each others. Throat on the grand opening

The first one was the 5th crew the dominator of gastovik and the LK-48, which I don't have any fuckin idea about.

I went into the woods with all our event managers of outlaw kinetics and began our first steps to achieve flawless victory.

Uncle Pedro also contributed a lot to us by suggesting ideas to blur out the cops.

Jojo warned me that this plan that I brought can be a huge success or a devastating failure, our lives are at stake. So he thought maybe we should discuss it again with all the members including Ulrich wiran.

The sun slowly started to set and gave out an orange glow of light inside the big Davis.

We all discussed and I got into a quarrel with the fiord, wiran made changes to the plan. I got offended and got a feeling that everyone here hates me.

I was forcing myself to be over dominative and make everything go in my way but was not successful.

"The dogs are sniffing every inch of our town, make sure you don't flex too much of your throttle. I can't invite any other-"

"Got it," said, Yun

Then he concluded the meeting which didn't reach any conclusion. Everyone packed up, and then I had one last eye contact with Mayo and left the big Davis first, cause I was being salty with everyone.

Oh again, In the end, I need to wait for jinx and Joyce, they both and everyone including me, took too long to return from Davis. I'm sure they are back taking about me, or double-crossing my plan. I honestly don't care.

Finally, jinx came smiling at me, and Joyce behind his back, didn't look at me, why am I even caring? I need to get an apartment as soon as possible and a different job than this.

My payment was done on monthly basis, godamamm how can people wait for a whole month to get a bunch of bills they traded with their time on earth?

I sat inside the car, and he started driving too fast.

After reaching their apartment they both quickly began to rush through the whole house searching for something.

Jinx came in with an ice hockey stick and a baseball bat, "I don't think they are used in the same sport ". I said

Is he going to beat me up?

My body became hot, my heart released chills over my body, and all I can feel is something which doesn't seem right.

He handed me the baseball bat and said

"Reggie, listen we got a little problem here, it's too much long, all I say is we have to survive this night."

My body felt numb.

"Survive? But from whom and why?"

"We don't have any time for conversations, I need you, Reggie, it's time for you to be a Man."

Wow, he is asking me for a favour, how can I refuse? He let me sleep in his home, and gave me a vibe of a big brother. I had to fight with him no matter if God snatches my life away.

"Say no more"

"Can I borrow your car for a second?" I said

"Yeah, but why?" Said jinx squishing his eyebrows

"No questions," I said

I didn't know how to drive, but I learnt it within 5 minutes of googling why the hell a car has a clutch.

I drove nearly killing 4 people and crashing into a pool but the arcade gaming helped me to understand the sensitivity the accelerator and clutch needed.

I Went And drove back within 15 minutes

There was no one on as of now near the apartment.

"Where have you gone"? Said, jinx

I didn't answer

I went into my room and changed my clothes to full sleeve black shirt, black pants and a black jacket with a hood and tied a scarf to hide my face.

I picked up the hockey stick and said to jinx I will be using this and handed him his car keys.

"Please don't ask for help from anyone, I don't want Mr. wiran to get involved with this". Jinx said

"I work solo jinx, I don't ask for help". I said

Then the gate of the apartment banged with a loud noise.

Jinx said to Joyce,

"They came and I want you to lock your room and we'll lock the front door".

She started crying, he hugged her and kissed her...

Oh.. they were dating.

Shoot!! I don't have time to think about this stuff right now.

I said to Joyce " don't turn the lights on, which are outside the door and the stairs"

I picked up the hockey and went straight down jumping from the stairs to look like a savage.

There were 5 guys as I counted wore a mask, and there can be more of them, guess that wasn't a good idea.

Jinx came giving loud footsteps.

"So you prepared with just one guy, Time is limited and yours expired". Said the masked guy

"You've chosen you to want a decent thrashing after all.," said jinx

"Oh. Reggie, what are you doing here?"

I heard a familiar voice, when I took a closer look at the five goons,

one was Lb, my cousin.

"What the fuck Lb ? This is what you started doing now? I don't think aunt Lisa raised you to be an asshole".

"You cunt! I'm going to rip your ass" Lb said.

Adrenaline kicked inside of me, how dare he talked to me like that,

I was dam Ready to beat some sense of respect into him.

"Stop this nonsense!"

The other masked guy said, it was getting dark, so I closed my left eye to make my pupils dilate.

Jinx started to speak in another language with the masked guy, and it sparked the argument.

The gallery of the apartment was not too big,

Then suddenly the guy pushed jinx, and jinx pushed him back, and I started to get tense, should I interfere or it will make the matter worse?

Both started pushing each other, heavily the masked guy suddenly pushed jinx so hard that he fell going backwards.

I knew this is the moment, I threw the hockey stick vertically with a great amount of force towards the guy who pushed jinx, to buy the time jinx needed to get up.

Jinx picked up the baseball bat and and rushed towards the masked guy he suddenly takes his hands to his coat's pocket and takes out a shiny object. It was a knife, I knew it!!

I took out my pocket knife and started to rush towards that guy attacking jinx to finish him off first but suddenly I saw another bat approaching me and I blocked it with my left hand.

I reached It was Lb, and all I had was a knife, I stabbed him two times, in the abdomen, and the other two guys came at me, I had the advantage of Lb's body I threw him towards them.

Retreat jinx!!!! I screamed to the top of my voice! And I started running backwards, but jinx didn't step back he was fighting hard bleeding from the whole torso!!!

I can't back off I said! To myself

I ran towards them with my full acceleration, while screaming at the top of my lungs! I took out a torch from my jacket pocket and aimed it right into the first guy's eyes,

I flinched Down and then to the side, and stabbed him once in the liver, again I flashed the torch in the eyes of the second guy, he paused just a second giving me the advantage the blow the knife right in his chest.

The two guys kept stabbing at jinx!!! I rushed with the little strength I had left and as I was about the flash the torch I slipped and fell on the ground, they noticed me and one began rushing towards me to take advantage,

You are weak scum I said to him, and swiftly slide my legs aim at him to make him fall, but he just tilted a little, which gave me an escape.

I got up my heart thumping like crazy!!, My chest started to wheeze, oxygen levels in my body fell, I started to feel dizzy and extremely worn out of energy.

Just this guy, I said to myself !!! I started to cry... For jinx he was lying there, his yellow shirt turned green from blood.

The guy before me was panting and started moving towards me!!

"Sheiwwa jiwafajewa!!" The other guy attacking Reggie screamed at him and they both ran away from the compound.

Tears are flowing within my eyes...no huh..hh.h.uh..h.uh. I couldn't even take breaths.. my chest started to pain, and my back cracked each time I took a step

I can save him I said to myself!!.. will save him!!!!!

I didn't look at his wounds I picked him up with both of my hands and wrapped my jacket tightly around his stomach and chest area.

I rushed upwards unlocked the

door, took Joyce's phone and called the ambulance!!

Lb was lying on the ground along with two other guys that I thrashed, I took out the Subaru forester, and opened the rear door, and now I noticed I didn't have the strength to pick up 90 kgs of weight!!

Everyone in the locality was staring at me and started taking pictures and videos of the whole scene that happened, I rushed upwards, packed a pair of clean clothes in a plastic bag, a bottle of deodorant and a lighter, then i jumped directly from the first floor to save time,

I lifted Lb's 90 kilos of weight alone! Breaking every bone in my body!

Again I went near a jinx!! He was smiling!!!

"I will come and see you !! Now I gotta go!!" I said while crying like a child

Blood was gushing out of his mouth !!

"I love you, Reggie," jinx said, again I cried at the top of my lungs.

I knew he can still make it! He is a giant! He was able to speak even after this kind of damage he endured.

I started the engine and took the car directly into the mountains, it was night !! My heart was about to burst out of my chest.

How come? I said, faces of aunt Lisa and uncle Mack flashed before my eyes!!

I couldn't even see the sight in front of me while driving Because of the tears.

I reached the top after driving for 20 minutes !! Completely dark everywhere!! I was scared to hell!

I lighted the torch and held it right in my mouth, I turned on the ignition and pushed the first gear, I searched for a branch, long enough to reach the gas peddle.
