


Sunday, September 1st, 1991

Liliana Snape's POV:

"Lily, my dear. We have to start leaving soon!"

I opened my eyes and smiled as a familiar soothing and calm voice came echoing through the halls and into my bedroom. I must have drifted back to sleep after I showered and got dressed for school earlier. I jumped up and walked over to my mirror examining my outfit for the millionth time. Nothing had changed. I still had the same black skinny jeans, a white tank top with lace straps, and a pair of vans. My black hair was up in a ponytail with two strands pulled out on either side of my face.

I grabbed my wand, swiftly placing it in my back pocket as opened my dark oak wooden door and walked out of my room.

"I'm coming down now, father!" I announced as I ran down the stairs with the biggest smile on my face.

My father looked up at me, his normal serious face had been replaced with on that had the brightest smile. He pushed his raven black hair back as he kneeled down and hugged me tight.

"You look beautiful dear, but here …" he paused as he handed me a pair of robes that looked identical to his, the only difference being that they were made specifically for me. "… I don't want you catching a cold on your first day at Hogwarts!"

I pulled the robes on and instantly hugged him again. "Thank you father, they look wonderful! Are we going to be apparating to school, or would you want me to go on the train?" I asked a little too excitedly.

He looked at his watch and sighed "I wanted you to get to experience the Hogwarts Train ride, but unfortunately we won't make it in time." He reached his hand out to me and as soon as I took it he said "So my dearest daughter, you will have the honour to apparate with me!"


I looked around and instantly realized we were in my fathers concealed bedchamber. It was cold yet extremely welcoming and beautiful. The stone room had a queen sized bed right in the middle. The black duvet was complimented with forest green pillows. There was a few decorative pillows on the bed as well, either in the colours black, forest green, or grey. There was a black and dark oak Cabriole couch on the left side of the room with two dark emerald green decorative pillows on either side of the couch. On the right side of the room was a beautiful trapezoidal shaped window nook with a book case filled with potion books on either side. The black velvet cushion was so soft I could easily fall asleep in it. But the best part was the view of the castle from the window. You could clearly see the black lake and all it's beauty from here.

"Father could we possibly head to the Great Hall? I want to see what faces are walking around this year, and see if anyone by chance wants to become friends!" I asked excitedly.

"Of course Lily, let's go dear" he led the way making sure I was paying attention. As if we hadn't been through this whole school a million times before. I would always tag along with him when he was coming back to Hogwarts to prepare for this years classes.


We walked around a corner and he nodded at me before making his way through the Great Hall doorway. I nodded back as I started making my way through the crowd. As I was looking around I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention, are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, but maybe next time watch where you're going, you stupid twat" the girl shook her head and rolled her eyes at me.

*What's her problem? I apologized already and honestly it's not my bloody fault that the hallway is packed by kids of our age waiting to get sorted. She's so stuck up, hopefully I don't get sorted into the same house as her.*

I walked up a little more trying to make it up into the actual Great Hall, and stopped as someone said one name that left me quiet surprised.

"You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." the boys genuine smile made his Ice grey eyes light up. He was tall, and his blonde hair seemed complement his face completely. He held out his hand out to the other boy waiting for him to shake it.

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks!" the other boy said coldly. His hair was the complete opposite of the other boys it was black and untidy, his eyes were a bright shade of green and there was a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead.

*Of course, who would have thought the Boy Who Lived would be such a stuck up asshole.*

The blonde boy was putting his hand down disappointedly letting a sigh as the Boy Who Lived walked away. Leaving the blonde haired boy to deal with nothing but whispers going on around him on how the famous Harry Potter rejected his friendship, some even started laughing at him.

*How could people be so stupid and annoying?*

Before I knew it my hand had met the boys and was shaking it "Hi, my name's Snape, Liliana Snape. It's a pleasure to meet you!" I smiled warmly at him, his icy grey eyes looking back into my bright green eyes. He tightened his grip around my hand slightly smiling back.

"My name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. It's an even bigger pleasure meeting you!" he replied with a slight shade of pink coming over his pale face.

He let go of my hand, mouthed the words 'thank you', before heading inside to talk with the rest of his first year friends waiting to be sorted into our house.


I was standing with my father in the front of the great hall just talking about what everything that happened in the hallway, while all the other kids were talking to their newly made friends. When suddenly Professor McGonagall came up to the podium and started the welcoming speech.

"Welcome to Hogwarts! The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but before

you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room." She paused and looked around at all the new faces with a smile "The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."

I looked at my father nervously and started throwing questions at him "What if I don't get sorted into the right house? What if the hat makes a mistake? What if I'm sorted into Hufflepuff or worse ... Gryffindor? Father what if —"

He stopped my questions with a quick hug and smiled down at me with his most soothing and calming voice said "Lily, no matter what house you get sorted into, you're going to be the best witch of that house okay? Plus darling, when it comes to you, you have all the characteristics of each house my love. You're as brave and Chivalrous like any other Gryffindor, you're loyal and hardworking like every other Hufflepuff, you're witty and intelligent like all the greatest Ravenclaws, and you're as cunning and ambitious as the greatest Slytherins out in the world my dear!"

He wiped the tear that was starting to fall from my eye to my cheek as he got up. He smiles at me as he wrapped his arm around me and held my shoulder as professor McGonagall cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted" professor McGonagall announced proudly.

I zoned out but I remember some of the the names being called out by Professor McGonagall and the sorting hat announcing the new coming witches and wizards to their houses.

"Vincent Crabbe" ... Slytherin

"Gregory Goyle" ... Slytherin

"Hermione Granger" ... Gryffindor

"Neville Longbottom" ... Gryffindor

"Luna Lovegood" ... Ravenclaw

"Draco Malfoy" ... Slytherin

I smiled as I heard the hat call out the blonde haired boy's house, but I wasn't surprised, his parents were both great Slytherin alumni!

"Pansy Parkinson" ... Slytherin

*Of course this asshole would be sorted into Slytherin. I sighed quietly. These next couple of years are going to be hell!*

"Harry Potter" ... Gryffindor

"Mattheo Riddle" ... Slytherin

"Ronald Weasley" ... Gryffindor

"Ginny Weasley" ... Gryffindor

"Blaise Zabini" ... Slytherin

"Y/N Y/L/N" ... Y/H

"Lilianna Snape"

I felt my heart stop as Professor McGonagall called my name, and my father squeezed my shoulder a little as I walked slowly towards the sorting hat.

I sat in the stool feeling all eyes on me as the sorting hat was placed on my head.

*Please don't let it be anything but Slytherin ... I want to make my father proud ... Please don't let it be Gryffindor ... please.*

"Not Gryffindor eh? You would make a wondering addition to that house Snape, just like your mother was!" the hat whispered so only I could hear before he took a very long dramatic pause "actually any house would be lucky to have you but I'll have to choose ..."

*My mother was a Gryffindor?!?!*

"Slytherin!" The hat announced loudly.

There was cheering coming from almost every person at the Slytherin table except one person ... Pansy Parkinson. She glared at me with the evilest grin.

All the other tables looked disappointed that I wasn't sorted into their houses. As I made my way to the Slytherin dining table I was greeted by eager people asking me if I wanted to sit with them. I was scared to sit anywhere because I didn't know anyone there just yet. I felt as if I was either turning down the chances of great friendships or saving myself from the worst friend groups.

A familiar voice made my fear go away "Come join us Snape!" the platinum blonde haired boy shouted over everyone else as he tapped at the empty spot next to him.

I sat at the seat Malfoy offered feeling a glare from the brown haired girl who sat across from Draco. She wasn't pleased with my presence there and it was obvious.

"Welcome to Hogwarts students, I won't give you a speech because I can imagine you are all hungry. So let the feast begin" Professor Dumbledore spoke firmly as he waved his wand filling the tables with food and drinks!

I was too caught up in my thoughts that I wasn't hungry. Nor was I paying attention to anyone who was talking to me.

*What the did the hat mean by my mother being a Gryffindor?  Why hasn't my father ever brought it up to me? Was he ashamed of her? Why don't we ever talk about her? Who is my mother? What was she like? What made my father fall in love with a Gryffindor? What happened between them that father doesn't talk to me about her? Who the bloody hell is my moth—*

My thoughts were interrupted by someone waving their hand in my face then snapping their fingers loudly.

"Snap out of it you freak, what were you even thinking about? You've been so into your thoughts that you haven't had a single thing to eat or drink. Hmm?" Parkinson barked at me.

"Listen Parkinson, why don't you do me and this table a huge favour and shut up, you're voice is honestly so annoying!" I snapped at her then when I finally looked up I found Harry Potter staring at me. Actually come to think about it, he'd been staring at me since I got sorted into Slytherin. I rolled my eyes and snapped at him too "Didn't anyone ever tell you it was rude to stare, Potter?" He blushed looking down at his plate immediately.

Before anyone could say anything to me I got up and started walking towards the Astronomy Tower. I walked up what felt like a never ending set of stairs before I reached the top. I walked over to the window and sat on the ledge letting my feet hang off the edge. I rested my head on the side and smiled as the cold stone made contact with the side of my head. I sat there for a few minutes before I head footsteps behind me. I quickly got up, grabbing my wand and pointing it in the direction of the footsteps.

"Woah Snape, I'm not here to hurt you or anything I just wanted to apologize for Parkinson's behaviour ever since you got here" the friendly white haired boy started "I don't know what's wrong with her, she seems to have it in for any girl I talk to. It's quiet annoying actually" he paused again and looked around surprised "what is this place? How did you know about it?"

"The perks of having Professor Snape as your father ..." I started and smiled at him putting my wand away "... you know where not to go, and what the best places are to go when you don't want to be bothered by anyone. Especially annoying ass little girls who think you're a threat just because you befriended the famous blonde haired boy named Draco Malfoy" I laughed a little and quickly added "Also I never got to thank you for offering me a place to sit at, I was kind of scared because I didn't know anyone like the rest of the first years."

"Don't worry about it, you saved me from embarrassment when Potter pulled that little stunt in front of everyone!" he replied with small smile on his face. "Besides you're one of the greatest witches our age, I've heard. Plus with Professor Snape as your father, you're a brilliant addition to the Slytherin house!"

I heard another pair of footsteps running up the stairs.

"Lily dear are you up here?" I heard my fathers worried voice coming from the stairs. He let a sigh of relief come out as he hugged me "Thank Merlin you're okay, I was worried sick since you walked out of the Great hall and—" he paused and look at Draco "Oh Mr.Malfoy I wasn't expecting you to be here, especially not after your friends snarky little attitude towards my daughter. Why don't you head to the Slytherin common room before I'm forced to take points from my own house!"

Draco was about to say something but decided to just head back to the common room instead.

"Lily darling are you alright?"

"I'm fine father, don't worry about me!" I smiled warmly and hugged him tightly "I'm just so grateful to have you as my father, I never ever want to loose you father!"

He hugged me back tightly "I am beyond proud to call you my daughter Lily! Can I please walk you to your common room dear?" He asked me still a bit worried.

I nodded and walked next to him happily just wondering what mom was like, and if it was because of her that my dad was always so kind to me.


"There you are you little ..." pansy grabbed me and slammed me against the wall pressing her wand to my neck.

I laughed so hard and whispered "You're in for it now Pansy" and turned to my father who walked in seconds after I did "You're dead pugface!"

"Release my daughter Ms.Parkinson ... NOW, and step away from her!" My father's angry voice echoed through the now quiet common room "You will have detention with me for a week, starting Monday. Don't ever disrespect my daughter again or I will be forced to contact your parents, understood?" My father's stern voice was so different and so firm it scared Pansy.

I walked over to my father slowly then looked back at Pansy smiling evilly at her.

*Pansy Parkinson you're messing with the wrong witch.* I laughed to myself quietly.

"Y-yes sir, I understand sir, it won't happen again sir. I'm so sorry" she spoke quietly looking down at the floor afterwards.

My father turned his attention from Pansy to me "Lily follow me please, I'm going to show you to your dorm." My father smiled at me and pointed up to a set of stairs going up to a single door.

I walked up and as I opened the door a blonde haired boy looked up from his book and laughed to himself. Then went back to reading his book as my father came in behind me closing the door.

The room had two double standard beds. The one Draco was laying in which was at the top right side of the room and another that was on the top left side of the room. Both beds had the same matching deep emerald green covers. The window on the front between both beds had a set of black curtains hanging from a snake shaped curtain rod. There was a walk in closet on the back left of the room. A door that led to the bathroom to the back right of the room. The theme for the room was Gothic Roman and I loved it so much. I looked at the floor next to the empty bed and saw my trunk and instantly got happy that I had all my stuff there. Only thing missing was my black owl, but I figured my father had taken him to the Owlry for me already.

"Darling, I'm sorry that you have had such a tough start here already. If I would have known Ms.Parkinson was going to be this big of an issue I would have never talked her parents into having her attend Hogwarts." He paused and looked around the room happily "I hope you don't mind that I asked for you to stay up here with Mr.Malfoy. I just want to make up for everything that's taken place today. Plus, I know Mr.Malfoy's parents, they are very respectful, and have always been kind to me. Something I'm assuming Mr.Malfoy has picked up on. Am I right Mr.Malfoy" my father asked with an eyebrow raised at the boy who was now sitting straight on his bed looking at my father.

"Yes sir, I have always taken pride in the way my mother and father raised me sir. They have raised me to be a respectful young man, sir." The blonde haired boy smiled at my father and then at me.

"Very well, Mr.Malfoy, my daughter will be staying here to avoid any further issues with the rest of the Slytherin house, Ms.Parkinson in particular. I don't want to hear any complaints about you from my daughter, nor do I want her to have any distractions. With that being said respect the rules of the school, and my personal request is, please don't distract my daughter from any of her studies. Respect her privacy as well! Oh and also, expect me to be keeping an eye on you Mr.Malfoy." He turned to me and knelt down and looked me in the eyes as he whispered loud enough for only me to hear "If anything happens that you're not comfortable with, please let me know darling! I'll find a way to get you your own room if push comes to shove okay? I love you so much darling, and please don't give Mr.Malfoy too much of a hassle, I know you're both going to clash heads because of how hardheaded you can be, but sometimes it's best if things don't go your way okay?"

"Of course father, don't worry. I'm sure Draco and I will be the best of friends!" I smiled at my dad hugged him "Now why don't you go and get some rest father? I mean you've been so busy with helping me get all the things I've needed and so much more, that you haven't been sleeping well. Plus the dark bags under your eyes right now are telling me, it's been a couple of days now that you haven't be resting well."

He nodded his head, got up and before he walked out the door he said "Goodnight Lily, sleep well darling!" The door closed and then I sighed remembering I had a roommate.

"I'm going to go change." I grabbed my school pyjamas from the now empty bed and changed into them in the bathroom.

I walked out quietly not knowing if my roommate was sleeping, he was. I walked over to my bed and laid under the covers, the warmth instantly putting me to sleep. Without a worry in the world. For now at least ...
