
Mysterious Girl

Thankfully I managed to recover in just a single day, anyway here's a chapter.


I should have expected this, because of the cafeteria incident a few days ago, I was labeled as a super rich kid in school. While it's technically true, it's still a bit annoying to see the students, even the teacher looks of envy.

Either way, I could only blame myself for this, because of that incident half of the school thought of me as a show-off.

Honestly I scoff off at that particular comment, if I were to show off, it would be more than that, but they'll never know.

Either way, I will have to bear this reputation until the end of semester, since I'm pretty sure it won't last.

Since it's mostly envy that it wasn't them who experienced such a thing.

I went to my girlfriend's class, which isn't D by the way, but Bocchi or Gotō Hitori, basically social anxiety itself personified.

I love her, I really do…but she's way too nervous around people that she could barely interact with them, just a single sentence is hard for her to say without stuttering.

Either way, she's from the next class away from me, which was too bad, while I have the ability to make her change classrooms.

I think it's better for her to be there without me, because personally with me cuddling her, sheltering her from the people around.

She won't be able to make a growth and will remain a Bocchi.

(A/N: Basically means alone or lonely.)

I convinced myself that this was for her own good, which was mostly correct because it started to take some effect.

As far as I remember, we're always been classmates, ever since I lived in Japan.

Now that we aren't, I was happy to see that she's making a friend or at least what I think their relationship is.

After all, it was quite doubtful to see one of the popular girl's in the school make a friend that was Bocchi.

Ai Kamiya…

Another girl who is named Ai…anyway, it's not important for now, from what I know Kamiya is the ace of the school volleyball team, a cool beauty who acts like a prince rather than a princess.

She's rather popular with the girls and some of the boys who prefer tomboy, I can't blame them to be honest.

It just means that they're cultured, a traditional taste of a girl who acts like a man, but still gives off that feminine charm.

A kuudere, one of the four horsemen.

Anyway, that's why it's a bit strange that they're 'friends' considering that they literally don't have anything similar to relate with.

A complete polar opposite of each other.

Hitori is shy.

While Kamiya is confident.

Hitori has social anxiety.

Kamiya has social confidence.

Hitori's a loner.

Kamiya is popular.

The only thing that Hitori is superior is that she has a cuter face and bigger breasts…

A much…much bigger breasts.

Anyway, that's why I was skeptical of their friendship at first, but that quickly vanished as Kamiya seemed genuine, not to mention she's quite patient with Hitori.

If anything she's amused by how she talks.

Either way, it's time to go step inside the classroom, as I did everyone's attention was into me.

Which wasn't surprising to say, despite being a new transfer student in this school, I was quick to become popular for two main reasons, one is obviously because of my foreign looks, not to mention a handsome one.

It might sound narcissistic, but fact is fact. It's in my genes after all.

And the second one is obviously because of that cafeteria incident, overnight we became popular.

When I meant 'we' it includes D, Shiro and to a lesser extent Sora.

Not to discourage my guy, but Sora is the least good looking among our group that day, while he wasn't particularly ugly, he wasn't that good looking either.

He's the definition of 'average', but in reality it's only his looks that are average, his IQ however, is an entirely different matter.

He's smart as hell, not to mention wise, what's intelligence if you're not wise? It means bad decisions.

Why do you think there's a lot of geniuses in history, but only a few who managed to get themselves to be remembered?

Now, there's Shiro who is an entirely different breed, a human being that is probably the closest thing to humanity's next step of evolution.

However, unlike her brother she isn't as wise, if I were to describe it, she's an AI that only follows the rules and logic behind its definition and never its illogical side.

Anyway, their eyes were on me, but I ignored it and simply focused both of my attention toward Bocchi and her friend.

"Hey, I've come to pick you up for lunch."

Bocchi nodded at me, this wasn't the first time I've picked her up for lunch in this school, so everyone from her class expected this, however at the same time they were curious about my relationship with her.

And it leads to a bunch of theories that few of them absolutely make no sense however, but there's a single theory conspiracy that was actually the truth and that is, I'm both dating her and D.

Since everyone knew at this point that I'm dating D or Wakaba Hiiro, which caused jealousy to the male and female ratio of this school.

I looked at Kamiya and decided to invite her. "What about you Kamiya-san, do you want to go to lunch with us? I'm sure Hitori would be happy to have you join us."

Bocchi became flushed at those words, and inwardly agreed with my statement.

But to my disappointment and understanding, she refused politely. "I'm sorry, I'll have to pass for now. Gotō-san, I'll see you later today."

After that without a word, she left the classroom.

Hitori was a bit sad that her friend rejected, but I was quick to consult her, and said. "We'll get her next time, don't worry too much."

It was understandable that she refused as she only knew Hitori and wasn't close to the rest of my friends.

Hitori nodded and then followed me after.

Lunch was mundane, which was honestly preferable to the majority of us, with the excitement of what occurred the last few days.

Having a dull lunch seemed better compared to that uncomfortable event in the cafeteria.

Either way, after we finished our lunch. It wasn't surprising to see the siblings play a game on their mobile phones.

It was a fighting game, a bit popular in japan right now, since it gives the player a certain degree of freedom in their movement, so unpredictability is a thing here.

It's like Tekken but in mobile instead, and currently the siblings are the top players in the game right now, the number 1 in the global ranking system.

The unbeatable legend [], honestly I have no idea how they managed to get that name accepted.

But hey, since it works. They ain't complaining.

"Hey Alex, want to play?" Sora asked with a grin on his face.

"And just to lose? No, thank you." Honestly, I'm not sure about losing, sure if it's just my gaming skills then I'd surely lose, but if I autopilot using my [ Path To Victory ] I might win.

Now, before you complain that I'm guaranteed to win using my skill, no that's certainly wishful thinking.

They once or will be able to beat a god, not just any god but a god of games, which is the concept of 'games' itself, something that should be impossible to beat in a game.

But they did anyway, so the chances of my skill winning is slim, but it would be a lie to say that I'm not curious about the result, maybe next time.

Because right now, there's no way we'll be able to finish in a short amount of time, lunch break is just a little over an hour.

It was afternoon and everyone who isn't part of a club is on their way back home, that includes me.

But surprisingly D, is now part of a club which is very unlike her, but then again. She didn't need to keep up that Otaku personality in our previous school, since no one from this school knew about it anyway.

I'm guessing she's trying for the popular girl role this time, either way it's not my business.

Normally I would have left with Bocchi, but it seems that somehow Kamiya roped her into trying out for the volleyball club.

Plus Sora and Shiro live in a different district so I'm alone by myself, which was fine by me. A peaceful evening rarely happens to me nowadays so, it wouldn't be bad to experience this once in a while.

Or at least what I thought, before reality ripped by itself and a little girl fell from it and was now laying on the ground.

Thankfully, the fall was a short one, about a few feet only, that's why she's mostly fine.

I look at her and for some reason she looks really familiar, I know I saw her somewhere.

I can't just point where, but it didn't last long as she opened her eyes, and saw her full appearance and my mind clicked.

Those familiar golden eyes, black hair and a pink flower kimono.

"... I'm pretty sure this is somehow Zelretch's fault, I need to call Shirou right now asap, because his sister from another timeline is here."

That's right, this little girl lying beneath me is Miyu.

Miyu Emiya.

Shirou Emiya's adopted sister, slash also blood sister because of the wish.

After opening her eyes for a moment, she closed it once more and fainted.

Yeah, I can't let her lay down there.

I lift her up and bring her to my house to meet her 'technically' brother.

A/N: Miyu is here!
