
Girls Talk

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-Gotō Hitori-

"U-um….i-is really necessary for us to be here…?" Bocchi asked anxiously while looking at the people inside the cafe.

"Well, it is since I'd like our stomach to be filled as we talk, don't worry about paying though. It's my treat." Mitsuha smiled at her.

'B-but that's not the point!' Bocchi exclaimed inside her head, as a true introvert, naturally she isn't a people person.

She's scared of people, more scared of talking to them. Just imagining herself to be part of a conversation makes her heart leap out from her chest. It is a natural instinct for her to feel uncomfortable when there's a crowd, as she prefers a place where there aren't a lot of people around.

Either way, she could only nod as she thought disagreeing would offend Mitsuha.

Inside the cafe, Bocchi could only look at the floor, not bothering to look around the building, afraid of making eye contact with other people.

Because she focused on looking at the floor, it was inevitable that her head would hit something, and so her head hit one of the signs in the café.

"Ouch!" Quickly she held the part of her head that was hit by the sign to lessen the pain.

Mitsuha quickly helped her. "Are you alright?!"

"Y-yeah.." It wasn't really that painful, however the embarrassment she received from this blunder was much worse than the pain in her head.

Or at least that's what she thought.

'We haven't even talked, yet here I am ruining things already!' Bocchi has an urge to crawl into the trash can outside the cafe at the very moment, to avoid this embarrassment she's feeling right now.

"Thank goodness, you should be really careful with your surroundings." Mitsuha half scolded and half concerned.

She knows that now, and would heed that advice to heart. "I-i will…"

Mitsuha nodded and replied. "As long as you understand…"

It didn't take a few moments for them to arrive at the table of their choosing. It was in the very corner of the building where there weren't a lot of customers.

Bocchi could only sigh in relief knowing that she wouldn't have to deal with strangers around.

Now that they're seated, she doesn't know what to say, after all she doesn't know how to start a conversation, her mind went blank realizing that.

She has a dumb look on her face, thankfully Mitsuha didn't seem to notice her look.

After a few seconds, Mitsuha finally broke the ice and said. "Let's order something first."

Bocchi couldn't agree more, after that Mitsuha called for the waitress, because it's impossible for her to do the same thing, such a thing is simply hard for her who is an introvert to the core.

"Your orders ma'am?" She looks at Mitsuha and Bocchi patiently waiting for their orders.

Mitsuha didn't even blink, and replied in perfection or at least that's what Bocchi saw in her eyes.

"I'd like a vanilla milkshake and a strawberry shortcake please."

The waitress nodded and wrote down her orders in the note, then her gaze shifted to Bocchi making her feel nervous at the attention she was getting.

"What about yours ma'am?"

"C-chocolate parfait a-and a blueberry m-muffin shortcake.. please." Bocchi's heart was beating loudly as she finished speaking her orders.

Although confused by her stuttering, the waitress didn't say anything as the customer's problem wasn't her business, after taking their orders she left to deliver it to the chef.

"You really aren't a people person, Gotō-san?" Mitsuha said with a slight smile.

"W-well…" Bocchi didn't know how to answer that question.

"No need to answer it, I can understand your problem, at least the surface of it, sorry if I sound rude, because unlike you I don't really have a problem communicating with people in general as communication is pretty vital in our society." Mitsuha spoke as held both of her hands together.

"N-none taken…" Bocchi wasn't really offended as it is the truth.

"So…do you want to talk about it?" Mitsuha offered.

However, Bocchi was confused and replied. "A-about what…?'

"Your communication problems."

'O-oh, that's what she meant…' She thought as she listened to Mitsuha's words.

"A-are you sure t-that you want me to talk about it..? I-i don't think it would be a g-great topic for a conversation…" Bocchi muttered slowly.

Thankfully, Mitsuha heard her words clearly despite how low her voice was. "Probably, but I'm quite interested to know how you end up like this, I can understand if you don't want to talk about it."

"N-no…I'm fine with talking about my past, i-it's not like it's anything special anyway…" Bocchi then started talking about her childhood, while Mitsuha was listening with interest.

"I see…" Mitsuha said as she finished listening to her story.

"I-i just found socialize hard, not until I was in middle s-school my condition got worse…" Bocchi said.

"You know, I was expecting worse but I suppose your main problem is confidence, if you can gather that much communicating would be a simple matter." Mitsuha pointed out.

Like an arrow, it stabbed directly into her fragile heart, as it's the truth, she can't even refute that statement.

"Also, you shouldn't treat you lack of confidence as an illness because that's not healthy." Mitsuha noticed a particular moment that Bocchi treats her lack of confidence as a mental disorder.

It really isn't.

"R-right.." Bocchi was clearly skeptical, regardless she nodded.

Before they could resume their conversation, their orders finally arrived.

After their orders were placed at their table, Mitsuha decided to change the topic. "Anyway, it's your turn to ask me a question."

Bocchi wasn't quite sure what to ask her, however she was thankful that Mitsuha wasn't urging her to rush, after a full minute of thinking, finally she asked. "W-what's your relationship with Alex..?"

"Eh? What's with that question..h-he's just a friend…I think.." Mitsuha paused and suddenly regretted adding the last part.

"Y-you think…?" Bocchi asked with a bit of suspicious on her tone.

Mitsuha stared at the table, then to Bocchi, she originally wasn't going to mention this to anyone, but it bothered her for a while now, with no one to talk about this sort of problem.

This was a perfect chance for her release this pent up emotions. "Well…it's complicated…my relationship with Alex lately is…I honestly don't know how to describe it."

Mitsuha then stared at her directly into the eye and admitted. "I had sex with him."

Hearing that Bocchi heart stopped for a moment and after that depression followed. 'D-did he cheat on me.. ?'

Bocchi was struggling not to cry until, Mitsuha continued. "It was 3 weeks ago when it happened…I tried to act like I normally do, but it's getting harder not to while in his presence…"

Hearing that, the depression immediately disappeared from her heart, they did the deed 3 weeks ago, they weren't dating at that time, as she couldn't careless about what his actions before they started dating.

As they weren't in a relationship at that time, it simply wasn't her business to pry on his actions before.

"O-out of curiousity, h-how does it feel to have s-sex..?" Bocchi cheeks were red when she asked that particular question.

"W-what's with the bold question..?!" Mitsuha wasn't immune, she turned red as she remembered that particular moment.

Despite how direct that question may be, she answered. "I-it was painful at first, as he broke my hymen…I don't have a lot of experience with guys…h-he's honestly the first boy that I have a sexual intercourse with.. anyway after that short moment of pain, even eventually it started to feel good…"

Her face was still red as she mentions it, while Bocchi was breathing a bit heavier than usual.

"T-then..?" She couldn't contain her anticipation.

"H-he was really good, like he knows what he was doing…I'm pretty sure his dick reach my cervix…ahem* l-let's stop talking about this, I can't, it's so embarrassing not to mention inappropriate!"

It was too late, Bocchi was already getting an idea of what she should do next, talking about sex made her a bit horny, maybe she'd ask Alex to do it with her later…

She wasn't sure if he'd accept her request, but, hoping he would because she'd like to know what it's like to have sexual intercourse with the opposite gender and wanted to confirm if having a dick inside her is really good as mentioned.

Thinking about having sex with her boyfriend made her panties a bit wet, she was glad that she wore pants today or else, her adult stain would have been revealed.

'S-sex with Alex…' Her face slowly turned red, her nipples became a bit hard as she thought about it, she could hardly wait for Alex to arrive.

"Achoo~! Is there someone thinking about me? I hope it's not D." As I dreaded imagining what kind of sinful acts she was thinking right now.

A/N: Alright, the revelation is almost there, I wonder how Bocchi and Mitsuha would react.

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