

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

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294 AC


Robb sensed the urgency to calm the situation, taking a step forward and asserting, "Theon is generally level-headed and doesn't usually act like this. He must be really drunk to behave this way. Aermir, you should also consider that you played a major role in the quick fall of Pyke, and he holds you accountable for that."

Aermir's response was casual yet firm as he downed a substantial gulp of ale, "I couldn't care less about his reasons. It seems you're not aware that the squid can't stop gossiping about me and Jon. He's constantly badmouthing us."

Sansa and Arya, sensing the opportunity, stood by Aermir's side, joining the conversation. Sansa chimed in, her voice carrying a touch of exasperation, 

"Honestly, Robb, you should know what Theon does when you're not around. He not only looks down on Jon but also actively stirs up trouble by encouraging others to mistreat him."

Arya, never one to hold back, added with a touch of annoyance, 

"And he's not innocent when it comes to Aermir either. He spreads rumors and tries to tarnish Aermir's name at any chance he gets. And don't act like this is new to you. We constantly told you what he does, but you never believed us."

Robb's expression shifted from initial surprise to realization, and a hint of regret crept into his voice, "I can't believe I've been so blind to his actions. I've been too naive."

Aermir, with a playful grin, intervened, "Well, Robb, don't beat yourself up. People like having their own personal ass-kissers, don't they? You were no different."

He extended a new cup of ale toward Robb, his tone lightening, "But hey, let's not dwell on that. Here's to real friendship."

Robb accepted the cup, a wry smile tugging at his lips, "To real friendship." They clinked their cups together, the chime resonating through the hall.

As the evening continued, the atmosphere grew more relaxed. Laughter and banter filled the air as they shared stories, jokes, and fond memories. The misunderstandings and tensions of earlier seemed to have dissipated under the constant flow of ale.

Dacey Mormont's approach to their table heralded a change in the evening's tone as she extended an invitation to Aermir for a dance. At that moment, Aermir felt as if a malevolent entity lurked right behind him. He could swear Night King was right behind him. The intensity of the atmosphere was reminiscent of the battlefield, yet this time, it was not the chaos of war that he faced but an entirely different kind of conflict. The tension between Sansa and Dacey was palpable, and it seemed Sansa's gaze could conjure lightning to strike Dacey down. Their eyes locked in a silent battle.

As the standoff ensued, Robb and Jon seemed to hold their breath, awaiting the outcome of this clash. The silence was shattered by a verbal exchange that mirrored the intensity of their glares. Words were thrown like daggers, with each of them asserting their claim to Aermir's company for the dance.

Aermir found himself in a precarious situation. He didn't want to humiliate the other by accepting one of their invitations. He turned his gaze toward Arya, a silent plea for assistance. Arya, ever the opportunist, saw a chance for mischief and did not rush to Aermir's aid. Instead, she seized the moment to strike a deal, an impish smile playing on her lips. Aermir's sigh was barely audible, knowing exactly what Arya was after. He whispered, 

"She won't let you ride her, Arya."

Arya's eyes lit up mischievously, 

"Oh, but that's the payment I want."

-Sith, I am in danger.-

A sudden surge of rage emanated from Sith. He had unknowingly enraged her. Sith was ready to leap into action and burst through the window of the Great Hall, believing Aermir's life was genuinely threatened. Aermir quickly clarified his words, assuring Sith that he was not in any immediate danger.

-It is figuratively, not in reality!-

-What do you mean, master?-

-I need you to make a compromise, Arya wants to...-

-No! She's not a cub anymore, and I won't allow it. I'm not a horse. Why is she so obsessed with riding me?-

Aermir tried to reassure her, 

-You're a magnificent creature. Who wouldn't want to ride you?-

Sith's resistance seemed to weaken under Aermir's coaxing. Aermir could imagine Sith raising her head proudly and posing while saying. 

-Yes, I am magnificent, and it would be a great honor to be able to ride me. Wait a minute, no! It is not going to work this time, master.-

-Just play with her for a little while, then.-

-Ten minutes, and no riding.-

-Half an hour.-


While talking with Sith, he was talking with the girls too. Juggling the dual conversations, Aermir negotiated with Arya, the tension at the table slowly subsiding. He whispered to her, 

"No riding, but you can play with her for half an hour."

Arya pushed a bit further, 

"One hour."

Aermir held his ground, "Half an hour, non-negotiable."

"Deal, I would have accepted 10 minutes." Arya agreed, her victory evident in her triumphant smile.

With a triumphant grin, Arya turned toward Sansa and Dacey, making her claim, 

"He promised to dance with me."

The dance ensued, but after the dance, Aermir excused himself, announcing that he was feeling drunk and tired, using the diversion to extricate himself from the situation. He managed to evade offense while not openly refusing their invitations, sparing the dignity of the young women involved.

As he moved away from the dance floor, a new thought began to nag at Aermir's mind. Amid the swirl of the festivities, he realized he had never been with a woman in an intimate way. In his previous life, he had lost his virginity during his high school years. But in this existence, he had been consumed by survival, lordly responsibilities, and establishing his power. The fleeting realization left a curious mixture of contemplation and longing in his heart. He was a twenty name day old virgin.
